Which Eyedrop Are The Best To Soothe Heavy Eyes

Which eye drops are good for dry eyes?

First of all it has to be established that a person suffers from dry eye.A few tests are conducted and then the degree of dryness is establishedNow depending on how severe or mild dryness is, medicines are prescribed.Simply putting eye drops might help in mild casesIn severe cases additional medication needs to be provided.Punctal plugs are also used.It is not possible to treat you without a thorough examination or without knowing the severity of your dryness.If you are unsatified with your treatment, u may very well get a second opinion.

Best cure for dry eyes?

Dry eye is really a whole body condition that affects your eyes. Nutrition is really important and there are several different vitamins and supplements that you can take to improve the condition. Eat lots of leafy green veggies and drink lots of water. Cut back on sugar and artificial sweeteners. Avoid smoking and coffee.

I found a lot of information about diet and specific drops to take here:

Be very careful about the drops that you take and be sure that they do not contain preservatives because they can actually make the condition worse.

What is the best eye drops for red eyes in india?

Are you suffering from red eyes? If you come across the following symptoms, you may be having red eyes. The very common syndromes are swollen and heavy eyelids, watery eyes, a gritty feeling in the eyes, a burning sensation and stringy white discharge. These noticeable indications point out at red or bloodshot eyes. The appearance of red color on the sclera is not a matter of severity until it has other complications alongside. It is recommended to use an eye drop for red eyes if it’s not serious. Those drops are over the counter drops that can be used without any diagnoses. If the following listed are your causes of red eyes, these drops are useful.• The dirty environment with lots of effluents that irritate your eyes or increased number of pollen count on a particular day• Any seasonal eye allergy or Watery eyes can trigger red eyes• Improper eyewear or using contact lenses for too long can also be a reason for red eyes• Insufficient sleep can also cause red eyes. Therefore, it is imperative to have a sound sleep• Constantly rubbing eyes should be avoided because it may lead to red eyes• Stagnant cold can sometimes make a red appearance of the eyesThese causes are usually ignored and eventually it leads to red eyes. However, if the appropriate eye drops for red eyes is not used, it may worsen the condition instead of curing it. Usually, every eye drop is added up with some preservatives. While some drops may contain over preservatives that may not suit one’s eye and have some side effects. One can use the over the counter eye drops that need no prescription, but make sure they are naturally formulated and perfectly safe for use. One of the best red-eye drops that one can look for is ITIS eye drop. This has natural herbal ingredients one can always look for. This drop treats common conditions of red eyes within a week.However, one should always look for diagnose in case it is not treated soon as it may have some serious reason.

GenTeal eyedrops in urethra?

I am not a doctor, just a regular guy. the stuff is sterile, and is not hurting you, so I think you are fine. the piss should have cleaned out any that was left. don't worry about it. and yes I understand what you mean when you have that need it is hard to think straight.

What is the best eye drops for pterygium?

A pterygium can only be removed by surgery. But even so, there is a very high rate of recurrence after the surgery. This is why it is only recommended that you remove it if it is affecting your vision,

There are no eye drops that will help remove the pterygium. You can however use drops such as artificial tears to help with any associated dryness and redness or steroid eye drops if there is any severe inflammation.

Eye drops burn my eyes, how else can I treat dry eye after tonometry, biomicroscopy and eye strain?

You are currently using the wrong type of eye drops, you need to choose a better type of lubricating eye drops. If you are still facing a burning sensation in the eye, it means that you are suffering from a severe case of dry eyes. And if it still persists, you need to go the eye doctor.Want some more help? - Best ophthalmologist hospital and eye clinic in Mumbai

Are eye drops supposed to burn?

I bought the allergy eye drops because my eyes have been itching and burning lately so i was figuring it was allergies or something but the eye drops BURN!!!

It feels like i'm pouring acid into my eyes.
I don't have health insurance and cannot go to an opthomologist to have them checked out either just in case if it's my own eyes that are the problem.

the burning stops 5 minutes afterwards though.

Is this normal?