Which Guy Has A Prettier Face

For guys: Pretty face or big breasts?

Well, my answer is completely based off of opinion, so I wouldn't use the knowledge for judging, or predicting other guys... Anyways...

I was blessed with a beautiful girlfriend that's got both big breasts and a pretty face, but... In my opinion... I actually wouldn't mind if her breasts were smaller... Personally, I prefer smaller, perkier breasts, but that's just me... Plus... When you've got a smoking hot body, but an ugly face... It kind of ruins the rest... I don't care about looks however... I'd rather date someone that looks like a fat Michael Jackson in the morning, and has a personality that is perfectly compatible with mine, than date a bitchy supermodel...

I hope that I helped... If you want to speak to me personally, feel free to email me at

Xanax Xaq on Xtasy

This guy said I have a PRETTY FACE...?

So, there's this guy that I went to lunch with. We hit it off and have been texting a lot and took two of our lunch breaks together. Yesterday we were talking and he said, "You have a really pretty face" like two times. I'm wondering...if he says that I have a pretty FACE, does that mean the rest of me is so-so? I've heard he likes big girls, and I'm pretty petite (But not thin, small waist and kinda big boobs and butt), but he just kept saying that I have a pretty face. :/ What does it mean when a guy says that? Does it mean the rest of you isn't AS pretty as your face?

Do guys prefer a pretty face or good body?

pretty face. you can always work on the body.

This guy still thinks that I do not have a pretty face after I got a makeover. Does this mean that I am applying my makeover incorrectly?

Question answered: A guy still thinks I am unattractive after I started wearing makeup. Does this mean I am applying my makeup incorrectly?This is a very sad question.There is no relationship whatsoever to your skill in applying makeup and how this guy feels about you.Women have been brainwashed to think that all they need to do is buy the most popular cosmetics and they will instantly become beautiful in the eyes of the men they like.Like I said, this is a sad commentary on how society gets women to purchase makeup. TV commercials use this narrative to sell products. The women who work at beauty counters worldwide push this narrative. And women themselves do this too by trying to compete with other women about who’s wearing the best/most popular/most trending/most expensive makeup products.Reading this question actually made me nauseous.No, the guy who still thinks you’re unattractive feels this way for any number of personal reasons, none of which are related to your makeup application skills.It’s questions like this one that make me want to scream sometimes.

Would guys rather choose a pretty face or a nice body?

I actually wondered this same thing myself and found research that said that on average men prefer a pretty face over a nice body.But just know that this is all within context. An overweight girl with a nice face will still struggle in dating more than a average looking girl with a nice body.I think the study dealt with averages… So two girls with average bodies the guy will usually choose the girl with the better face.Also unfortunately the study said that guys will see the girl with the sexy body but average face only as a sexual companion not as a long-term partner whereas the girl with the overweight body but pretty face though she will not have as many guys pursuing her the men who do will see her as a long-term partner…. Though she will still get less long-term pursuers than the average face with average body girl.So yeah… science. The better looking the face the more men want a woman the more overweight or tall a woman the less a guy wants her…And of course a girl with great face and body is highly pursued afterAgain these are averages they do not represent all men.

Guys: Girl with bad body and pretty face or girl with great body and ugly face?

I'd like to see what guys opinions are because I'm competing with this other girl for a guy and she has a blonde hair/blue eyes and a very pretty face but she has a flat butt, average sized boobs, and no curves. I wouldn't say that I'm ugly but my face isn't that pretty honestly but I have a big butt, big boobs, and small waist. I have a more toned body then she does and she's also really pale and I have tan skin, brown hair, and hazel eyes.

Do guys like a pretty face or curves more?

The reason I ask is cuz I am curvy and my twin sister is skinny but has such a pretty face (not just pretty but its pretty flawless). Guys I have liked in the past admit I am cute but my sister has a prettier face.... is this why I haven't gotten a guy cuz she has a prettier face than me... I have something she doesn't have :big boobies , hips, and a booty. I overheard one of my guy friends saying he prefers a pretty face. Ugh. But my sis is very skinny and and like a stick. She is 20 lbs underweight and I'm at my ideal weight. I always thought I was beautiful but now I realize its just my curves... my sis says she likes being the way she is cuz any guy who likes her, it isn't cuz he wants to get in her pants. PLEASE HELP!?

Pretty face, gross body, or vice versa?

It doesn't matter what a person looks like.It's all about the heart.If your girlfriend/boyfriend was in a terrible accident and their face was severely scarred or burned would you stop loving them?I hope not.What is truely beautiful?What does that really mean ?Most people have no clue..........

If a guy has an ugly face, does he have no chance with pretty girls?

I am so curious because I have never dated a pretty girl. I've seen pretty girls that are not great people (i.e. disrespectful, ignorant, bitchy, too conceited etc), but I have also known pretty girls who are smart, kind, and respectful. I have asked out some of them, but I get rejected all the time. I think i am a datable guy. I work hard, get good grades, treat ladies with respect, have a body that is in great shape, and know how to sing and dance. I am not very handsome though. I am not repulsive, but I know I am not handsome according to today's standards of handsomeness. Sometimes I am wondering if it's the face that keeps me from having success with pretty girls. Girls may notice other flaws of mine, but I wonder if the face is the biggest problem. Obviously I am pretty shallow because I like pretty girls, but I think most 19-year-old dudes are like me. There are many things I will never get so i guess i should be satisfied with what i can have and what i can do.