Which Human Was The Biggest Strongest And Most Masculine Pre Modern Humans

Are chimpanzees really stronger than humans?


there was a man interviewed on telly. he had been attacked by a chimp. before he knew what had happened, the chimp had bitten his nose completely off.

Chimps weigh as much as adult men when they are mature, but they remain smaller than men because their (chimps) muscle tissue is much more dense, therefore heavier, than mens muscle tissue.

They are definitely stronger than bodybuilders. Not only that, but the body of a chimp was designed to have such strength *naturally*, so they are less likely to damage their muscles/tendons/ligaments/bones when they pick you up and toss your around their cages.

The chimps and orangutans that everyone sees in the movies and on television that look so cute and cuddly? It is common for their owner's to have to resort to things like: wiring their teeth together (temporarily) so they cannot bite anyone when they are working; administering corrective shock therapy with special electric collars and/or stun guns.

They are one of the worst choices for a pet possible.

Could an absolute strongest possible human win in a fight against a chimpanzee?

I'm talking ridiculously strong, fully built male humans, like Arnold Schwz, or the worlds strongest man? These guys muscles are so large they're exploding out of there arms, and yet, whenever I run the question, everybody says a Chimpanzee would always win?

Is it ever possible for a fully-built super-strong human to win in a fight against a male Chimpanzee? If you look at a photo of a chimp, and then at somebody like Arnold Schwz, he's just SO much larger. So where is the chimp getting all this strength from?

Are neanderthal women as strong as or stronger than human men (muscle-wise)?

If I remember correctly, Peter McAllister in Manthroplogy claimed that Neanderthal women had biceps the size of the average European male. Because this is the case, Neanderthal women would likely have been considerably stronger. Why? Because they had shorter forearms in relation to their upper arms. Neanderthal men, on the other hand, are a totally different story. La Ferassie 1 was estimated to have a mass of 85 kilograms, standing at only 172 cm. Font de Foret— a whopping 84 kg at a height of only 162 cm! Just look at their bones— it seems as though they have an industrial grade skeleton!

Which early human species was the fastest?

Well the only species that were humans are Homo Sapiens

Modern humans are homo sapien sapiens.

Now probably home sapien nethandathalis (nethandatals) were the strongest of the humans. But they were wiped out by the smarter Homo Sapien Sapiens.

There is a theory that it is the species best at getting food is the one that become dominant, not the strongest.

Going back further you might think Homo Erectus was stronger, but in fact early pre humans were usually smaller.

Australopithecus was even smaller though they were the first that was fully upright in stance.

I would suspect as humans evolved from Australopithecus to modern humans we became faster. You see upright stance is not very natural and Australopithecus is suspected to suffer a lot from back pain and other issues from its stance.

The reality is that we don't really know. We only have fragments of most of these species.

Which human race is scientifically proven as the strongest race?

The idea of “race” is a cultural idea, not a scientific one. To put it another way, once upon a time people were classified by skin color, hair type, nose shape and eye shape. However it turns out that you can get any mix of these characteristics anywhere, especially in places like Africa where people have lived the longest. It’s probably easier to say that humans are like wolves, foxes, dogs and wild dogs, all of whom have a great deal of variation despite being part of the same species. Two creatures are said to be of the same species if they can mate and have fertile offspring. Any fertile heterosexual human couple can do that — no matter what they look like!At different times in history, it has seemed that one “race” or another was supreme. It has always turned out to be a dangerous illusion. Intelligence is so important that it is distributed evenly among all human populations.It’s far easier to say that at different times different cultures were supreme, usually because they happened to have the better weapons. In this age, it looks less and less like anybody is supreme. Once upon a time, most scientists seemed to be Europeans or of European descent. That began to shift more than a hundred years ago, when Japanese scientists started publishing papers. For the moment, the US is said to be the “most powerful nation.” But although the US seems to be somewhat European, its population is now from everywhere that humans come from. And many of its scientists are actually of non-European descent. Its military is similarly a deep mix of people. And despite its strength, its opponents have adapted to American weaknesses, like not wanting to commit enough power to “finish the job” quickly.

Were humans giants in the past?

What do you mean by “giant”?What do you mean by “human”?What do you mean by “past”?The modern human being today, on average, is among the biggest our lineage has ever been. But there have been some points in the past where the average “human” may have been bigger.At the every end of the neolithic, just before the agricultural revolution, the average Homo sapiens appears to have been just slightly taller than the modern average today. The late-neolithic hunter-gathering humans may have been on average the healthiest humans who ever lived. With the discovery of farming, the average size and overall health dropped precipitously, as early farming did not provide as healthy or diverse as diet as hunting and gathering did, although it could support much larger numbers of less healthy people. As farming techniques improved, people started getting bigger and healthier again, but only in the very recent past has the average human size caught up (almost) with the peak in the late Neolithic.Based on available fossil evidence, at least some populations of our precursor species, H. heidelbergensis, our shared common ancestor with Neanderthals, may have been bigger than modern humans on average, both taller and more robust.Among individuals, there are no known specimens of ancient humans or human relatives that are as big as the biggest known modern humans in recent times. People like Shaquille O’Neal, Andre the Giant, Yao Ming, etc are all bigger than any known ancient human ancestor.

What genetic advantages does the XX gene combination have have over the XY?

women are more likely to be Tetrachromacies. This mean you see on four levels of colour: Blue, Red, Yellow and Ulltraviolet. More women have this condition then men. In fact the same amount of women who are Tetrachromacies to men with colour blindness.