Which Is More Harmful To A Child A Pedophile Or An Abortionist Serious Answers Only .

What organization is protecting rapists and child predators.?

Planned Parenthood & the ACLU.

(Both give millions of dollars to the Democrat Party each Election.

When a child dies a slow painful death of cancer is god testing the child, the parents, doctors, or nurses?

When god lets a young child die a slow painful death for cancer who is god testing? Much like in the book of Job god destroyed everything that man cared about to test him. So I ask when a child dies of cancer who is god testing? The parents, or the child?

Pro-lifers, how would you feel if the baby you saved became an abortionist?

The fact is, when a fetus is aborted, the outcome of his or her life will never be known, and we sure could use a person to cure cancer. But the converse implies some kind of deterministic thinking and that is a different issue. Pro-life is about stopping the ridiculous slaughter of the unborn. It isn't about valuing life--that's liberals' gig.

How would I feel? That I had saved a life. I'm not accountable for what someone else does with his life.

What Do u think about aborotion ?

I think it depends but I guess it is very mean ...u should be pretty sure befor gettin in any sexual intercourse ...If u did Somethin that u regreted for then u gotta take responisablitiy for what u have done !!!

A book about a man who lures little kids to his house, then kills them and sell their body parts?

Not this. You wouldnt be able to sell this to a publisher or agent on earth. Believe me, the idea of child molestation is not really big among the publishing world. Agents feel very uncomfortable with it and publishers don't want it. It gives them a very bad reputation and reputation is everything to a publisher or agent. Many state right up front they will not read anything like this rot. You would be wasting your time. Besides, The Fifth Vial was a great book about body part selling. Minus the kids and the torture. Maybe this gets you off - and maybe it will be a big hit on pedophile websites, but it will never end up in bookstores. Trust me on that. Spare me the details. Pedophilia doesn't interest me. Or anyone else. The perverts who read this crap don't buy books. They ummm .. manipulate themselves while reading it on the internet for free. Sorry. This is just sick. Pax - C