Which Is Much Important

Who is more important: a wife or a sister?

Always remember one thing that - your wife has come to you by leaving her father, mother, brother, sister, even her home where she spent her childhood.She left everything after getting married just for you.Now it should be your responsibility to take care of her and treat her well.Your sister will also do the same, she will also give up her family for her life partner and after this it would be her husband's duty to treat her in the same way like her family used to do with love.Now after this your sister will find her husband more important than her family because she has started a new family and it should be her top duty to give importance to her new family.In the same way you as a husband should also give priority to your wife and your new family first.But it doesn't mean you should forget your sister and your parents, you should always support them whenever they need you and your wife's duty should be to support you in doing this.A good wife is someone who treat her husband's family in the same way like her own. And same definition is applicable with husband too.But if your wife's behavior is not good and she always tries to see your sister down without any reason then for sure you need to see who is right and according to it you should try to make justice and support the one who deserve.I have heard of many cases where a person had to leave his caring parents and his kind sister just because of wrong behavior of his wife.So, it's somehow depend on the character of your wife and also of your sister.Thanks.

Why is the future more important than the past?

The main reason that the future is more important than the past is because the future holds promise and is unwritten, it is a promised life of setting goals and achieving those goals, and gives you the ability and the willingness to dream and to have something to work toward. The past has already been written. And although, the mistakes from the past are to teach us, If a person continually lives in the past he can not possibly look to the future if he keeps looking backwards instead of forward.

What is more important: TIME or MONEY?

Time with a caveat - you must make the minimum amount of money for food and shelter. Life is short and money doesn’t buy happiness, but not being able to pay bills for basic necessities is a surefire path to anxiety and depression.Time, however, is the very reason to live at all. Our lives are a short burning fuse and each day we get closer to death. Therefore, I think it’s important to cram as much fun and joy into that time period as possible. The quality of a life, imo, is the ratio of happy to unhappy moments and the vast, VAST majority of my happy time has been during free time.Now your gut reaction may be “But Mike, if you only live to seize the day and avoid excess work then you aren’t being responsible and contributing to society! This YOLO attitude will get you in serious trouble!” To which I reply -I’m not telling you to be irresponsible. Every action you take affects the future in some way, and using your free time irresponsibly will make your future worse. Therefore irresponsible use of free time still goes against my mantra of maximizing happiness. You may have a ton of fun getting wasted and having casual sex today, but that could punish you tenfold the amount of pleasure you got in future times. My attitude is not about giving into temptation. And yes, using your free time to help others and contribute to society can make you happier.Always plan ahead. Use your time to make your future better. Make sure you earn a living and are able to remove stressful situations like worrying about how you’re going to pay rent. Just don’t overdo it! Some people spend their entire lives preparing for the future and forget to have joy on a daily basis. By the time they’ve built up their nest egg and gone into retirement, they’ve lost much of their energy, mental faculties, and years of potential fun. It is then a waiting game for the diagnosis that will end their lives. That’s if they made it that far in life and didn’t die a premature death.You never know when the end is coming, so if you forget to enjoy life now you may find that it’s too late before you know it. Money is for preventing negative feelings, but free time is for generating positive feelings.

Which is more important? MOney or your values?

My values are more important, but there is a point that I would sell out on SOME of those beliefs due to money. Not all of them though. Abortion is one I wouldn't change my beliefs for for all the money in the world.

So which do you value more: Money or your values. Can you be bought?

Which is more important in life: Money or Love?


Each and one of above subjects are important.

Money : Money is nowadays what we need. No money, nothing you can proceed
at the moment.

Love : Love is something what human need. Life would be a little empty without

What is more important in life: money or people?

Some people are important, some money is important...Though for people, money can be important and people can be importantMoney is a people made construct, and has no value on its own.If you don't have money, you can still have power over people. If you don't have people, you can't have power over them. (Though I recommend not to abuse that power)For many people, money can be an obsession, and even unknowingly they harm people by obtaining more money... as such it seems to an outsider that they might consider money more important.You can live without money, but without any social contact is much harder.And some people are so harmful that the importance of excluding them from society is higher than any amount of money they can offer (we'll just take that from them as well).

Which is more important: sleep or homework?

Well I know you all or going to say to get off yahoo answers, but I would really like to know your opinions on this. It's almost midnight and after school I had to go to work. I have been doing my homework ever since I got home and I am completely burned out. AND I have to get up at 6 to go to school. But I still have a good 1-2 hours of homework. So should I just blow it off and go to bed? Or stay up and get behind on my sleep for the rest of the week?

Is education more important or love?

The most important thing in this life is love. I understand that an education is very important. I am currently in my third year of college, but I would drop out the person I loved needed me. I know what matters in the end.

What is the most important beauty or attitude???

I have woken up practically praying to the woman God that my wife would have a good attitude that day. When she does she's beautiful and I remember why I was initially attracted to her. I am attracted to someone who's laughing with her kids rather than some super model in a bikini walking by with a nasty look on her face.

Attitude. But I'm 41 and have learned that looks only last until the next morning anyway, then personality takes over and that's what you have to live with. I'd rather have an ugly woman with a beautiful personality to spend my life with.

Which is most important, health or happiness?

Directly coming from my experiences- Majority of my childhood, I had seen life threatening, discomforted, anxious and overwhelming. I’ve had severe anxiety issues right from 9 years of age. It was unexplained and there were instances which really triggered it. It was really hard to understand the underlying root cause of it.This behaviour actually shaped my personality at a point. Escapism, avoiding stressful situations, not getting close with anyone because of fear of rejection and disagreement. It was not a personality I felt I had, but what became of me because of those underlying causes. I preferred staying at home, avoiding social interactions and outside stress. But there were things that made me really happy and comforted. In these moments, something else came out of me, a different- really enjoyable personality, open to people, open to experiences and ideas.Thank the higher power that I was into fitness and sports which i resumed at a point in my life. I didn’t even notice at the time but when I was regularly playing or working out- I felt like a different, relaxed and proactive person. The reason was HEALTH. I had a respiratory problem which became better when I involved in physical activities. Once I could see this, there was no looking back. I came back on track and realized - Health is the most important of all. Without it you cannot freely experience life and enjoy it - be productive and be yourself. So my idea is if you are healthy you WILL make yourself push yourself to doing what makes you happy. It does not work the other way around. Part of therapy was mindfulness and meditation as well. I would share a post for you to understand the happiness angle here with this post written by Steve Lee - The truth behind happiness