Which Is The Purest Form Of Light Darker Light Or Lighter Light

Are Filipinos dark or light skinned?

Indigenous people of the Philippines have dark brown to black skin color.Filipinos really come in different colours because of hundreds of years under Spain, early Chinese settlers, Americans during and after the war till present and how Filipinos are spread out across the world.Depending on which kind of area you look in, majority of Filipinos have brown to light brown skin. If you look in depressed areas, you’re more likely to see dark skinned people, but the thing with our skin is, we darken quite easily. Even if you put us under the sun for only a few minutes. Those who are in depressed areas are always under the sun.Regular people in the middle class are a mix of people having dark brown, brown and light skin. Majority of which is still light brown to brown skin.Filipinos who have light skin are also common but they are not the majority. Usually, the ones with light skin come from a family with mixed heritage and their names are commonly Spanish. While the dark skinned Filipinos commonly have more Filipino sounding names, like mine. My mother has a Spanish name, she has light skin. While my father has a Filipino name and has light brown skin. I have brown to light brown skin. Sorry for talking about myself, but I guess I have no better example than myself because I am Filipino.Filipinos today are really a mix. However, the majority still has brown to light brown skin.

Why do dark skin black people dislike light skin black people?

This light skin...dark skin thing is getting old man.


If red/blue light makes purple, then what 2 colors make up violet?

It depends on who you talk to. For an average person, there is no difference between violet and purple.To an optical physicist, colors are represented by the CIE diagram:On this diagram, what we call violet is at 440 nm. It should be just a very deep blue. However, due to a quirk of our red cones absorbing violet light, we perceive violet light as purplish.The pure spectral colors are represented along the curved perimeter of the diagram. Everything inside the colored area is what normal human vision can perceive. The colors not on the curve but within the area are achieved with polychromatic light. This means that multiple wavelengths or more commonly, entire continuous bands of wavelengths produce those colors.The colors that a computer monitor or television set can produce are contained within the triangle. Magenta (or purple), because it is not on the curve is not a pure spectral color and can never be produced with monochromatic light.Specifically, violet can only be produced by narrowband light between about 400 and 460 nm. Purples and magentas are combinations of mostly red and blue light, but a small amount of green light just desaturates the magenta and we still recognize it as magenta. The desaturated magentas are usually called “pink.”Historically, violet, purple, and magenta have had different meanings from the meanings adopted today by international scientific agreement. The average person can not be expected to adopt a scientific definition, so there can not be a universal answer to your question.If you are wondering why brown or gray or silver is not shown on the diagram, be aware that brown is just dark reddish orange and gray is dark white. Now silver is a completely new question. I answered it here[1] .Footnotes[1] Bill Otto's answer to Paper is white because it reflects all light, and mirrors reflect all light, so why don't they look the same?

Is light pure energy? Is there anything that resembles pure energy?

There is no such thing as "pure energy". Energy is a quantity, not an entity. It is a quantity associated with the fundamental fields of the universe. It is a bit like how there is no such thing as pure mass; mass is something particles have, and it doesn't make any sense for it to exist on its own.The only way to define "pure energy" that makes a bit of sense is energy that isn't associated with matter. Light is not matter, so you could say light energy is "pure energy", but honestly this is pretty meaningless, since all "forms" of energy really have the same properties. You basically only hear this when people repeat the factoid that matter-antimatter annihilation produces "pure energy". And that's not even entirely true, since in addition to photons you may also get electrons, positrons, and neutrinos.

What is the relation of the emission of colored light to the internal structure of atom?

The internal structure of an atom (in terms of its protons and neutrons) will create regions which are called orbitals. We commonly think of atoms according to the Bohr model, where electrons orbit the nucleus like little planets. This model is wrong. the truth is that we can only determine the location of an electron based on a statistical model, and that gives us regions where electrons are more likely or less likely to be found if we searched for them there. These areas where electrons are most likely to be found are called orbitals.

The orbitals differ in energy states. An electron in a high orbital needs high energy, and electrons with less energy will be at lower orbitals. When the number of electrons and protons are equal (ie the atom is not an ion) and the electrons occupy all of the lowest energy orbitals possible, that is called the ground state.

if an electron at the ground state gets extra energy, it can jump to a higher orbital. However, the various orbitals require certain, specific amounts of energy, and the energy gaps between the orbitals are specific amounts of energy, based on the orbital structure dictated by the nucleus (the details of all of this require some of the ugliest differential equations and eigenfunctions you're likely to ever see). So the energy absorbed by an electron to jump from a low orbital to a high orbital must be of a specific amount. After time, the electron will eventually relax back to the lower orbital. When it does, it will release its excess energy in the form of a photon with the precise amount of energy that spearates the two orbitals.

For a given atom, there is a certain number of specific orbital transitions possible, and each possible transition will correspnd to a single band on the spectrum produced by the pure element when heated to. So while a given atom can give several colors, the number of colors it can give are limited.

What's up with the Light Skin/Dark skin thing?

It's just a form of discrimination within an ethnic group. So sad that everyone is not the same, but wouldn't it be a really boring world. Whites have the same thing, Pail skinned men are not considered as masculine and healthy. Pail women are considered sickly looking. Tanned or darker skin is seen as more attractive even if it is from a tanning bed. African Americans have a too dark or light hang up, and Whites have a too light or dark hang up too. Just like all discrimination it is even within each ethnic group. We are a culture that just see the out side of people and rarely stop to look inside to see the real person. It is much easier that way, no brain power necessary and the judgments can be made by the group who wants to prove their perfection.. I like to see how dark or light a person is inside (meaning good or bad). I couldn't care less what they look like outside. Society has cultivated these attitudes to get people to go along with the group.

Whites want to be darker and African Americans want to be lighter, as a rule, that way eventually we can all look the same. We should look to see what each individual is on the inside, rather then judging people in such superficial terms. Besides none of us are really pure so to speak, we are usually a blind of many races, religions, beliefs, and heritages.

I probably should not have gotten into this discussion, but I think it is important that people realize it happen to everyone in one way or another. It's also important for people to realize not all people are seeing things with blinders on their eyes and minds.

Why is Darker skin considered bad?

What people fail to understand is that its the colonizing culture that has imposed alot of its beauty mores on us. For example In the America's the european british in north america gave a standard of beauty of blond hair blue eyes as something to be strived for. The European colonizers of central and south america, the spanish have also give similar mores to the cultures and regions, albeit slightly maybe more on the brunette side, that is dark brown hair, light skin, and caucasian features are the strived for in Hispanic countries of central and south america. The european portugese (brazil) and the french (quebec, haiti, french caribbean) societies might of fared slightly better, as far as I know (I mean typical african featured soccer superstar and national treasure Pele dated typical european blond blue eyed Xuxa in Brazil withouth so much as batting a eyelash back in the 80's). Even non-european cultures imposed this, such as India, suffered color obsession due to central asian tribes (related to the Iranians/Afghans) putting a lighter colour is better more onto the dark skinned natives of India through the Vedicized Hindu religion (there were original local(dravidian/tribal) religions that became absorbed by the vedics later)

Fortunately in North American (former british colonies) there were" black is beautiful" pride movements and a decolonizing of the minds.

In central and south american hispanic countries though, the people were so mentally colonized, they would try to escape african identities whenever they could, for example in the dominican republic a typical african featured looking individual wouldn't proudly say he/she was black, they would say they were Indio(indian) and if they were lighter they would claim their european side of the ancestry claiming almost white.

Its funny because there is a unacknowledged racism in those countries and subtle form in the US by Hispanics, by the light skinned european types against the darker african and native amerindians, but nobody will talk about or admit to it, or claim its just all in fun( racial jesting at another's expense is fun?). Only recently some african descent individuals in those countries have started to challenge the accepted status quos of society, more power to them.

Why are Igbos in Nigeria light-skinned despite being from West Africa?

First off i’ll correct the stereotype.Not all igbos are light-skinned.You’ll find chocolate, ebony, and dark skinned ladies/guys among them. Also, light skinned women/guys are not restricted to Igbo alone but it cut across all Nigerian tribes as I've seen some pretty light-skinned folks from other tribes.Yes it “does” seem that there is a high percentage of lighter skinned igbos and I can’t say for sure where that comes from.I once read somewhere that this phenotype exists in significant quantities in the New World descendants. There are a number of New World Africans with high West African aDNA with a lighter range of complexion. Like many other West African traits, it has been misidentified as recent admixture.So this lends to my theory that just maybe light skinned-ness isn’t necessarily related to the “caucasoids” as would seem to be the predominant belief.Or maybe it’s just the fact that the dense rain forests of this area didn’t necessitate the high production of melanin.BUT more importantly, what’s this obsession (maybe not by you) with how light a person is?Honestly some of the most beautiful people I’ve met are very dark skinned. Probably in a higher ratio actually. And at the end of it all. Light or not, you will eat, sh*t, feel pain and die like every single other person.Black people everywhere should relish their powerful pigmentation.POWER TO THE MELANIN'S.

Do light skin guys date Black girls?

yes, we do. People are dont matter. just who you if you can cook...then you are definatly in ; )

Does the dad determine a baby's colour?

It's half the father's and mother's the source of ingredients that determine the baby's colour. Skin color genes of both father and mother are combined to form the combination soup of four genes that makes the whole range of colors from snow white to an almost pitch black hue brown. I'm in the middle brown (which is called here in biology as mulato médio or, in popular, just mulato), because both my parents are in the middle. But I could be in the middle even if one of them was black and the other white. The combination of four genes related to skin colour is the responsible for this: two from each parent.Black genes are dominant in the combination. Children from a pure origin couple where one is white and the other is black have 100% chances of being born brown, it is, only mulatto kids will be born. Amongst the brown population, there are three degrees of brown skin. They are dark brown (which can easily visually be considered pure black), mid brown and light brown. As the miscegenation continues, the browner the population's skin get. As there are more combinations for mid brown skin, and as the black gene is dominant, more individuals in a population gets mid brown skin, which means that in the long run future, without pressure on segregation, the large majority of the population will get mid brown.There are three combinations of skin color gene that results in mid brown skin, against only two combinations for dark brown and light brown and only one combination for pure black or white. In a mid brown/mid brown couple, there is 6 out of 16 chances of babies coming in mid brown, against 4 out of 16 to dark to light brown skin (same probability each). Only one baby will be born from this couple with white or black skin (same probability each). So the odds are towards mid brown skin, just take a trip to Brazil, or a bus on Bronks and you will see.Human skin colorRace and ethnicity in Brazil