Which Is Worse A Kidney Stone Or A Cluster Headache

How do I get rid of acidity and headache?

Headaches – The most under treated conditionsHeadaches are common nervous disorders. Almost half of the adult population have had headaches at least once a year. Headaches are non-contagious, temporary and rarely fatal. Usually recurrent headaches are caused by personal and societal burden of pain, financial and other stress. Very few patients world-wide are diagnosed appropriately by a health care provider. People are also very reluctant to visit a doctor just for a headache.There are 4 main categories of headaches:1. Tension type HeadacheThis type of headache is caused by musculoskeletal problems. They can be chronic or episodic usually lasting for a few days or a few hours. Patients with this type of disorder feel like a tight band around the head.2. Cluster HeadacheIt is characterized by severe, frequent and brief episodes of pain. It is more commonly focused around the eyes often accompanied by a runny nose.3. MigraineThis can be a life-long condition. Nausea, vomiting, weight loss, loss of appetite are symptoms that are accompanied by migraine headache that last for a couple of hours to a couple of days. These headaches are most likely due to hormonal factors.4. Medication over use headacheThis is a secondary headache disorder caused due to medication over use.There are also some barriers to effective care• Public do not perceive a headache as a serious disorder. More than half of the public are found to be taking a self-treatment for headaches and are unaware of the effective treatments for the same.• A huge number of patients with headaches are not diagnosed and treated appropriately.Treatment for chronic headaches• Regular exerciseIt is observed in people with regular activities like swimming, jogging, walking, etc. experience fewer headaches.• PhysiotherapyBreathing exercises and relaxation techniques help to relieve a chronic tension type headache.• AcupunctureA combination of acupuncture with medical therapy may help to relieve daily chronic headache.Right kind of clinician training is required to treat proper headache disorders along with proper diagnoses and accurate treatment. Some kinds of headaches may not go completely but may develop less often and less severely. They may be eased better than taking a painkiller by taking preventive medications.

Which is worse, a kidney stone or a cluster headache?

I've never had a cluster headache but I have had a kidney stone. It's a pain you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy.

Cluster headache treatments?

800 mg ibuprofen (4 tabs of the OTC stuff), a cup of strong coffee (or a No-Doz pill) and, if you can feel where your clusters start (mine always start in the right temple), ice applied directly to that spot. I've also heard that drugs like Lyrica and Lamictal (anticonvulsants), which are usually prescribed for seizures, also tend to work for neuralgia, as well.

I've heard about the brain freeze idea, but I suggest you chug some ice water instead of ice cream or other cold food, as if your clusters/migraines are associated with nausea, food of any kind will probably only make things worse.

I'm also surprised that your docs won't give you Vicodin. All they'd need to do is prescribe you about 4 pills at a time, which you'd keep with you to use when your headaches start. I guess it would depend on how often you get your headaches. I mean, if you have them every day, then no, you probably won't get the vicodin.

Also, I've heard a rumor that regular sex will help with cluster headaches, although probably not while you've got a headache raging ;) Apparently an orgasm helps relax the same pathways that cause cluster headaches *shrug* At least it would be fun to try it and see ;)

Finally, a good diet and regular exercise, also good sleeping hygiene, can help with clusters and migraines. It seems that both types of headaches are associated to some degree with stress, and the idea is that reducing that stress will help prevent them. I know my migraines tend to occur when i'm not getting enough high-quality sleep. This might also explain why sex is helpful too, since having good sex reduces stress.

Also, have you seen a neurologist who specializes in headaches? They often have a lot more knowledge about these things than regular GPs.

Hope this helps you :)

What do you think is the worst pain a human can experience?

For men: Kidney stones or a testicular torsion.
For women: Giving birth