Which Nationality Has The Most Ethnically Diverse People

What is the most ethnically diverse country on earth?

It depends on what you mean by "ethnically diverse".

Do you mean, the country with immigrants from the most other places? Or the country with the most different culture/language/religious groups, within the one nation state?

The country with the most different languages is Papua New Guinea. Around 500 languages are spoken in PNG, and a total of around 700 across the whole island of New Guinea (the western half is the Indonesian Province of Papua).

The population of the United States is made up of immigrants from many different countries. In that regard it is pretty comparable to Australia, Brazil and Canada. But the US has traditionally had a strong tradition of assimilation. So although there are people from many backgrounds, everyone lives a largely "American" style of life. Obviously there are trappings of their former cultures - shops, restaurants, temples, churches and mosques, sometimes even schools - but second generation kids grow up as Americans.

In Australia and Canada, assimilation policies gave way to multiculturalism - less emphasis on conforming to a single style of life.

People who answer that the USA is the most ethnically diverse country have not, I suspect, travelled widely in other countries - certainly not to Brazil! There are a few hotspots for diversity in the US - perhaps New York - but even in large cities like LA or Chicago, it seems (to a foreigner) like miles and miles of cultural uniformity. Outside these few big cities, the US is extremely uniform. Obviously many immigrant backgrounds, but just one single culture (and frankly, a pretty bland one, even boring).

Whereas Brazil, for example - wow, words fail me. That's diversity!

In short, it is not possible to give an accurate answer without understanding more clearly what your criteria are, for "ethnically diverse".

Hope it helps a bit.

Is America the most multicultural/ethnically diverse country in the world?

Absolutely not .Even though today America has a large immigrant population and many many different cultures and ethnic groups on it's own soil, today it isn't nearly as ethnically or culturally diverse as many countries today .For ethnic diversity ( fearon's analysis)The sub Saharan and generally African countries top the list . There are hundreds if not thousands of ethnic groups mixed with colonial power migrants , which all make it extremely diverse .You'll also be surprised (at least I was) to find New Guinea topping the list . Today, 852 languages are spoken in that one relatively small country !USA is only 85th , behind countries like Chile! ( yup Chile is somehow more ethnically diverse than USA) .Short answer: No , today history makes that USA is not even close to being the most ethnically and culturally diverse country in the world . Thousands of languages being spoken in one continent:Africa , show just how diverse this continent is!To sum it up:Look at how greener Africa is compared to USA!

What is the definition of ethnic diversity?

The definition of ethnic diversity in my opinion, is a variety of different ethnic groups. Ethnic diversity may be a controversial thing due to the level of racism in this world. Many countries and nations may have strong resentment towards each other, so accomplishing the means of ethnic diversity may be seemingly impossible in certain locations because of countless stereotypes being built up due to biased statements that are created throughout history.

Ethnic diversity in my opinion, is a very beautiful thing. It allows people to get to know one another, and share cultural aspects. It also greatly reduces the chances of developing prejudice, racism, and phobias depending of the level of exposure a person is receiving when venturing to different nations to experience a variety of unique cultures.

Many different cultures have pros. It's good to remove stereotypes and realize the good things about people.

Why are white majority countries mostly ethnically diverse???

I'm a white american and I hate what this country is becoming... America use to be almost pure white, now with all these immigrants storming in and race mixing with my people, we're basically going to be the minorities in our own country. Why is it ok for Japan to be almost pure Japanese, China is almost pure chinese, India is almost pure Indian and not ok for the US to be pure white again.. Of course this problem also applies to the U.K, Canada and Australia as well.

so why are white majority countries mostly ethnically diverse????
why us??

Please dont say things like "ooooh native americans were here first so its not white"... Oh Please, you take a look at american history and see who had all the brains behind our powerful nation and who created america the way it is now, not to mention all our presidents and leaders were all white.. Whites are the ones who fought for the freedom..

Im not a racist btw, just a simple question, why us??