Which Of The Following Is True About Stars

Which of the following is true about the Sun?

A. The Sun is not a star.

B. The Sun is the only star in the universe.

C. The Sun is the only star in the Solar System.

D. The Sun is the only star in the Milky Way.

Which of the following statements about stars is true?

a, d, and e, are all wrong, b and c are correct. For b, the earth is rotating so at your particular meridian when a star will be directly above you it will be at it's maximum altitude relative to you. For c Polaris (the pole star) is circumpolar and the altitude of 'Polaris' = latitude of the 'place' you are at, of course this is only true in the northern hemisphere since Polaris in not visible in the southern hemisphere. For a, no matter where you are on Earth you cannot see ALL the stars. For d, this is wrong you cannot see ALL the stars and constellations from the northern hemisphere 'some' in the southern hemisphere (and vice versa) do become visible in winter/summer months due to tilt of the earth. For e, this is not correct , the distance of stars in the celestial sphere vary, the 'sphere' is not limited to a point in space. Hope this is of some help.

Which of the following is true of the hottest stars?

They are the brightest stars.

(see below)
"An example of a blue star is the familiar Rigel, the brightest star in the constellation Orion and the 6th brightest star in the sky. Astronomers calculate that Rigel is approximately 700 and 900 light-years away, and yet it appears almost as bright as a star like Sirius which is only 8.3 light-years away" stars are blue because of the temperature of their surface. And they’re so hot because blue stars are much more massive than cooler stars like our Sun."

Which of the following is true of the hottest stars?

C. They are the brightest stars.

The hottest stars are blue stars, which are among the most massive. The Sun is not that hot (it's a yellow star), and distance from the Earth makes no difference. Thus, only C is left.

Which of the following is true of a main sequence star more massive than the sun?

a) It is more luminous than the sun.

b) It is larger in diameter than the sun

c) It will have a shorter life than the sun.

d) a and b only

e) All of the above


Which of the following is true about low-mass stars compared to high-mass stars?

Low-mass stars have the same temperature and luminosity as high-mass stars.
Low-mass stars are cooler but more luminous than high-mass stars.
Low-mass stars are hotter but less luminous than high-mass stars.
Low-mass stars are cooler and less luminous than high-mass stars.
Low-mass stars are hotter and more luminous than high-mass stars.

Is it true that stars on Twitter get paid as per their followers?

It's nowhere true. Twitter of any other social network doesn't pay anyone for their popularity on that network.However, they can raise money by utilising the traffic in a possitive way like getting traffic on websites or promoting some account or refer people to join some website. There are various ways for that.

Which of the following are true about Whitman's "When I heard the Learn'd Astronome?

None of the above. The guy ditched class and laid watching the stars.

Which of the following statements about spectral types of stars is true?

Which of the following statements about spectral types of stars is true?

A A star with spectral type A is cooler than a star with spectral type B.
B A star with spectral type F2 is hotter than a star with spectral type F3.
C The spectral type of a star can be used to determine its color.
D The spectral type of a star can be used to determine its surface temperature.
E All of the above are true.