Which Of The Following Powers Is Not Explicitly Granted To The President In The Constitution.

Which of the following powers is not EXPLICITLY granted to congress by the Constitution....?

a.) the powers to regulate the value of money
b.) the power to establish naturalization laws
c.) the power to establish an institution for the progress of science

* Is it the power to regulate the value of money??!


Which of the following powers is granted to states by the Constitution?

A. Power to provide and support a system of education
B. Power to raise and support an army and maintain a navy
C. Power to admit new states
D. Power to coin money

Which of the following are NOT powers granted explicity to the Federal Government in the Constitution?

Here are the choices:

Give housing to poor people
Funding for struggling businesses
Regulating local schools
Social Security and other government-sponsored retirement programs
School lunch programs
Aid to Dependent Children and WIC

What are the executive powers initially in the Constitution?

All the President's powers are derived from the Constitution.

You have enumerated powers and inferred powers, powers that may not be explicitly stated but can be derived from the powers granted.

For example:

Being Commander in Chief is an enumerated power, on the other the hand sending troops into combat without a declaration of war is an inferred power.

The appointment of Ambassadors and the granting of pardons are also enumerated powers. The President as head of national security is an inferred power.

Why did the framers explicitly grant the powers of currency, borrowing, and bankruptcy to Congress instead of?

The framers believed that Congress would be the most responsive to the will of the people, because at the time of ratification only Congressional representatives were directly elected by citizens.

List the powers DENIED to Congress/ List the powers DENIED to the states?? PLEASE HELP!?

Some folks claim the only powers the Constitution allows the federal government are those enumerated (listed) in article 1 section 8.

But the Air Force is not enumerated. Neither are the Marines as an independent service branch. There is no standing army enumerated, only the power to call up a militia trained by the states. There is no room for NASA, the CDC, NIH, or CIA. Nor is there room for national highways or air traffic control. Self-described "strict interpreters" are willing to stretch the constitution where they see fit, but they raise a horrible fuss when other folks do any stretching.

Article 1 Section 8 also says: "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;"

That's right - the founders gave Congress the power to levy taxes in order to provide for the general welfare among other things. It is left to the 3 branches to decide what forms of welfare. The phrase "promote the general Welfare" also appears in the preamble. In both cases, it is mentioned in the same sentence with providing for common defense. Thus the argument that the founders considered welfare as secondary only to defense.

How is the USA president's powers controlled?

The US has a Constitution and a strong tradition of adhering to its major structural tenants, even though some parts have been ignored, especially the limited powers of Congress.The Constitution is written with specific powers for each of the three branches of government and an explicit statement that powers not explicitly granted are reserved to the people.In addition, the three branches of government serve as a check on the others. For example:The Congress can remove via impeachment the President and Justices of the Court.The President can veto laws passed by Congress (although they can override the veto with a large enough majority thus checking the President’s power).The courts can weigh in on laws violating the Constitution, although in theory the Congress and Executive could just ignore the court.The structure really gives the upper hand to the Congress which faces election every two years so that the people are the ultimate check.

What are five main powers of the President of the United States?

commander in chief of the militaryappointment power; that is he appoints people to important government positions like SCOTUSVeto power over legislative bills that can only be overridden by 2/3s majorityPower to negotiate treaties thar must be approved by the SenateAuthority to propose legislation is his legislative agendaPower to grant pardons for federal crimesThere is a lengthy list of inherent powers inferred from the constitution. probably the most important power: His position combines the Head of State and the Head of government. These are two very different jobs. Head of State requires hard nose political fighting while head of state represents the best of the nation, remains dignified unless insulted (an insult to the Head of State is an insult to the people. Insult to Head og Government is an insult to the many dunderdeads in government.

Why were there conventions to ratify the U.S. Constitution and not legislatures?

Read the first three words of the Constitution: “We, the people . . .” That’s why.According to contemporary American legal theory, the people of a state had essentially unlimited legal powers, but state legislatures had only the powers explicitly granted to them by their state constitutions. The Constitution changed the relationships of the states to the federal government, and of the states to each other. No state constitution granted such power to the state legislature. Therefore, only the people as a whole could decide to adopt the Constitution.In theory, referenda at the state level could have been chosen, but the Founders preferred conventions for a variety of practical and theoretical reasons. So conventions it was.