Which Of The Following Reflects How One Feels About His/her Overall/global Self

True or False?? Epithelial cells do not have direct nerve supply?

i cant remember

What is the difference between low self-esteem & humbleness or Humility? Putting or esteeming one as above you?

as the Lord commands? I am not at this level yes. I have to much Ego to do this 24/7. In the cut throat world how does one let down ego?

Philippians 2:3

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Romans 14:5

Romans 14:5;
One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

Do greenhouse gases reflect infrared before it can be trapped? Does this mean global warming is balanced somewhat?

Visualize a single molecule of any one of many ‘greenhouse gases’: CO2 will do.That molecule has the capability of momentarily changing the energy level of some of its electrons by discrete amounts if the incoming energy has some matching quantity. Now take a single photon that has a wavelength that matches the energy level step of that molecule. That photon is shooting up from some heated surface on the surface of the earth, enters the electron cloud of the molecule and pops that to the next discrete energy level. The energy of that photon is gone, gone, gone into the elevated energy state of the molecule. That remains stable for only the tiniest fraction of a second, and the molecule radiates a new photon of energy equal to the original. The primary difference is the direction of the emission. The original photon had a direction destined to leave the earth’s atmosphere. The new photon is emitted at altitude in a random direction out of a solid 360 degree vector possibility. The probability is roughly 50% that it will be directed down towards earth.That process is repeated untold trillions of times per microsecond. There are nuances from altitude, latitude, interferences by other molecules, but that is a simplistic way of looking at the action of any greenhouse gas.

Wat is the difference between self-esteem and ego?

Self esteem is believing in your self, ego is believing you are better then everyone.

What causes low self esteem?

it can be caused by what other people say to you or how they acted around you
If your feeling bad about your self (e.g. getting bad marks at school,putting weigh on ect)
if you havent gotten enough sleep, exercise or have been eating alot of junk food because they make you feel bad about your self
Lots of different things cause it
just try and look on the bright side
instead of thinking what you havent got, think about what you have
dont let other people get you dont
normally their just jealous or bored when they say things
and they want to make you feel bad or get in a fight
eat healthier and exercise heaps, make sure your getting enough sleep

Difference between self confidence and self esteem?explain?

Self-confidence: The socio-psychological concept of self-confidence relates to self-assuredness in one's personal judgment, ability, power, etc., sometimes manifested excessively.

Another definition is the belief of believing in you; to believe that one is able to accomplish what one sets out to do, to overcome obstacles and challenges.

Professor Raj Persaud posits that true self confidence comes from an attitude where you: Promise yourself, no matter how difficult the problem life throws at you, that you will try as hard as you can to help yourself. You acknowledge that sometimes your efforts to help yourself may not result in success, as often being properly rewarded is not in your control.

Recent studies (Peixe, 2009) show that self confidence is something you act on, not something you learn. There are a number of practical exercises that can help anyone achieve the level of belief that allows them to take action and pursue their objectives.

Self-esteem: is a term used in psychology to reflect a person's overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs (for example, "I am competent" or "I am incompetent") and emotions such as triumph, despair, pride and shame. Self-esteem can apply specifically to a particular dimension (for example, "I believe I am a good writer, and feel proud of that in particular") or have global extent (for example, "I believe I am a good person, and feel proud of myself in general").

Psychologists usually regard self-esteem as an enduring personality characteristic ("trait" self-esteem), though normal, short-term variations ("state" self-esteem) also exist.

Synonyms or near-synonyms of self-esteem include: self-worth, self-regard, self-respect, self-love (which can express overtones of self-promotion), and self-integrity. Self-esteem is distinct from self-confidence and self-efficacy, which involve beliefs about ability and future performance.

How does personal hygiene affect your personality?

Good hygiene, or personal cleanliness, not only helps maintain a healthy personality, but is important in preventing the spread of infections and disease. According to nursing textbook "Tabbner's Nursing Care: Theory and Practice," poor hygiene allows dried sweat, dirt and sebum to collect on your skin, providing an ideal environment for fungi and bacteria. Maintaining personal hygiene is necessary for many reasons; personal, social, health, psychological or simply as a way of life. Keeping a good standard of hygiene helps to prevent the development and spread of infections, illnesses and bad odours.Most people are very conscious of personal hygiene because:We're taught of the importance of hygiene from an early ageWe may have been "picked-on" at school for a one-off or a peristent hygiene problem. This may even have been an issue mistakenly related to hygiene by others - such as head liceIt is considered a way of making ourselves more attractive to the opposite sexIt is off-putting to our friends and colleagues if we smell unpleasant etc.We're aware of health problems that can develop as a result of poor personal hygieneBody Image ( Personality )Body image influences self-esteem, confidence and motivation. Those who already have low self esteem and especially those with depression often neglect personal hygiene which perpetuates the problem of poor body image.Many forms of modern media including magazines, fashion, TV, film and the internet present a certain body image as being "acceptable" or "expected". Young children and teenagers are especially influenced by this; physical appearance being the ultimate factor by which to judge and be judged.To youngsters, teenagers and those who care for them, there are 3 things to remember:The first thing to accept is that you will probably never look like those perfect specimens in the media - but you can, and WILL look good to most people if you follow basic personal hygiene principlesSecondly, your actions and the way you behave are more important to most people than the way you lookThirdly, good hygiene practices will help to keep you healthy, give you confidence and be pleasant for those around you.Conclusion :Hygiene is playing a dominant role in keeping your personality at heights.

What qualities define a great team leader?

The best leaders are those who can lead and direct without misuse of their power. They must be able to inspire others in a direction or greater good. They must be strong enough to stand firm in decision making and leading others without an egotistical attitude. A great team leader will encourage others to brain storm and contribute to the whole. They also lead by example and intelligently. They are also good listeners. Charisma helps a team leader.
Rev. TomCat

Nobel Prize Winning Physicist Robert Laughlin says 'people don't control climate' is he right?

Jeff - Since you refuse to provide links to show the Nobel prize winning physicist you list as proponents of man-made Global Warming, I can only count 10 out of the list of names you provide. The Chemists don't count, some of the physicists you list might be valid but I can't find clear statements of their position.

You get full credit for all of these: Burton Richter - Physicist, Steven Chu - Physicist, Carlo Rubbia - Physicist, Murray Gell-Mann - Physicist, Peter Grünberg - Physicist, Claude Cohen‐Tannoudji - Physicist, David Gross - Physicist, Klaus von Klitzing - Physicist, Masatashi Koshiba - Physicist, Jack Steinberger - Physicist.

But you did better than I thought you could.