Which Of The Following Words Would You Not Teach Beginners

Teaching my 4 year old to read-Need help?

Is there some pressing reason you seem to feel the need to teach her to read? 4 year olds do NOT have to be reading, and she is likely feeling stressed and pressured that you keep pushing it.
If she knows her letters and the sounds they make, she is more than on track. Being able to read words (and understand what she reads) is a developmental stage that she may not be cognitively ready for. No matter how 'smart' she is.

For now, what you need to be doing is reading TO her. Let her learn that books are fun, and stories are interesting and exciting. She will begin to read when she is ready.

(FWIW, when my daughter was young, we were sure she would be a very early reader. Both her parents read voraciously, and we have a house full of books. We read to her often from infancy, she had dozens of books of her own, and she went to preschool. But, while I DIDN'T ever push her, she seemed unable to make the leap [on her own] from knowing letters and sounds, and having a handful of sight words, to reading.

When she was 5 1/2, just a couple of months before she started kindergarten, SOMETHING clicked in her brain, and she could suddenly read. By the time she started kindergarten, she was reading simple story books, and from then on, through school, she consistently read several years ahead of grade level -- and got a 750 on the verbal SAT.

Not being 'an early reader' didn't hurt her one bit. And it won't hurt your daughter either.

Lesson plan for teaching ESL on short notice?

From my experience, ESL teachers with whom I have worked don't know the student's native language. They communicate only with them in English. I would suggest starting with nouns (naming words). Bring pictures or common objects, 3x5 index cards, and some markers.

Start with a smile and a friendly greeting. Say, "Hello," and draw her out to see if she can say anything in English, even as a greeting. If you get no English replay, then hello is your first word.

Going on from there, I would suggest showing a simple pictures of one syllable words such as cat, dog, bird, fish. Have her repeat the words. Show the words, each written on a 3X5 card. Match the picture and the word. Play a few games with it. You say the word and she says the name and finds both the picture and the card. Add a few more naming words and repeat. Then add some simple verbs. You may have to act out the action, but construct some simple sentences. Dog runs. Cat runs. Bird flies, and so on. or Dog can run. Cat can run. Bird can fly. Fish can swim.

Don't overwhelm her with vocabulary the first time, but get her comfortable in say the English words, matching the spoken word with the written word, and forming simple sentences.

Print out the sentences for her to practice. Print, don't use cursive.

Things to slowly add: color words, number words, simple adjectives such in pairs as opposites, such as big, small; short, tall; old, young; hot, cold. Keep reviewing her first basic sentences but expand them with adverbs and adjectives. Keep working on both spoken and written English. Do no use Korean.

Give her a study sheet to take home to practice for the next session.

How to teach English as a foreign language?

TPR stands for Total Physical Response, Total Physical Response. It’s a teaching method that works especially well with beginners. It’s a great, great method for teaching beginners. In fact, if I ever develop English lessons for beginners I will use TPR to teach beginning English because it is a very, very powerful method. In TPR students learn a language, not from translation, not by sitting passively in a chair, but through movement. They learn the basic core of the language with movement.

How does this work. Well, for example, pretend that I have a class and it’s a beginning class. Zero English, right? Everyone in the class has zero English. They don’t know anything, not one word of English. Well how would I teach them? What’s the best way to teach them? Well, normally, in a normal class, they would be taught with translation, right.

The teacher would say, for example, if they want to teach the word stand, stand up, well they would write stand up on the board and then they would translate that phrase into their native language.

So if imagine, let’s say, in Japan, so we have Japanese students. The Japanese teacher – the teacher in Japan – would write stand up on the board and then the teacher would translate that into Japanese and that’s how the students would learn the word or the phrase stand up. They would learn it by translation. They would write in their notebook and then they would try to memorize it again and again. Stand up equals this, stand up equals this, translation, translation, memorize, memorize.

Well that is purely mental, right? They’re just sitting in their chair, there’s nothing happening with their body, it’s just a mental exercise. Yes, they do eventually learn the phrase stand up, but they don’t learn it deeply. And that’s why most Japanese students, for example, cannot speak English very well and they don’t understand spoken English very well.

Written English is different because written English is more of a mental process, you can go slowly if you need to. But spoken English requires fast, instant understanding and you really need to learn it in your body. It needs to go deep into your mind and body if you’re going to understand and speak fast at native speeds.

Could anyone (who knows Japanese) please teach me English?

*This sentence seems impolite.*

Could I say the above phrase in other way?
I want to use the word "nuance" because I want to speak with the words from me. (←Sorry, this sentence might not make sense. I would be grateful if you correct this setence, too.)
Just for reference, here are the translations in Japanese.

*この文章はぶしつけに思える。(kono bunsyou wa bushitsuke ni omoeru)*

上記の文章の別の言い方はありますか?(jouki no bunsyou no betsu no iikata wa arimasu ka)
出来れば、”ニュアンス”という言葉を使いたいです。 (dekireba, nyuansu to iu kotoba wo tsukaitai desu)
(nazenara, watashi wa jibun jishin no kotoba, jibun no naka kara dete kita kotoba de syaberitai kara desu)

Any help would be much appreciated!!
Thank you in advance.