Which Of These Constitutional Amendments Made All People Born Or Naturalized In The United States

How have amendments to the Constitution extended suffrage to various groups of Americans?

The Fifteen Amendment (passed in 1870) gives citizens the right to vote and not denied on the basis of race, color, previous condition of servitude.

The Nineteenth Amendment (1920) gives citizens the right to vote and not denied on the basis of sex.

How does the 14th amendment make corporations people?

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified on July 9, 1868, and granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed. In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” By directly mentioning the role of the states, the 14th Amendment greatly expanded the protection of civil rights to all Americans and is cited in more litigation than any other amendment.

As a matter of interpretation of the word "person" in the Fourteenth Amendment, U.S. courts have extended certain constitutional protections to corporations. Opponents of corporate person hood seek to amend the U.S. Constitution to limit these rights to those provided by state law and state constitutions.

Others argue that corporations should have the protection of the U.S. Constitution, pointing out that they are organizations of people, and that these people should not be deprived of their human rights when they act collectively. In this view, treating corporations as "persons" is a convenient legal fiction that allows corporations to sue and to be sued, that provides a single entity for easier taxation and regulation, that simplifies complex transactions that would otherwise involve, in the case of large corporations, thousands of people, and that protects the rights of the shareholders as well as the right of association.

Which of these constitutional amendments made all people born or naturalized in the United States into citizens of the United States?

Which of these constitutional amendments made all people born or naturalized in the United States into citizens of the United States? (5 points)

President Andrew Johnson said that "this is a country for white men." How did he act on this belief? (5 points)

He appointed a Republican Cabinet.
He refused to take the presidential oath of office.
He vetoed most Reconstruction legislation.
He withdrew the military from Southern states.
How did the South reverse much of the Civil Rights Act of 1866? (5 points)

By electing African Americans
By electing a Southern president
By passing Black Codes
By passing blue laws
What was the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau? (5 points)

To help newly freed slaves establish schools and settle disputes
To help newly freed slaves organize themselves into political parties
To help African Americans move to Liberia and establish their own nation
To fund African Americans who wanted to run for public office
What method did the federal government take to enforce the Reconstruction Acts of 1867? (5 points)

Offered pardons to former Confederate leaders
Granted women the right to vote in federal elections
Divided the South into military districts
Impeached the president for vetoing too many bills

What amendment states that all men are created equally?

Actually, it's the Declaration of Independence that states explicitly, "all men are created equal."

But, indirectly, the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment states, "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."