Which Of These Girls Is Most Likely Sideshow Bob

Why do conservatives believe Fox news?

Because we all want our worldview confirmed by the input around us.  We'll select 'out' that which makes us insecure and select 'in' that which confirms our biases.I don't like FoxNews.  I mean, I REALLY don't like.  Just this past week I stumbled on it and heard one of the "reporters" mumble something about a conspiracy, stating, "Some believe that this Monica Lewinsky story is just too convenient right now and is happening because her friends in the Media. . . ."  I just changed the channel.  I'm firmly in the camp that FoxNews is the least ethical, most yellow, most inaccurate "news" source on TV.  I hate everything it stands for EXCEPT its conservative-ness.  I don't care about that.  Being liberal isn't right.  Being conservative isn't wrong.  I don't care if all the news reporters are GOP members or any of that.  News is business and it needs to make money to stay in business and FoxNews has found a way to leverage the desire in America for conservative viewpoints.But it's so horribly dishonest.  The thing about that dishonesty, is that it isn't necessary.  It isn't necessary to circle the wagons against Obama or harp forever on or claim that a 19 year old cum-on-dress story has been dredged up by Hillary Clinton to legitimately offer a conservative viewpoint.  You can hold on to your integrity as a news source and STILL be conservative.FoxNews hasn't gotten that message.  But, that being said and being completely honest -- while I appreciate the lengths MSNBC goes to to be honest and factually correct, it's blatantly liberal bias isn't "right" either or the proper counter to FoxNews.  CNN's approach to 10 second story clips spaced with 5 seconds of flashing lights isn't my cup of tea either.So, I guess the moral of this story is to avoid TV news.  You'll be better for it.

The Simpsons..., who can list the...?

What a great bunch of characters, and an ever strong holding audience within their continuous funny episodes!

Who can list ALL the characters, and the characters that may have played briefly?
Is it possible to get them all?

Girls Help! i have a small penis, what can a guy do?

Hey, ok im 23 im not a virgin but havent slept with many woman. i havent had sex for just over a year now and its always my size thats the stumbling block!girls laugh at me or give some bullshit excuse all the time! what can a guy with a tiny penis (the size of your pinky) do to please a girl? have any of you out there been in a similar situation, and if so what did u do or say to the guy??

I feel so alone and lonely and ignored?

every website i go on to try and communicate with girls, im getting no replies or getting snubbed, i no im dealing with ver low moods and spinning thoughts right now, and im not goin out anywhere because of high levels of anxiety, plus im wanting to move out my rough area, i have so many issues going on for me right now. but i crave female attention i dont no why is it because im weak?? plus if i get violation emails from yahoo answers does it mean my account will get disabled?