Which Of These Girls You Think Has A Prettier Face

Do you think this girl is pretty?

The one w/the rose is the best.

When I told this girl I do not think she is pretty she then told me that she thinks the same thing about me and she also thinks I am not pretty. Do you think it was rude what she said to me?

Not at all. She gave you back a dose of your own medicine. Was she rude? No. Were You rude to her? Definitely. You need to understand that not all of us are pretty or beautiful. Assuming you think you are pretty or are beautiful/ handsome. That don't give you the right to say to another person you don't think they are pretty. Good for her she threw your words right back at you. It feels like you were trying to bully her to make her feel uncomfortable and be selfconscious of how not pretty she is. Trying to take away her self confidence don'tmake you a better person but the opposite. She may not be pretty in your eyes but to someone she is the most beautiful person in the world. She may not be pretty in your eyes but have a beautiful spirit. Saying that to her or anyone else indicates they have something you don't have. A beautiful and resilient spirit. Are well mannered. Have a beautiful personality. And you? Envy.Learn to relate to people not based on how they look because that is superficial and fades. Look at personality, morals, attitude and more. The day you learn to do this, maybe , just maybe you will see others as God sees them.

Which of these two girls you think has a prettier face? (updated)?

one of the pics didn't work, so I uploaded another version of it because users where choosing the wrong face by default. So which face you think is prettier?

What kind of problems do pretty girls face?

People say beauty is a curse. Explain how? I am on the opposite side of the spectrum. I am seldom recognized by the opposite sex. What kind of problems do pretty girls run into other than jealousy from others and unwanted attention?

If a guy has an ugly face, does he have no chance with pretty girls?

I am so curious because I have never dated a pretty girl. I've seen pretty girls that are not great people (i.e. disrespectful, ignorant, bitchy, too conceited etc), but I have also known pretty girls who are smart, kind, and respectful. I have asked out some of them, but I get rejected all the time. I think i am a datable guy. I work hard, get good grades, treat ladies with respect, have a body that is in great shape, and know how to sing and dance. I am not very handsome though. I am not repulsive, but I know I am not handsome according to today's standards of handsomeness. Sometimes I am wondering if it's the face that keeps me from having success with pretty girls. Girls may notice other flaws of mine, but I wonder if the face is the biggest problem. Obviously I am pretty shallow because I like pretty girls, but I think most 19-year-old dudes are like me. There are many things I will never get so i guess i should be satisfied with what i can have and what i can do.

Why is it easier to talk to fat girls than pretty ones?

Subconsciously you think you are better than the fat girls, so if they reject you, so what. With the pretty girls, you think they are better than you so their opinion matters to the point it being possible to negate your own sense of self worth. You can't face that kind of rejection.

Your "charm" comes out because you inwardly think you are "the man" in front of these girls who you are tossing a bone by even talking to them. No worries, you "know" you got them.

With "hotties" you are so busy thinking of them as sex objects that you can barely look them in the eye anymore. It's hard to comfortably hold a conversation with someone you were fantasizing about the day before.

You should care more about people and get to know some of these girls without thinking of "being with" them. You might find out how human they are and it would relax you.

If you quit judging others on their appearance, maybe you won't feel like such a slug when an incredibly beautiful girl comes up to you.

Are girls brainwashed to think they must look pretty in order to be valued?

Hey there, i have recently become very interested in feminist issues and because of this i have become very aware of the fact that women are constantly bombarded with the message that we must look beautiful. I have recently started face painting and have been shocked by the amount of parents and grandparents who coax their girls into choosing a 'pretty or beautiful' design, where as boys are allowed to get something cool or scary. When girls want to be spiderman or jack sparrow, their parents say things like, "well do you not want to be a pretty butterfly or a beautiful princess", or even worse things like " what do you want to be that for, choose something pretty" but when their sons say i want to be a skeleton, it is fine and they don't say anything. Also i am at fault because i say to the girls while i am painting their faces " oh you are looking beautful" but i say to the boys, " you look cool"
Q: are you willing to change your dialoge to help girls feel more than pretty? I AM

Is it true that girls dint like guys with a childish face?

i never know i had a childish face until everybody in my faculty told me so,
yeah i dont looked like im 20. is this the main reason why most girls would probably stay away from me?(of coz the one whose older/same age as me we're talking about)

i do feel that the girls around me are kinda attracted to me, but they dont really look for a commitment, hmmm.. now thats a problem. anybody have any idea why?