Which Restaurants/stores Will Allow Fur Suits In California

Is it legal to walk around in the public while wearing a fursuit/mascot costume?

Hi, I'm a real big furry and I was wondering if it is legal to wear my fursuit in the public in California? Like go to a park and play on the swings in a fursuit? Because if it were legal you would see it more often, right?

Does anyone have any really cool useless but facts?

For example:
The population of New York is 409 people per square mile.
The population of Texas is 79 people per square mile.
If you moved everyone in the world into Texas, all of us could live in Texas at the same population per square mile as New York.

Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
Polar bears are left handed.

Name of wrestling movie???

I am looking for the name of a wrestling movie about a kid who has to lose a lot of weight in 3 weeks. The movie is at least a few years old. Thanks for your help!!!

Is it common for American girls to walk around half-naked or in their bikinis on the streets? It’s very common in Las Vegas, but is it like that in other parts of the US?

I suppose at least part of my answer is going to depend on what you mean by “half-naked”. In some parts of the world, that might mean exposed ankles or exposing the tops of women’s heads. Here in Florida, at least for a guy, half-naked means being bare chested (not wearing a shirt). For women, that would be referred to as being “top-less” (or more ‘politically correct,’“top-free”), and you won’t see that except at a very few number of beaches here where top-less or even being nude, is acceptable. A woman being top-less certainly would not be seen on the streets here in Florida, or on the streets anywhere in the US. OK, except for some performers in entertainment districts, such as maybe in Las Vegas and Times Square in New York City.As far as bikinis go, except for right on the beach itself, it isn’t considered proper. Women can usually get away with just wearing a wrap around their bottom or shorts over their bikini bottom at shops and casual restaurants in beach communities near the beach, but not at the mall, on the street, or walking around town in general.The US tends to be less fashion conscious, but also more conservative than most of Europe is.