Which Settlement Had The Greatest Influence Or Further Colonization

How did the protestant reformation impact the colonization of America?

I can hardly believe some think the Reformation had little to do with colonization. For the many who came seeking religious freedom it was precisely their Reformation-based beliefs that were at issue.

Most prominent, of course, were the 'Puritans' -- whose goal whether though separation (the 'Pilgrims' were separatists) or working from within the established churches, were seeking to more fully carry out the teachings of the Reformation. (The English Reformation was always a mixed bag, from the beginning when Henry VIII was not necessarily seeking for radical changes in church teaching & practice when he split with Rome.) Note that the Puritan authors were very much in the 'Calvinistic' line.

The Quakers who led the colonization of the Middle Atlantic colonies (esp. Pennsylvania, under Quaker William Penn) did not grow DIRECTLY out of the Reformation, but certainly had some roots in it (as a 'nonconforming' Protestant group).

Consider also that the Catholic vs. Protestant struggle that came out of the Reformation also at times led to troubles/intolerance for Catholics (England could be tough on BOTH the thoroughgoing reformers AND the Catholics). Some of them settled in the American colonies (esp. in Maryland which was, at first, set up for them)

French Huegenot refugees (likewise 'Reformed' or 'Calvinistic')

What effect did the Protestant reformation have on the colonization of the new world ?

People from Catholic countries wanted to get to the New World so that they could practice their new religions in freedom.

In England, Catholics left, but, so did ardent Reformers like the Quakers, Puritans, Presbyterians, etc., as the Church of England remained all but Catholic, just no longer under the Pope. So, they left as well - so that they could be more Protestant than was allowed in England.

The Reformation had a huge effect on colonization - it was one of the main reasons for going. Not the only one, but, a big one.

AP US homework question, please help, I don't get it :( Thank you soooo much?

A)The following items had a great impact on the development of the New World in this time period (1491-1607): -intense European rivalries, -introduction of slavery into the Americas, -Changes in technology.
Choose ONE of the items above and briefly explain the impact it had on the development of the New World between 1491 & 1607.
B) Choose the ONE item from the list above that you think had the greatest impact and briefly explain one piece of evidence which supports the ideas.
C) Briefly explain ONE way in which Europeans responded to the challenge of settlement in the New World.

Name three effects of European settlement on Native Americans?

Spread disease such as smallpox which killed much of population.

Colonized most of land, taking from natives and forcing them to settle elsewhere.

Introduced them to European items, such as horses, guns, and some farm animals.

Spread Christianity, converting some while causing conflict amongst others.

Destroyed some of native culture and replaced with modern "western" culture.

How did the geography influence the development of the English Colonies in North America in the 17th century?

Economies were influenced by how near a port the colony was and what type of crops they were able to grow. Also, a river habitat was needed for the beaver fur trade, which was a very profitable venture. Social structures depended on how the people and colonies could connect to each other. This would require rivers or flat terrain for roads.

From a website:

* Settlements needed to be near waterways because boats were the most practical way to transport cargo. In particular, access to the Atlantic Ocean was crucial at the time, as trade with Britain, the rest of Europe, the Caribbean, and Africa was essential to the colonial American economy.

* Geographical barriers such as rivers and mountains limited settlement because transportation technology was much less developed than it is now.

* Climate and geography had a major impact on the crops that settlers could grow for food and for trade. Tobacco, imported from Trinidad in 1612, became an important export crop for the Southern Colonies, where it grew particularly well. In addition, other crops such as corn and wheat grew well throughout the colonies. Fishing developed as an important industry, especially in New England, where ocean geography offered ideal conditions for abundant fish populations. About 4/5 of the colonial population were farmers. Approximately ΒΌ of the colonial population were slaves, brought to the colonies against their will from Africa in the triangular trade system, in which European manufactured commodities were traded for slaves in Africa, who were then traded for agricultural commodities such as sugar, cotton, and tobacco to be taken back to Europe and the colonies.

* All land was taken from Native Americans, either peacefully or forcefully. Native American friendliness was the only way that the initial colonies survived. Native American communities did not have the same sense of land ownership that Europeans had; they shared the land they occupied rather than staking a claim. Thus, there was a major cultural difference between the Europeans and the Native Americans, which resulted in major displacements of the latter.