Which Study Of Ghosts Concludes They Exist In A Parallel Dimension

If in 2012 Earth is destroyed. What will happen to the ghosts and spirits residing on Earth?

Ghosts, spirits and the 2012 end of the world are all imaginary, so invent whatever you like in the matter. That is a tough question for believers in all of these hoaxes. How would I answer it if I was writing a fantasy tale. How about the ghosts go to Mars and Venus?

If the multiverse and parallel universes exist, then where could we possibly find them?

Carl Sagan once tried to explain how a being living in a 2D world would experience a 3D ball moving through the 2D world. Basically, the 2d being would never see the ball, but rather only see a dot which turns into a line, then back to a dot before it disappears. Beings in the 3D world, however, would be able to observe and interact with all everything in the 2D world while the 2D world wouldn’t be able to interact with the 3D world in any real functional manner.So when looking at just dimensions, we can see that simply by adding more dimensions we can already have an ‘inside’ and an ‘outside’ simply due to the restrictions in terms of lower dimensions not being able to enter the higher dimensions.So let’s say that other universes were operating in different/higher dimensions, we could literally be in the same place. We’d just not be able to see or interact with it. Sort of how we can only see certain frequencies of light. Sure, we can create instruments to see a wider spectrum of light, but with dimensions, perhaps that would not be possible and we’d be stuck only being able to observe higher dimensions as far as our current dimensions allow, just like you can play a game with graphics set as high as your PC can handle.I guess where I’m going with this is that perhaps our idea of other universes isn’t necessarily a series of bubbles, but rather an intertwined web of universes, where lower dimension universes can only see what their dimensions allow them to see.Quantum mechanics deal with very small things. Are there quantum universes? Could quantum universes actually operate with higher dimensions, which is why quantum mechanics seems to not make any sense at all? Could there be billions of universes right in front of our eyes, with us just not able to see them?

Is the 4th dimension really a portal to a ghost world?

Kudos to movies. Here you are.What is a dimension?It is something that allows us to move through it. Our world has three dimensions through which we can travel (x y z coordinate in one way basically through space)and one through which we cannot namely time. You could regard time as the 4th dimension but that is not why you are here.Then what is this portal thing created in movies?You might have heard of something like multiverses. Well it could be related to that or not. Well to visualize this i need to show you a simpler example. Let’s get down to 2 dimensions. Lets assume a group of 2D beings lets call them Gryffindors live in a picture frame. They can move in 2 dimensions within the picture frame. Lets say i have another frame hosting another group of creatures called Slytherins. Now let’s say one of them wants to go from one frame to the other. But they themselves can’t do it because they don’t have the freedom to move in the third dimension. But someone could if we had the power take them from one frame to the other. So bringing the same example to us we could also be taken to a different world. That is what is being done. But you see the problem only a 4 dimensional being can do it. Now here is where reality comes off from fantasy. Now we are making a lot of assumptions here and it is just fantasy cause we don’t know for sure and we may never know.

Identify the medieval and Renaissance elements in Hamlet. How is Hamlet a Renaissance man?

Please try to do your own homework. Its not that difficult to research and writ it down yourself!

What will happen to the ghosts (ghosts believer here) if the earth ends? Where will they wander?

This is an interesting question. The answer is as speculative as the very concept of ghosts. These are three of the scenarios that I could think of:If ghosts lived in a parallel ‘spirit’ world, then destruction of our earth (dimension of reality) will not affect them, unless their dimension also comes to an end. If people who die end up in the ghost dimension, then all those whose life ended on earth will also join the ghosts in their dimension.If ghosts are invisible/dark energies existing in our world, then the ending of earth will only create more ghosts or dark energies. They will either manifest themselves in another form or they will end up in space. Since energy cannot be destroyed, it will only pass on from one form to another.As per some Vedic belief systems, ghosts will end up in one of the 14 planetary systems and manifest as life forms there.There maybe many more such theories, which one would you like to believe?