Which System Is Responsible For Elimination Of Wast Product

Which body system is responsible for the elimination of liquid and gaseous wastes?

Excretory system, through the excretion of urine.

Waste in this context is any metabolic waste produced by the cells in your body. Not poop. For example, if your cells were metabolizing protein, then the waste they generate would be ammonia. If they’re breaking down carbohydrates, then the waste product would be carbon dioxide.You may have noticed that your body contains a lot of tubes called blood vessels. Those blood vessels are connected in a circuit and act like a highway system for nutrients and waste products to be transferred from one part of the body to another. Oxygen enters your body from the lungs, and it travels to the rest of the cells in your body through your blood. When the cells in your body produce waste products, the waste products enter whichever blood vessel is supplying those cells.Meanwhile, your heart is moving blood along this circuit of tubes. Sooner or later, the blood carrying the waste finds its way to the renal artery. Your kidney is responsible for filtering the waste out of your blood, so it makes sense that the renal artery is the blood vessel that directs the waste to your kidneys.The waste in the renal artery doesn’t just sit there. Thanks to your heart, the blood is constantly moving. The blood in the renal artery is forced through the glomerular capillaries in your kidneys, which filter the waste out of your blood and into your kidney’s tubule system to be excreted.

The capillaries, veins and arteries of the vascular system which carry CO2, lactate and other wastes to the liver and kidneys. The liver metabolizes wastes with phase-I, phase-II and phase-III processing (oxidation, methylation, conjugation, solubilization). The gall bladder secretes fat-soluble conjugates in bile into the intestine. The kidney’s secrete water-soluble wastes into the urine. The lymphatic system flows wastes from the peripheral tissues to the core. The lungs exhale CO2 and volatiles. The bowel dumps fecal waste. The spine discards toxins from the brain through flow of cerebral spinal fluid to the pelvis. Toxins in CSF also flow through the cribiform plate into the sinuses. Tears wash toxins from the eye. Sweat glands secrete toxins from the skin.I’m sure that I’ve missed quite a lot.There are many such tests. Heavy metals can be measured in hair, blood, urine and feces. Toxic levels of iron can be easily measured through blood tests. Phytotoxins, mycotoxins, endotoxins can be measured in blood. Pesticide, herbicide and chemical residues can be measured in hair, blood and urine. Fetal toxins can be measured in placenta and cord blood.Again, lots of stuff to be added.

What organ system is responsible for excretion?

The excretory system is a passive biological system that removes excess, unnecessary or dangerous materials from an organism, so as to help maintain homeostasis within the organism and prevent damage to the body. It is responsible for the elimination of the waste products of metabolism as well as other liquid and gaseous wastes. As most healthy functioning organs produce metabolic and other wastes, the entire organism depends on the function of the system; however, only the organs specifically for the excretion process are considered a part of the excretory system. The excretory system gets rid of waste called urine or "pee".

skin, lungs, kidney, defecation from colon

Parts and functions of excretory system?

The excretory system is a biological system that removes excess, unnecessary or dangerous materials from an organism. It is responsible for the elimination of oxygen waste products of metabolism as well as other nitrogeneous materials. Since the normal operation of most biological systems creates waste, the excretory system is not necessarily distinct from other systems. Instead, it often represents the various excretory processes of several different systems.

Component organs

The skin is another part of the excretory system: it eliminates sweat, that helps cool the body and regulate the concentration of salt. The salt helps evaporate the water, cooling off the skin.

The liver is an organ of the digestive system. It also helps in excreting wastes from the body in a variety of processes. Laboratory analysis reveals a high concentration of a small organelle called a peroxisome, responsible for breakdown of several toxic substances. It also takes in nitrogenous wastes and converts them to urea to reduce their toxicity.

The liver absorbs drugs and other poisonous substances in the blood and changes their chemical structure to make them less toxic and easier to digest. This waste product is called bile and is excreted to the digestive tract, facilitating digestion of fats while also disposing of is highly metabolically active organ.liver is also a erythropoetic organ in newts

The key organs in the excretory system of vertebrates.The kidneys are placed on either side of the spinal column near the lower back. They are primarily responsible for filtering blood by removing nitrogenous wastes, though they also regulate blood pressure in a process called osmoregulation and also assist with the production of red blood cells.

Define this: The digestive system?

The digestive system is responsible for the intake and digestion of food and water, the absorption of nutrients, and the elimination of solid waste products.
The major structures of the digestive system include the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and small intestines. The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are organs associated with the digestive system.
The mechanical and chemical process of digestion begins in the mouth. The pharynx is the cavity in the caudal oral cavity that joins the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems. The esophagus is a collapsible muscular tube that leads from the oral cavity to the stomach. After the esophagus, the remaining organs of digestion are located in the abdominal cavity. The small intestine or small bowel extends from the pylorus to the proximal part of the large intestine. The large intestine or large bowel extends from the ileum to the anus.

The Excretory system is responsible for the elimination of wastes produced by homeostasis. There are several parts of the body that are involved in this process, such as sweat glands, the liver, the lungs and the kidney system. Every human has two kidneys.These toxic substances have to be removed as they are harmful if allowed to accumulate. The removal of metabolic waste products from the body of an organism is known as excretion. The major excretory products are carbon dioxide, excess water, and nitrogenous compounds like ammonia, urea, uric acid, etc.Feces is a product of egestion and is the result of defecation. It is not a direct product of any of the four major organs of excretion and it is not formed from a metabolic reaction. Excretion only occurs from the liver and kidneys (urine), the lungs (CO2), the skin (sweat).

PLEASE HELP: Why do we need the Excretory system?

The Excretory system is a way of the body to release toxin. The excretory system is a biological system that removes excess, unnecessary or dangerous materials from an organism. It is responsible for the elimination of oxygen waste products of metabolism as well as other nitrogeneous materials. Since the normal operation of most biological systems creates waste, the excretory system is not necessarily distinct from other systems. Instead, it often represents the various excretory processes of several different systems.

What are the systems in the human body?

Major organ systems:
Circulatory system- pumping and channeling blood to and from the body and lungs with heart, blood, and blood vessels.
Digestive system- digestion and processing food with salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, rectum, and anus.
Endocrine system- communication within the body using hormones made by endocrine glands such as the hypothalamus, pituitary or pituitary gland, pineal body or pineal gland, thyroid, parathyroids, and adrenals or adrenal glands
Immune system- protecting against disease by identifying and killing pathogens and tumor cells.
Integumentary system- skin, hair and nails
Lymphatic system- structures involved in the transfer of lymph between tissues and the blood stream, the lymph and the nodes and vessels that transport it including the Immune system: defending against disease-causing agents with leukocytes, tonsils, adenoids, thymus, and spleen
Muscular System (Activity system)- movement with muscles and human skeleton (structural support and protection with bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons).
Nervous system- collecting, transferring and processing information with brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and nerves
Reproductive system- the sex organs, such as ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, mammary glands, testes, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate, and penis.
Respiratory system- the organs used for breathing, the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, and diaphragm.
Urinary system- kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra involved in fluid balance, electrolyte balance and excretion of urine.

Therefore, since the nervous system collects information, yes the eyes and ears can be said to being organs within this organ system.

Please please please help with Anatomy and Physiology ?!?!!? 10 points i promise!!?

1. Blood in the urine is called (1 point)
acute tubular necrosis.
nephritic syndrome.
renal cell carcinoma.
2. Which of the following statements is not true for the urinary system? (1 point)
Renal function does not change as adults move into later adulthood.
Renal function declines as people move into later adulthood.
The bladder has a diminished capacity because of atrophy, decrease in size, and decrease in
elasticity with age.
With age, incontinence is a progressive problem.
3. The main filter of the nephron is the (1 point)
mass tubing.
tubule cells.
renal tubule.
4. The majority of the responsibility for eliminating toxins from the body lies with the (1 point)
5. Which of the following is not an organ found in the urinary system? (1 point)
6. Water accounts for the highest percentage of body mass in (1 point)
younger women.
younger men.
older women.
older men.
7. Aldosterone decreases ___ reabsorption. (1 point)
8. Urea, ammonia, and creatinine are examples of (1 point)
antidiuretic hormones.
metabolic acids.
solutes not normally found in urine.
nitrogen-containing wastes.
9. Damage to the renal tubular cells because of toxins in the urine is called (1 point)
acute tubular necrosis.
nephritic syndrome.
renal cell carcinoma.
10. Which of the following statements is not true for the urinary system? (1 point)
Renal function does not fully mature until about 1 year of age, so infants cannot handle large
amounts of protein intake.
In infants, the ureters are short and the bladders are very close to the abdominal wall
Men get urinary tract infections in adulthood more easily than women because of the
construction of their urethra.
The glomerular filtration rate gradually decreases with age.