Which Us President Stated That Al Queda Was Decimated Destroyed

Did the United States ever attempt revenge for 9/11?

You mean did the U.S. ever attack Saudi Arabia since their Security Service, their version of the CIA, was implicated in the recently released secret 28 pages of the Congressional Investigation of 9/11 and 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis? No, not even sanctions were created against the Saudis. No, the United States decided to blow its own foot off instead and attack Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11 or any of the people involved and Afghanistan was not really involved either. The involvement of Al Qaeda originated from Sudan. There were 3 hijackers who did train in Afghanistan but actually spent more time in Hamburg Germany where the attack was actually planned. These are the only 3 terrorists who ever met or communicated with Osama bin Laden who played no role at all in the planning in Hamburg. It’s all stupid especially the U.S. spending trillions of dollars on wars about what exactly?

Americans: how has President Obama changed USA?

obama has done what the other politicians have done; lie, cheat, and steal.
He has increased taxes and unemployment as no other, he has increased federal spending more than all of the other presidents combined, he has created division and unrest in the country.
What he has NOT done is to produce a valid birth certificate, he has not lowered unemployment other than by changing the specifications -- there is actually a larger number of unemployed than ever before --, he has not fufilled even 1/4 of his campaign promises, he has not fulfilled his oath of office in which he promised to "protect and defend the constitution".
The danger to the U.S.A. is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting an inexperienced man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince or the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.
Our Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a
multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.(Prager Zeitung. 28 April 2011.)

Who was a better president, Reagan or Obama?

Conservatives tend to look very favorably on one and liberals on the other while usually reviling the opposite.I think history will ultimately remember Reagan for all of his failures. He expanded the size of government while raising taxes, failed our society in the fight against AIDS, drugs, and crime, negotiated with terrorists and conducted arms deals with terrorist-sponsoring states including Saddam Hussein's Iraq, failed to answer an attack on a U.S. naval vessel in Beirut, ran as a friend to unions and then destroyed their power, created the myth of the "welfare queen" to demonize people living in poverty, stocked his cabinet with criminals, failed Democracy itself when he supported the overthrow of Nicaragua's elected government in favor of the contras, supported apartheid in South Africa, cause a spike in unemployment, supported dictators so long as they were anti-USSR, was responsible for al-Qaeda, and began the process of decimating social security. He also lied a lot, but who knows, maybe he actually remembered things the way he says he did.History will look back somewhat more fondly on Obama, but I don't know that he'll be remembered as one of the all-time greats or anything. He will probably be remembered more for missed opportunities than anything. He attempted too many compromises that ultimately crippled his legislative agenda and supported a globally unpopular drone strike program. He had an opportunity to prevent the rise of ISIS by taking a firm stance on Syria and missed it. He had an opportunity to pass real health care reform and let it slip by. He had an opportunity to push forward progressive legislation and instead sought compromise with a party actively hostile to him at a time when he didn't need their support. He was very well-meaning, but looking back on it now perhaps not experienced enough at the game of politics when he took office.Down to personal choice, I'd say that while Reagan may have been the voice the country wanted at the time, with his tough anti-Soviet rhetoric, Obama ultimately at least made more of an honest attempt at being good for the nation instead of the party donors.

Does anyone think that there will ever be another minority president after Obama'?

Most definitely. Win or lose, Obama has been a trailblazer. His first campaign was one of the smoothest run, most profitable in US political history. He has crashed barriers that we all once thought would never be broken down. It proves that our system works, our democracy works. Slowly but surely, we will look at candidates of color or with other qualities and make judgments for their credibility, character, talent and integrity. Washington, DC, the White House, and Congress will no longer be just a White Mans' Country Club. Obama was the first of those who will follow. Very soon, I feel as though women will reach the pinnacle of national power as well. In my view, it's about time.

Why cannot India go into Pakistan and destroy the terrorist camps like the US does it in Iraq, Afghanistan?

Why cannot India go into Pakistan and destroy the terrorist camps like US does it in Iraq, Afghanistan?Simply because pragmatically speaking, India would not be able to do. Pakistan will retaliate with its full might. Pakistan is no nincompoopIn our propaganda war against Pakistan, we have made a tremendous progress. Most of our educated class thinks, Pakistanis are a bunch of morons, illiterate, religious fundamentalists, who live off the world charity. As a kid I always heard people say Pakistan does not make anything, it lives off charity from America. They continued to say it even after Pakistan became nuclear power. It is important to have the proper information about your enemy.This is what our most of the educated lot believes or wants to believe but reality is slightly different. Pakistan has one of the strongest military power in the world. The country is strategically placed close to middle east, the only Islamic state with Nuclear arsenal. Pakistan Military is sixth largest in the world and played a significant role in US lead war on terror. Pakistan has about a million military personnel, out of them sixty percent are in active services. Seventy percent of Pakistan armed forces are deployed near its Eastern border. We cannot allow ourselves to forget that l‎ike India Pakistan too belongs to the elite nuclear power club.‎Therefore it is not pragmatic to compare Pakistan to Iraq and Afghanistan. India cannot go and decimate all the terror camps in Pakistan, our enemy is stronger than we want to believe. In spite of our unwavering zeal, Comparing India to US is also naive, US alone has more nuclear power than all of the others put together. NATO is just a call away for US even if they do is reluctantly.