White Tongue Causing Bad Breath

Bad breath? White Tongue? HELP?

Gargle a cup of lukewarm water mixed with salt or half a lemon juice.This is best done before going to bed. Chew parsley leaves,which are sure to keep your breath fresh. More useful remedies at

My tongue is always white and causing very bad breath. Why?

Dry Mouth most likely. Certain medicines and ha its cause dry mouth. Brush and scrape your tongue after brushing and use a product like Oral Balance to keep your mouth wet. A dry mouth breeds the bacteria.

What causes bad breath on the tongue?

The tongue can build up plaque just like the teeth. In many people this fairly well self cleans. In some people it does not. The bacteria caught in the plaque are slightly different from those that cause decay. They produce the foul smell.To relieve the problem either brush your tongue or use a commercial tongue scraper.

Does the white stuff on your tongue cause bad breath?

The white coating on the tongue can add to bad breath problems. What it is is the outer coating of the cells on the surface of the tongue. More abrasive diets tend to reduce the coating.When the coating is heavy, it can retain more germs and even form plaque. If the bacteria are of the right type, these alone can produce bad breath. The coating only propagates bacterial growth.If bad breath is a problem, brushing the tongue or using a tongue scraper will help to reduce the bacterial count. This is a procedure I have found to be quite uncomfortable.Using tooth paste also helps. Different toothpastes are effective against different bacteria. If you are not having success, change toothpastes.There is always the possibility of underlying health problems that can cause bad breath. The orders are distinct for different problems. If this is the case, the coating on the tongue is not an issue. The underlying disease is the problem. “Postnasal drip, respiratory and tonsil infections, sinus problems, diabetes, liver and kidney issues, as well as certain blood disorders can all cause bad breath. In some rarer cases, bad breath could be a sign of cancer or other serious conditions like metabolic disorders.”[1]I would consult your dentist.Footnotes[1] what diseases cause bad breath

My 4 year-old-daughter has bad breath, her tongue is white in the back w/bumps. What is this?

Thrush is an infection of the mouth caused by the candida fungus, also known as yeast. Candida infection is not limited to the mouth; it can occur in other parts of the body as well, causing diaper rash in infants or vaginal yeast infections in women.

Thrush can affect anyone, though it occurs most often in babies and toddlers, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems.

What Causes Thrush?

Small amounts of the candida fungus are present in the mouth, digestive tract, and skin of most healthy people and are normally kept in check by other bacteria and microorganisms in the body. However, certain illnesses, stress, or medications can disturb the delicate balance, causing the fungus candida to grow out of control, causing infection.

Medications that upset the balance of microorganisms in the mouth and may cause thrush include corticosteroids, antibiotics, and birth control pills. Illnesses or medical situations that make candida infection more likely to develop include uncontrolled diabetes, HIV infection, cancer, dry mouth, or pregnancy (caused by the hormonal changes that occur with pregnancy). People who smoke or wear dentures that don't fit properly also are at increased risk for thrush. In addition, babies can pass the infection to their mothers during breast-feeding.

What Are the Symptoms of Thrush?

Thrush usually develops suddenly, but it may become chronic, persisting over a long period of time. A common sign of thrush is the presence of creamy white, slightly raised lesions in your mouth – usually on your tongue or inner cheeks – but also sometimes on the roof of your mouth, gums, tonsils, or back of your throat. The lesions, which may have a "cottage cheese" appearance, can be painful and may bleed slightly when you scrape them or brush your teeth. In severe cases, the lesions may spread into your esophagus, or swallowing tube, causing:

Pain or difficulty swallowing
A feeling that food gets stuck in the throat or mid-chest area
Fever, if the infection spreads beyond the esophagus
Thrush can spread to other parts of the body, including the lungs, liver, and skin. This happens more often in people with cancer, HIV, or other conditions that weaken the immune system.

White Hairy Tongue / Bad breath?

So i've been having this white tongue for bout a year. I believe it gives me bad breath.

My tongue is white and hairy. I think papillae is what its called, overgrew and it traps wateva food i eat between them and cause bad breath. It looks like thin white fur.
I use a tongue scrapper everyday(doesnt hurt when i scrap it) and brush my tongue at least 2 times a day.
Also tried brushing it with sea salt and rinsing with hydrogen peroxide.
It always looks pinker when i brush with toothpaste.
I drink at least 3L of water a day.

I dont think its thrush because i havent been hurt in any other way except it giving bad breath.
i've seen my local doctor and he said it was nothing, i still didnt believe him
The dentist suggested i need more vitamin C so im drinking more orange juice and eating more fruits.

Plz can sum1 help me, bad breath has really damaged my social life

How do remove my bad breath and white tongue?

Quickest route: Brush your tongue (with your same toothbrush, no need of fancy scrapers) every time you brush your teeth.Process: Brush your teeth and tongue with toothpaste > spit out > brush both again > spit out > rinse, wash your toothbrush > brush tongue again to get rid of the toothpaste on the tongue > rinse. Check. If there is some toothpaste still there, brush once again. Do it twice a day every day and most of your problem should be gone.Long term: It could have to do with your:Oral hygiene. I which case the above mentioned routine, along with a mouthwash should solve it.Stomach problems: A GP visit advised.Thrush. Your dentist can tell if its thrush. You will need some anti fungal rinses or tablets.

Dental Health and Hygiene: How can I fix my bad breath due to a white tongue?

In my experience that white tongue is the most common cause of bad breath, giving off that ‘sulphur’ odour (so I’ve read - who’s actually familiar with the smell of sulphur?)Use a dedicated tongue scraper to get rid of the accumulation overnight (go so far back that you gag!) and use a good mouthwash that neutralises bad breath compounds. I swear by Ultradex and haven’t needed mints or gum since I started using it; I’d go so far as to say it’s changed my life!I brush and scrape a few mins after each meal too (my dentist recommended waiting half an hour before brushing my teeth but I don’t have time) which may be obsessive, but it works for me. I also have some more mouthwash after the lunch scrape as the bottle advises twice-daily use is OK. Working in a public-facing role I can say that everyone would be wise to follow my example.Personally I found mints and gum ineffective short-term solutions that would ‘rot’ in my mouth and cause bad breath like anything else.(Also be aware of the sticky goop elsewhere inside your mouth, particularly on the roof and under the tongue.)

Does a white tongue always mean bad breath?

Yes, because the bacteria that grow on your tongue is white in color. This bacteria must be cleaned off to get rid of bad breath. You can "cover up" bad breath for a short time with mints, gum, mouthwash and even toothpaste but these products do not cure bad breath because they do not get rid of the bacteria. I found out about OraBrush tongue cleaner and have been using it for 6 months with great success. I use OraBrush because it is designed to clean the back of your tongue. It will leave your tongue pink in color after a few cleanings and your bad breath will be gone.