Who And When Was Scientific Method Developed Or Used

Who invented scientific method? how did it develop?

This is strange that you ask because I had a science test on the subject today. Anyhow, that would be Sir Francis Bacon. The steps of the method are:
1.) State the Problem
2.) Gather Information
3.) Formulate a Hypothesis
4.) Test the Hypothesis
5.) Record and Analyse
6.) State the Conclusion
Here's a picture:
Lovely man, isn't he? lol

How do we develop math if there is a "scientific method" to develop physics? What are the methods or ways to develop math?

Scientific method requires measurement and repeatability. The repeatability deals with the issue “it did exist” and that someone can demonstrate the identical result at some time in the future. Mathematicians discard this last requirement of “reality” and existence. Physicists are not allowed this liberty even though many pay no attention to the requirement.The closest math to this requirement came from Gauss. It is called the Gaussian Integers. This is where I would start. It deals with only numbers which can be counted. It is an incomplete math because it does not sufficiently define time and time is required to prove existence “in scientific method”.

What is scientific method?

1. State the problem.
2. Collect observations.
3. Form a hypothesis.
4. Test the hypothesis.
5. Form a theory.
6. Modify a theory.

What is the scientific method? Who invented it?

The scientific method is one way at arriving at Truth.It's not the only way. There is revelation, which is favored by most religions and relies on the direct word of God. Intuition is a way of arriving at Truth through innate insticts within human beings. Pure reason is another way that some philosophers try to arrive at Truth. This list isn't exhaustive, but just some examples of what the scientific method is competing against.The scientific method of arriving at Truth is characterized by using hard data, objective facts, and observations. That is done specifically by proposing a hypothesis, testing it, drawing conclusions from the experiment, and then hypothesizing again. The experiment must be controlled and repeatable for it to hold value.But why should we use the scientific method over the other methods of finding Truth? What makes it better than intuition, revelation, reason, or a million other systems?Because it has been proven to work. Using the scientific method has allowed us to cure diseases, put a man on the moon, and read Quora. It will not get the right answer every time, but pragmatically, it is our best option.For many years scientists believed that the universe's expansion was slowing down. However, in 1998 researchers discovered evidence that the universe is actually accelerating in its expansion. (The Expanding Universe: From Slowdown to Speed Up).Lets say a lone scientist lived in 1996 and without any evidence believed that the universe was expanding. Scientifically, he would be more incorrect than the rest of the scientists. Because even thought he ended up being right, he didn't use the scientific method to discover the Truth.Scientists dont believe in the acceleration of the expansion of the universe (or any other theory), they believe in the result of the scientific method.~~~~~~~~As a side note: The scientific method is not necessarily the correct method to arrive at Truth in all situations, even though generally it's the best. If a friend is really upset, and you want to say something to make them feel better, you should probably use intuition or experience instead of the scientific method.

The first record of the scientific method being used was how many years ago?

A long time ago, measured in millenia and centuries, not years. Early Egyptians used some elements of the scientific method in medicine and astronomy and mathematics to align their important buildings. The early Greeks applied observation and calculation to determine the circumference of the earth, but were eventually hobbled by Aristotle's insistence that reliable knowledge could not be based on experiment, since the world is imperfect and true knowledge must be perfect, hence based on reason.

The Muslims established something like the modern scientific method, and as Greek science became available to Europeans in Arabic translations, the scientific method spread to Europe. This was long before Bacon or Galileo.

Where did the scientific method come from?

First, there is no the scientific method. Different branches of science use different methods. And different scientists have proffered different methods. For instance, William Whewell championded “consilience of inductions”. William Whewell (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)If you mean the method taught us in grade school — Steps of the Scientific Method — then that method was worked out by scientists and philosophers from Aristotle to its formalization by John Dewey in 1910 (see answer by Shawn McCaslin).Technically, we are talking about the hypothetico-deductive method. People who contributed to it were Aristotle, Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, Robert Grosseteste (the idea of the modus tollens type of experiment), Galileo, Renes Descarte, Isaac Newton, etc.I suggest the book A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Science by John Losee. Very readable and will introduce you to the process.