Who Are The Customers Of Yahoo

How do you get a job in Yahoo customer service?

Well of that I’m not so sure you probably need to contact Yahoo customer service first, they normally specialize on:Yahoo Login/Sign in issues.Sending/receiving issues.Email attachment related issues.Forgot Password issue.Security Question related issues.Various email errors.Mail configuration issues.Email setting related issues.Yahoo Mail account hacking issue.Suspended or blocked Yahoo Mail account related issues.Here’s more info for you:

Who are Yahoo's customers?

Yahoo gets its revenue from advertisers. There are a few premium services for which Yahoo charges a fee directly from customers, but for the most part, their revenue comes from advertisers. Yahoo has a variety of free features such as e-mail, IM, 360, and Answers that draw in participants to their site. The more of us that Yahoo can draw in, the more Yahoo can charge its advertisers. So I would call all of us who come here and use the free services users as opposed to customers. The paying customers would be those who actually pay for a service or pay Yahoo to advertise on their site.

What is customer loyalty?

Customer loyalty is sticking to a brand. For example you own a Ford and the next car you buy is a Ford, you are a loyal customer. It seems only right that we get benefits for this loyalty, dont't you think?

RUDE Customers??!!!?

I had a long line and she seemed difficult. I just told her:"I'll just give you two 20's and you can get 5's at Customer Service because I dont have any 5's in my drawer, maam." You know because it's not like I was going to leave my register and call Customer Service(where the managers are at) to bring change over for a woman for no reason. Nevertheless, I was very polite to her

I then held out my hand to give her the receipt and 20's. She snatched one twenty with the receipt, then snatched the other one and cursed and stormed over to Customer Service. the next lady was in line with her husband and she said "What a NASTY bit*h that lady she was. The nerve! DOES SHE THINK THE CASHERS ARE A BANK?!" lol so then when I finished with her she said "That wman is just leaving Customer Service. Im going over there to tell them exactly what happened just in case she said anything about you!" So a little while later she came over and told me "I told them ALL about her! Have a nice day hunny!

How do you deal with rude customers?

As hard as it may sound the saying "kill them with kindness" really works. Just smile and act like their the crazy ones(when they really are) sounds like she was guilty and got embarrassed by it. Don't let it get to you. This world is full of crazy people. If it wasn't hers all she had to say was I didn't even see it down there? But she didn't . Go figure.

How to deal with rude customers?

Here's the thing: some people are not good at 'pleasantries', and it's not a personal thing. They just never learned the importance of that. They'll never be 'nice' to people, but it could reflect badly on you or the business if you DO take it personally - it could create a rather unfriendly atmosphere in the place, as other customers could pick up on that.

The thing is, you can't always know how people are until you interact with them a few times. It may be that this guy is mentally handicapped in some way - which wouldn't be his fault. I know it's hard, but it is VERY important that you remain friendly and courteous to ALL your customers.

Now if the guy is NOT handicapped, and is just plain rude, then obviously he wasn't reared right. While it's awful to be on the receiving end of such treatment, the best way to handle it is to say something like 'Okay sir, what type donuts DO you like and I'll see if we will have them for you tomorrow?' - then at least he can't complain about you and say you didn't listen to what he had to say, or that you were rude to him.

Always be friendly and courteous to customers. If they are total and utter gobshites, and horribly rude and/or abusive to you, you are perfectly entitled to line them up and shoot them - IN YOUR HEAD. Definitely NOT in reality. And the great thing about doing it in your imagination is that you can do it over and over again, in all kinds of ways, in your head, while you are smiling sweetly at them. It's a perfectly acceptable coping mechanism. Nobody actually gets hurt, but you do get sweet satisfaction.

How to deal with rude customers?

I sympathize with you. There's an art to packing groceries, and not everybody agrees with how it should be done. You've got to deal with the management's ideas, the customer's ideas, and your own ideas. While it's true that eggs usually go toward the top, I'd have put the roll of paper towels on the bottom (that wouldn't damage them), then the eggs, and finally the peppers if there were just two or three of them (they're quite light). Obviously the customer wanted her eggs on top, no matter what.

One thing you could do, when you see this particular customer at your checkout lane, would be to ask her how she wants her groceries packed.

I'm quite particular about that myself. I often bring two or three heavy canvas bags and a couple of insulated bags for my groceries. I put a canvas bag on the belt, then follow it with the items I want in there, in order. Then I put another canvas bag on the belt, followed by the items to go into it. Then I put down the insulated bags and the cold items. I'm happy if there's a bagger, because I can explain to them how I want my stuff packed as they're doing it. I'm less happy when the cashier has to do the bagging as well, because all the items jam up together at the end of the belt and get crammed into the bags every which way. I'm still working on the best way to communicate ...

How do you deal with rude customers?

You do not have to tolerate a rude customer. You are a human being. Call your manager.
A smart Manager knows that the customer is not always right and will support his/her staff.
It does not matter if the customer is drunk or had a bad day. No staff needs to take any abuse from anyone staff or customers.

I am a gardener and a tomato cage comes in many different sizes from place to place. I could not tell you which was a large or small unless they were beside each other. In the next store they could be different large and small.medium giant ......10 inch 15 inch ....

How good is your acting can your turn on the tears.

I am so sorry sir (sob) I am so stupid (sob) I am just a cashier (nose runs)I am trying my best its my first day on the job( choke back more tears) please don't tell my manager.(grab kleenex blow nose) Let me get someone else to help you. Close your till and walk away.Try not to laugh.

A large store can have 50-100,000 different items. I doubt anyone working for the store can identify them all.

Being extremely polite is another method. Your customer may have been deaf. Response


You are just the cashier you do not set the price you do not control the weather or traffic and putting up with rudeness is not part of anyone's job description.

Edit For your added detail it take 12 Nice customers to cancel one bad one. Same with compliments and complaints.

How do I contact Yahoo Mail's customer support in the US?

Following are the help administrations offered for Yahoo Mail 1 855 855 6595· Support for Yahoo establishment issues1 855 855 6595· Support for arranging the mail id· Support for issues in sending and accepting mail 1 855 855 6595· Support for Password recuperation· Support for overlooking the mail account watchword· Support for not ready to square undesirable client· Support in issues having talk on the web· Support for Yahoo Password reset settingsApproach Yahoo Mail Customer Support sans toll number 1 855 855 6595 offering bolster any hour of day and night. Convey for getting to the help administrations to have mistake free Yahoo Mail represent sending and accepting the email, messages. Administrations are made accessible 24*7*365 days to dispose of mistake specialized issues and have smooth running of Yahoo mail account.#Yahoo Customer Number USA 1 855 855 6595#Yahoo Technical Support Number USA 1 855 855 6595#Yahoo Customer Support Number USA 1 855 855 6595#Yahoo Support Number USA1 855 855 6595#Yahoo Customer Care Number 1 855 855 6595#Yahoo Password Recovery Phone Number 1 855 855 6595#Yahoo Customer Support Number 1 855 855 6595#Yahoo Technical Support Number1 855 855 6595@Yahoo telephone number@Yahoo client benefit telephone number day in and day out@Yahoo client benefit contact number@Yahoo bolster number@Yahoo client mind telephone number@Yahoo number@Contact hurray telephone number@Yahoo mail client benefit telephone number@Yahoo client mind number toll free@Yahoo technical support

Why do customers have to be so freaking rude?

Agrees... I stood up for a Cashier at probably same retail chain, different store. When a customer behind me got upset that the customer before me had emptied their cart on the turnstyle like thing (lol) and left. I was mad at the customer who had left their crap on the "counter". I never saw the customer who had left the stuff. But the little old dude behind me started up griping out the cashier for the stuff being there and having to wait. Tried to get me into the fight. Cashier was almost in tears. I turned to him and just as loudly told him that with everything going on in this country (this was like a week after 9/11) The least he could do as a human being is not be mad at her (cashier) and make her job even more degrading by causing a fuss. And that if he didn't want to wait, go to another line. Or better yet, leave completely, make us all happy. The other cashiers and the cashier who was waiting on me, were grinnng and giggling. The CSM (oops, I just give the retailer's name away?) who was getting rid of the stuff had a look on his face like he was going to kick me out. He was mad at ME, for sticking up for one of his own. I tell you don't mess with a wife of an "associate", because I am a customer, and I will stick up for the "associates" who are gettin walked on. There oughta be more people who'll do that. Just not right that you get treated like dirt for not having what the customer wants, not your fault. I feel for ya. I hope my little story will help put into perspective that even if I wasn't the wife of an associate, I'd still stick up for anyone who's being treated that way. No matter what store I was in.