Who Do You Think Might Be On Obama

If Obama or McCain wins........?

Will you or anybody you love need medical care at any time in your day-to-day life?

Will you or anybody you love be a member of the armed forces during the next four to eight years, and thus subject to the will of the commander-in chief?

Are you incredibly rich, and therefore in a position to benefit from a tax system that favors a tiny minority of wealthy Americans?

Are you poor or middle-class and therefore in a position to benefit from a tax system that is not skewed in favor of the super-rich?

Do you breathe air and drink water?

Do you work for a living?

Is there any chance that you or somebody you love will be dealing with an unwanted pregnancy? Or that you might be faced with arrest or torture or deportation? Or that you might be unpopular on the basis of your religion, ethnicity, or political beliefs?

If so, it your daily life might be deeply affected by the health-care policies, the war policies, the tax policies, the environmental policies, the labor policies, and the judicial appointments of the next president.

What do you think about the new Presidents’ ranking (Obama no. 8, Trump last place)?

ObamaObama is nowhere near 8th, I’d easily put him as a middle-of-the-pack president. High teens, low twenties at best.Being a neo-liberal corporatist who capitulated before an obstinate opposition party and was constantly cowed and tricked into mistakes in pursuit of the illusion of bipartisanship is not much of a resume, but hey, at least he passed a conservative healthcare plan - a bandage on a gaping wound - and stabilized the economy.That last bit is about all he gets any real credit for, in my opinion. The fact that he wasn’t a national embarrassment, diplomatically (like the Republican presidents that preceded and succeeded him) aren’t points of merit, they’re the bare minimum we should expect of our president. Boy, has that bar been lowered.The fact that his party lost over 1,000 seats nation-wide, lost the House, lost the Senate, lost the Presidency and had a Supreme Court pick stolen from them during his tenure speaks for how miserable he was at politics.TrumpAs for Trump, it’s too early to tell, but as far as first years go, he’s got to be challenging for most corrupt administration ever. At least since the days when the Tammany Hall political machine was at its height. Going at the rate he’s going, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Trump place - deservedly so - in the bottom three. Hard for me to put somebody below Buchanan, but Trump… he might have a shot.He’s got a talent for stupidity and incompetence I’ve never seen before. We all knew what Trump was before he was elected. A con-man, a mediocre (at best) businessman, a pathological liar, conspiracy theorist, sexist, racist, sexual predator, narcissistic, corrupt, ignorant, anti-intellectual, lazy… you get the point. His election is an indictment on conservative politics in America. Never again will they get away with pulling any of their faux morality games.With any hope, there will be righteous progressive backlash against him in 2018 and 2020, enough so that the thoroughly rotten, ethically and morally bankrupt Republican party may finally teeter and fall into the swamp it’s been deepening for years. The only group arrogant, incompetent and corrupt enough to screw this up? The Democratic Party.

What do you think of Obama's idea to do a gangsta rap video to lay out his plan for economic recovery?

You ever seen one of those McDonald's commercials where Ronald raps? Obama can't get gangsta cred without getting shot at least twice. If only he had taken some sniper fire like Hillary.