Who Gave You This Name And Why

Who gave you your name?

My parents gave me the name for me.. My full name is Ashani irunika Hettige. “Hettige” is my surname which is from my father and his ancestors. “Ashani Irunika” is really my name :) ! So my name was based on Sinhalese language which we speak in Sri Lanka.Ashani means desired and Irunika means sourced from sun. Thats the meaning of my name.Most south Asian countries rely on the time the baby was born and they take it to an astrologer and ask for letters to name the baby.Nowadays its a big business where the astrologer or the expertise in language give a set of names and parents later decide a name for the baby.I was born under that system. But for my brother my parents insisted a name similar to go along with my name. My brother was named as “ Ashan Isurinda”.So by the time I had my two babies,me and my husband did not rely on astrological crap and those so called language expertise(their names were common like grocery store labels) ,which is completely useless. And we make a list before the babies were born and when my son and daughter was born we named them with beautiful names.My son is Mahiru Jayin Ranathunga.Mahiru means the “earth” and Jayin is “ conqueror” from Sanskrit. So meaning of his name is “ conqueror of the Earth”.My daughter is Raya Yashoki Ranathunga. Raya means “a good friend,a good daughter and and a good wife” form Hebrew. While “yasho” part is taken from Lord Buddha’s wife “ yashodara” .She was a great character. So meaning of her name is “Like Yasho-a good friend,a good daughter and a good wife”.That’s the story of the names!

Who gave God his name?

The word ' God" is a title like the titles "President" or " Prime Minister". The meaning of the title God; Powerful One. The name of God in the inspired scriptures is "Jehovah" in english. The meaning of the name was revealed to Moses in the following verses- Exodus 3:11 However, Moses said to the true God: “Who am I that I should go to Phar′aoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” 12 To this he said: “I will prove to be with you, and this is the sign for you that it was I who sent you: After you have brought the people out of Egypt, you people will serve the true God on this mountain.”13 But Moses said to the true God: “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your forefathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is his name?’ What should I say to them?” 14 So God said to Moses: “I Will Become What I Choose to Become.” And he added: “This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘I Will Become has sent me to you.’” 15 Then God said once more to Moses:“This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Jehovah the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generationSo there is a Name for Almighty God- Jehovah.

Who gave the name cell?

Robert Hooke gave the term cell. He was the first person to discover structural and building unit of living organism. He discovered the dead cells in cork by his own invented microscope,though not as advanced as today’s microscope. He found hexagonal rooms which were regularly arranged, giving appearance of empty room and hence named cell which means room . Hope this helps( sorry my grammatical mistakes )

Is my Korean name korean?

Hi 혜미~^^

It's usually '혜미', not '헤미'. 혜미 is quite common name amongst female Korean.

It usually means:

혜 - 慧(지혜 혜) (He, Hye or Hae) - wisdom, sense, wits, itelligence
미 - 美(아름다울 미) (Mi) - beauty, beautiful

들을수록 너무 의미잇음 ㅋ
It's very pretty meaningful name~

Thanks~ ^^

Is my name ugly? Should I change it?

I don't like my name and I'm thinking about changing it someday. I'm wondering about other people's opinions on my name, do you like it? Please be honest =]
I'm a girl and my name is "Kinga."

Why can't parents give their kids normal names?

Why do so many new parents give their kids these stupid trendy names? Why can't they have normal names? The cute baby you name Trinity or Dakota today will eventually be old and wrinkly with such a stupid name. Why must parents give their kids such bizarre spelling? Kayleigh, Kailee, Caeley. It's ridiculous. That child will be spelling out its name for the rest of its life for everyone else. You are being trendy and cutesy, and the child will suffer for the sake of you feeling trendy. Instead of protecting and caring for the child, you're putting them through a lifetime of hardship. It's selfish.

Forget the trends. Give your baby a normal name. Give them the traditional spelling. Make their life easier. You don't need to be trendy. You need to be a good parent, which includes giving them a name they can use their entire life.

Why must some parents feel compelled to give their children such messed up names?