Who Has An Opinion About Obama

What is your opinion of Obama Care?

I’m a blue state liberal, Obama-voting, and so on, so you might be surprised by my opinion: I don’t like the Affordable Care Act, and I didn’t like it when it was debated the first time in 2009.The reason I don’t like it is not that I don’t think all Americans need universal health coverage. We do, of course.What I don’t like about it is that it’s a legislative solution designed by lawyers. You know the saying, if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail?Washington saw the problem as “not enough people have health insurance” so their solution was “make it illegal not to have health insurance.”Imagine if we said that it’s a problem that not enough Americans have a college education, or high-speed internet, or access to voting—and the Washington solution was to pass a law saying that everyone was required to get those things.I know the ACA had subsidies, and Medicaid expansion, and prohibited insurance companies from denying or dropping people. But those are sugar-coatings for the misguided solution.The better solution is to make health care cost less. Not health insurance—health care. We spend too much at the provider level, and the health insurance companies naturally pass that along to consumers. That’s what makes our health coverage crisis so difficult.Until we come to terms with the fact that we spend too much per capita on health care costs, the US will not find an affordable solution.

In your opinion is Barack Obama egocentric?

All politicians have to be to even want to run for public office. I find O'bama to actually be one of the more even tempered balanced political figures in today's political arena. I think that is part of his attraction to many people. This in itself does not necessarily mean that he would be a good president or a poor president but I'm not worried about his ego for sure.

What is your opinion about Obamacare!?

I think it is a horrible bill because it addresses the wrong question.

While Obama and his minions claim it is about providing coverage to people, the salient point is not about coverage. Insurance companies can create millions of policies at a click of a button.

The relevant point is affordability, and I fail to see how Obamacare addresses that. There is nothing in the bill about tort reform, lowing malpractice insurance costs, or providing competition between insurance companies in different states. Some of the nice sounding things about Obamacare - such as pre-existing conditions - are also going to drive the costs up. This will make coverage even more unaffordable for people.

What is your opinion on today's augaration of obama?

!!! I am keeping my opinion to myself !!!!

Which of these best describes your personal opinion of Obama?

Which of these TV show titles best describes your personal opinion of Obama?

1. Fear Factor
2. Law & Order
3. Lie to Me
4. The Biggest Loser
5. Criminal Minds
6. America's Next Top Model
7. Other ____________________________

Does anyone else have the opinion that Obama would probably improve the country more then McCain?

Democrats have historically improved the economy of the country . I feel that not only does Obama have the skills to help the country he is actually concerned about the people and their quality of life. McCain would certainly help the big businesses and maybe that would help through the "trickle-down" effect.Those who support the republicans seem to find one agenda that meets their needs and focus on that to the exclusion of everything else. With my mother it's capital gains, that is the only reason she has for voting republican and it's not even based on facts. for some it's abortion, or gun control or war which they call "supporting the troops". I think the troops could be better supported by bringing them home and helping them get an education and the medical and emotional help they need.