Who Has The Upper Most Hand - A Beautiful Person A Strong Person Or A Wealthy Person

Why do rich men prefer to date young and beautiful women?

In Indonesia, we have three rhyming words that perfectly sum up men’s weaknesses: harta (wealth), tahta (power) & wanita (women).And the funny thing is, men usually fall for all three. When a man possesses wealth, he will usually be bestowed with power. With wealth and power, come along women pining for them.Needless to say, men are visual creatures. This couple right here happens to be a fitting example.Yep, our Tesla sweetheart, Elon Musk. Not only is he rich, he works approximately 100 hours a week and is one of the brightest minds in this era. It strikes me deep, though, when the news of him dating Amber Heard started floating around. After some research, this fella seems to have quite a particular and distinctive type: blonde, pretty and killer body. At least one or even all these traits are found in Musk’s exes: Justine, Talulah, Cameron (rumored) and now Amber. Mr. Musk, as we see, has consistent taste in women.I used to have assumptions that a man of brain and vision like Elon wants a partner who can keep him intellectually challenged. Whether or not Amber is keeping him intellectually challenged, we don’t really know. My point is, has anyone ever seen an ant that turns away from the sight of sugar? Because I have never seen a man refuse a pretty face.—————UPDATE——————Judging from the comments I received, it seems my statement has caused a misunderstanding.“Because I have never seen a man refuse a pretty face.”What I meant by this statement is not that men always prefer pretty face to kind hearts or gold personality, but rather men generally seem elated by the presence of pretty women in the room and admire them.It does not suggest that no men are trustworthy. I hope this is understood.

Why is the distribution of wealth in America so unequal?

The richest 5% have too much of America's money and the way to fix this is to re-elect Democratic Congressmen and Senators on Tuesday to tell them we want to even out the distribution of wealth.

I don't understand why a rich person is just sitting pretty, and the waitress on the other side of the room struggling to raise her kids on wages and tips, can't get a helping hand?

The rich person can pay a little bit more to help the waitress who is struggling in her life, it's neighborliness.

Why don't we take Government actions to even out the distribution of wealth in America by redistributing some of the wealth through Government programs?

For example, we could raise the 1% tax back to where it was under Clinton, and raise the capital gains tax to 28% to demonstrate fairness when rich corporate executives are paying less in taxes than their secretaries! And that's not fair.

Why are wealthy people taller and better looking than the poor?

Taller and better looking people have better opportunities in life. They find it easier in social situations because people - both adults and children are more receptive to them, and they find it easier in education and the work place. They're more likely to be hired than an ugly person and they're obviously more likely to attract high quality mates meaning this passes down generations. In the days before women's liberation being attractive was a ticket out of poverty as she could marry a rich man. Wealthier people are in general more educated, so eat healthier and have more access to means of regular exercise. You don't see many morbidly obese rich people, ironically, but you see many morbidly obese people who live off government benefits/welfare. Hundreds of years ago being fat was seen as a sign of attractiveness and wealth.

Why do wealthy people seem to have healthier, glowing skin?

Let me first provide an anecdote. I was at my first job, wasn't feeling very well and was at the company clinic waiting to see the doctor. Suddenly this lady came in through the door. She was from my old college, the kind you have seen but never talked to before. I swear her skin was like glowing, a kind of almost bronze like glow even though her skin tone was actually much lighter than bronze. And I almost couldn't stop staring at her skin. I normally wouldn't notice a lady first by the skin and have never heard any other guys doing that. But anyway I was really mesmerised. She proceeded to fill in some forms at the counter. So I had more than a few seconds to figure out whether it was a real glow or since I was sick, my mind was playing tricks on me.So yea, so I guess I know what is glowing skin. And during that encounter, I didn't once think about whether she was wealthy or not.On the other hand, when I see wealthy people, I normally realise it by their clothes and accessories or demeanour. I never observe their skin. Which means your healthy skin observation is not directly because they are wealthy IMO but indirectly as I will mention below.OK, now the reason. What do people tell you to have good skin health?Have enough sleep, drink enough water, eat more fruits, eat your vitamins, don't smoke, use moisturizers, some say use a toner, avoid depression, be happy.Basically it's easier for the wealthy to achieve all of the above and in a quality way. They buy the best of everything that money can buy. I heard some bathe in milk & honey. And generally I believe on average, most of the wealthy are happy.

If a Harp (instrument) was a person what characteristics would it have?

I once did a quick quiz on what instrument I should play. It kind of answers your question. (I play the harp anyway, so that works.)

You Should Play the Harp
You are a sensitive soul, with a great admiration for beauty.
You definitely have what it takes to make beautiful music, but most instruments are too harsh for you.

Overall, you have the relaxed demeanor of a leisurely upper class person, and your music would reflect that.
Your calm yet soulful harp playing would be sure to help people forget their troubles for a while.

Your dominant personality characteristic: your zen-ness

Your secondary personality characteristic: your quiet independence

True or false: Most poor people are "lazy" and most wealthy people are "hard-working"?

False. The Neo Cons like to make glittering generalization. The poor work for the rich, but the rich don't work too hard because most of their wealth is inherited and not earned.

Are upper class people really superior to an average ordinary person?

Rich People and Celebrities have always considered themselves to be powerful people with authority and jurisdiction. They believe that they can go above the law and what applies to the average normal human being doesnt apply to them. Granted, I can understand that they feel this way because of the money. Money=power, power=arrogance. But are they really higher than people like you and me. Are they classified as "Super" people and are higher on the graph than we are. Are they really looked upon as "Gods" and us as "Pawns", "Slaves" or "Servants". I always get the feeling that I dont deserve to live because I am not rich. I feel like I havent deserved the right to have a good time or conjugate with people or to have friends because Im not rich. Are we really inferior, a lesser quality group of human beings?