Who Is An Agent In An Agency As Regards Agency Law

Which federal law enforcement agency is above all and has the most power?

The agency with the most investigative jurisdiction (delegated enforcement of specific laws) is the FBI, with ICE second; that could be equated with "power," but they are not synonymous. Powers of arrest are equivalent in most agencies; however, some federal special agents have more restricted powers with regard to arrest, use of covert investigations, use of covert recordings, and carrying of firearms (this could include Inspector General positions, Dept. of Labor, SEC, etc.).

Les, this is not true:
"The FBI charter allows them them to investigate any Federal crime BUT they take their orders from the attorneys working for the US Attorney General. hey cannot investigate anything or even make a non on view arrest without permission of an AUSA (assistant US attorney).

The rules of arrest for federal agents are based on probable cause (same as state and local), and do not require permission of an AUSA to investigate or make an arrest (although, as with some state and local agencies, prosecutors may be consulted prior to arrest; or an indictment is issued in accordance with the Constitution).

From my US Customs credentials (now marked "RETIRED"):
"to execute and serve search or arrest warrants, ... make arrests without warrant, require and receive information relating to offenses, and bear firearms"

Do recruitment agencies take money from candidates?

The basic or actual business model of consulting does not allow to take money from candidate. They charge from the company, 8.33% of annual CTC offered to the candidate.But these days, many consultants take money for registration, service charge for placement, etc. (This concept is ever growing because of unemployment and poverty)But personally, I never respond to such consultants. I find them unsuitable and unprofessional.

Does the CIA, NSA and other intelligence agencies in the USA have law enforcment ability inside the USA?

Does the CIA, NSA and other intelligence agencies in the USA have law enforcement ability inside the USA?Pure intelligence agencies, as part of their charters, have no domestic authority of any kind and no law enforcement authority anywhere. An intelligence agency’s job is to gather information, generally with regard to national security. A law enforcement agency’s job is to enforce criminal law as authorized by the appropriate legislative body. A law enforcement agency may gather intelligence in furtherance of its law enforcement mission, but its mission is still to enforce criminal law, not to gather intelligence.The Offices of Intelligence of the FBI and DEA have been included formally in the Intelligence Community of the United States because both operate internationally as well as domestically and sometimes turn intelligence related to the national security of the United States. The FBI also has statutory counterintelligence responsibilities, which are separate from its law enforcement responsibilities.DEA’s Office of Intelligence is primarily staffed by Intelligence Research Specialists, who have no law enforcement authority.

Some independent agencies are quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial in that they:?

a)discuss rules and regulations for public policy with congress and the courts
b)must enforce laws and decision made by congress and the courts
c)have certain powers to maek laws and rule on conflicts
d)tell congress which laws to pass in regard to their functions