Who Is Bigger In This Picture

How can i make my boobs look bigger in pictures?

photoshop or faulty camera


Why do my boobs look bigger in pictures?

The camera adds weight all over. With the way your breast are shaped it may be most obvious there.

How can one learn to see the bigger picture and to put things in perspective?

One of the tests I give all new clients is a Perpective Test.I take a porcelaine statue and place it on a table in front of them asking them to say what they see. I do this three or four times with different statues, of course. Nine times out of ten, they tell me what the statue looks like, what the subject is and that’s about it. They fail to tell me that, 1. They’re all made of the same material - porcelaine. 2) They all come from the same factory. 3) They’re all just ornaments so they have the same use. You are by no means alone in being unable to ‘see’ the bigger picture.In Psychology we call it Gstaltism. (Called after the German guy who initially proposed the idea). It’s simply the art of not just seeing the cat, but seeing where the cat is sitting, what the rest of the environment is around it, so we can make a judgement of what it represents and what it is we are actually seeing by evaluating the entire context.Hope this helps.

How can I trace a picture on to a bigger piece of paper?

Electronics, such as scanning/printing or photocopying, can do it easily.

For a person, you can't do it by tracing. There is another method though that involves a systematic redrawing that can have a fair amount of accuracy/aesthetics even if you cannot draw.

Take the original and draw a grid on it. Then take your new paper and draw the same grid IN PENCIL - not the same measurements (or you'll get the same size) but same ratios. So, if on your original, you draw a grid of 10x15 equal sized squares, you'll draw 10x15 equal sized squares on the new piece of paper, and the squares will be of the larger size.

Then, when you draw, you work on only replicating one square at a time. Once you replicate every square, erase the grid lines and connect the squares again. Since you are drawing such small portions at a time, even those with limited drawing skills can usually make their piece look fairly good and accurate.

However, this is a time-consuming process. Electronic copying will work better.

Good luck!

Why do my pictures not get bigger in Facebook when you click on them?

Mine do that too, so I just make them larger by doing the following:

1. Put your pictures in a folder on your pc or laptop on the desktop.
2. Then click on your folder and open it.
3. Highlight the picture you want to be made larger.
4. At the top of the screen, click on slide show.
5. When your picture comes up, then click the button on your keyboard,
that has PRTSE SYSRQ (that means print screen)
6 Then, go to paint and open Paint!
7. Press CTRL and the letter v
8. The large picture will appear on the screen.
9 At the top left hand corner is a swiggly square The picture is outlined on the full screen ( the picture will move all over the screen if you want to move it) and next to it is a square (the square makes the picture stay in one place on the paint screen).
10 first click the squiggle square, then click the square next to it. (that lets you outline it where you want to)
11 put your curser ( it will be cross shapped) on the corner of your picture and follow it to the opposite corner to outline your enlarged picture.
12. click on it
13. Go to edit Click CUT
14. the picture will be gone..
15. Click on paint again
16. press CRLT and then the letter V
17. the picture will be in the upper left hand corner
18. go to file and save as
19 you can name it the same but add the letter a or b or number 2 to
the end of it. that way you will know it is the bigger of the two
pictures and easy to identify it!
20. You can make any picture larger doing this and it usually won't be
distorted .
This is really easy after you have done it a few times.
I hope I helped you to make your pictures bigger. Have a good day!