Who Is David Rockefeller And Why Do People Hate Him

Why do a lot of people HATE David Rockefeller?

I haven't heard much about him recently. What do you hear?

Who is David Rockefeller and why is he so hated?

First of all, thanks god he died. I was waiting for six years for that to happen. Second of all, The Rockefeller Family is one of the most powerful families in the world. The Rockefeller Family has started to be rich by creating the Standart Oil Company. And they own the Chase bank, Citigroup, BP, the Chevron Company and Exomobile. They own more companies of course. Aaron Russo (A film Producer) claimed that the Rockefeller family did 9/11. And 6 months after that, he died. David Rockefeller had six heart transplants and some other transplants. His target was to live until he was 200 years old. He was talking about the new world order and stuff, so people claimed that he is from Illuminati and some ****.

Who is David Rockefeller and why do people hate him?

David Rockefeller is the honorary chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations who advises the U.S. government regardless of which party to do all the great work they've done throughout the years. The Rockefellers are the ones trying to help the world combat climate change by increasing taxes on carbon dioxide (CO2), they are very chartable giving to planned parenthood so minority women can have rights to their bodies, the Rockefeller Foundation studies how to send a political message within media through promoting social trends for the kids to follow etc...

Who is David Rockefeller and why is he so hated?

First of all, thanks god he died. I was waiting for six years for that to happen. Second of all, The Rockefeller Family is one of the most powerful families in the world. The Rockefeller Family has started to be rich by creating the Standart Oil Company. And they own the Chase bank, Citigroup, BP, the Chevron Company and Exomobile. They own more companies of course. Aaron Russo (A film Producer) claimed that the Rockefeller family did 9/11. And 6 months after that, he died. David Rockefeller had six heart transplants and some other transplants. His target was to live until he was 200 years old. He was talking about the new world order and stuff, so people claimed that he is from Illuminati and some ****.

Who is David Rockefeller?

He is one of the ultra rich ruling elite. This group includes the Rothschild family, the Dutch and English royals. These people own all the central banks, control the money so control the whole world. Collectively they are known as the new world order. David is the traitorous founder of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. This man single handedly has done more to destroy this country than any foreign enemy ever has! This group is truly evil and considers all of us worthless eaters! They are actively working on reducing the world population by at least 80%. Just one of the reasons they start all the wars!

Why does everyone hate David Rockefeller?

ROFL ... number 1 you cannot speak for everyone , not everyone is hating of David Rockefeller and not everyone even knows who it is, including you it would seem !!!

Why do some people consider David Rockefeller to be evil?

For a number of reasons:Tin foil hat nonsenseSatanist. The family are Christian, not satanistsMultiple heart transplants from sacrificed babies: he had never had a heart transplantReptilianisms: he was a human, not a lizard!Illuminati: it's not realNow, exponents of such views will rage and call me stupid, but their evidence will be absurd sensationalist unfounded rants by paranoid people in bizarre YouTube videos.Globalism and liberalismGlobalism: Rockefeller was a globalist and advocate of American capitalism. He hoped for a unified world on a humanist level, where all people had freedom and a decent quality of life and good human rights. He saw American capitalism as a good humanist model that the whole planet could benefit from. However he could also see his nation's economic humanist flaws but maybe not strongly enough.I agree with him that global unity is the key to humanist goals and i agree that higher global national GDPs in all nations are essential to improving the quality of life for all humans: excellent hospitals and schools etc, enough food.However i think the united states is an awful model and that runaway capitalism helps the rich, not the poor.A lot of people oppose globalism. They may see it as too powerful compared to the individual or they may be nationalistic.South AfricaHis bank supported white leaders at the time of apartheid which made him a hate figure.However, people did not realise he was organising and attending secret meetings with black leaders in South Africa to establish the real picture of oppression and abuse. He did not trust the white leaders but thought he could do more good keeping up a relationship with them.This is why Nelson Mandela was a close friend to him until Mandela's death.He was powerful in the banking worldFor people whose lives have been ruined by banks and who have lost everything, you can understand their anger. Banks are greedy. And yes, he has culpability for those ruined lives. Not the humanitarian he liked to believe he was.To summariseOverall, the man was a Homo sapien. There is no illuminati. He never had a heart transplant. He was a globalist and a liberal, which many people hate. He was a huge philanthropist. But as the head of his bank he also ruined thousands of lives.

What did David Rockefeller do bad?

Depends on his personal invovement in the Rockefeller foundation or the Standard Oil Company, both founded by his father. The Foundation paid large amounts to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Heredity and Eugenics in Berlin. Chief: Ottmar von Verschuer, Subject: twin research, Research fellow: Josef Mengele. (How exactly it was known what was done is not clear).

Standard Oil exchanged patents and patent licenses with I.G. Farben before WWII. Those contributed significantly to war efforts on both sides.
Standard Oil received the BUNA patent to produce syntethic rubbers (e.g. Nylon) for many applications but especially tires, because the caoutchouc supplies were cut off by the Japanese.

I.G. Farben received from Standard Oil the patent for tetra ethyl lead as gasoline additive for high octane fuels, without which the German Luftwaffe couldn't have moved one propeller. In the beginning of WWII, before the production capacities were ready, the additive was delivered too. The first WWII campaigns were flown with the original additive.

Why did David Rockefeller say this?

In a National Press Club speech:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

From his biography Memoirs, published in 2002 (at your local Barnes & Nobel or Amazon)

"For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it."

Do you still not believe MSM is controlled media and if not, why? He has said it explicitly.