Who Is More Incompetent - Obama Or Congress

Was Obama incompetent?

No, he wasn’t and he’s still not. While he might not have done everything right while in office, he for sure moved the country to a better place.For one, he championed diversity not only in words, but also in action, making significant strides toward a more multicultural America that celebrates diversity. Top policy positions went to people of all colors, classes and creeds. He appointed more female and ethnically diverse judges than any president in history and was the first president to introduce Hindu customs into the White House, or to wish Persian Americans a happy new year in Farsi. Obama also strengthened LGTB rights, paving the way for marriage equality and anti-discrimination legislation. No president better reflected America’s diversity, or honored it so single-mindedly as he.He also pushed American families forward by strengthening women in the whole country. Through the (now defunct) White House Council on Women and Girls and increased enforceability of laws designed to combat pay discrimination, the Obama administration directed efforts to ensure that American women could achieve financial independence. Higher minimum wages meant mothers could spend more time with their children; paid family leave would allow parents to parent without curbing their careers and ultimately, their spending power. Linking gender equality to America’s economic prosperity helped Obama to co-opt bipartisan support for a number of women’s issues. Despite Obama’s leaving office, women’s issues have had tremendous staying power; his legacy gave rise to powerful movements like #MeToo and Time’s Up, which continue to strongly advocate for women.He changed the paradigm in American health care. Beyond insuring over 20 million Americans, the Affordable Care Act changed the American mindset on health insurance. While nearly 50% of Americans expressed support for repealing the ACA, 60% of those who do not favor it said it should be replaced before repeal. These numbers reflect Obama’s success in changing America’s expectation on government involvement in healthcare. And while the repeal of Obamacare was one of President Trump’s main campaign promises, it is clear that many Americans are unwilling to accept an America without affordable healthcare options.

Why is the Congress so incompetent and lazy?

* Obama has overhauled the food safety system
* Advanced women's rights in the work place
* Ended Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) in our military
* Stopped defending DOMA in court.
* Passed the Hate Crimes bill.
* Appointed two pro-choice women to the Supreme Court.
* Expanded access to medical care and provided subsidies for people who can't afford it.
* Expanded the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
* Fixed the preexisting conditions travesty [and rescissions] in health insurance.
* Invested in clean energy.
* Overhauled the credit card industry, making it much more consumer-friendly.
* While Dodd-Frank bill was weak in many respects, it was still an extremely worthwhile start at re-regulating the financial sector.
* He created a Elizabeth Warren's dream agency: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
* He's done a lot for veterans
* He got help for people whose health was injured during the clean-up after the 9/11 attacks.

Should Obama step down because of his incompetence?

Yes, he should step down for the following examples of gross incompetence:- pulling us out of a recession, and unprecedented job growth. It's really hard for me as a employer to find really cheap labor now that there are other people hiring. Oh, and that darn minimum wage thing. What is he trying to do? Force me to sell my Ferrari?- fed policies leaving the stock market at record highs. I took my money out of the stock market when that Kenyan socialist was elected. So, I'm not invested in the stock market, so this sucks, and is incompetent.- Ending the war in Iraq. My business depends on a healthy dose of military contracts. I make toilet paper specifically designed for difficult desert environments. You really need something soft yet sturdy out there when you are crapping sand. Now, I have nowhere to sell it- Passing a major healthcare initiative. There are just too many alive people in the country already. I'd like more people to die. Particularly poor people.

Is Barack Obama the most autoritarian and the most incompetent President in US History?


Do you think President Obama and the Republican Congress can work together to solve America's problems?

Congressional Republicans are too divided amongst themselves to pass anything of substance.Many of the Tea Party members were elected based solely on their absolute unwillingness to compromise under any circumstances. Their leadership does not have any degree of control on their party.  What are the chances, then, that they'll suddenly become good at compromising with each other? They all agree on tax cuts and repealing ACA... but the question is: what will they replace it with?  The legislative process is difficult, and these people are extremely out of practice.This is why Obama keeps taunting them, saying "pass a bill".  Expect this to be his mantra for 2015.  The reason why is win-win.Either A) Republicans will demonstrate their incompetence at governance, or B) the President will get to sign realistic comprehensive legislation.  He's always been a little too willing to compromise, anyway, and will jump at the opportunity.

Is there only 8% private sector experience in Obama's cabinet positions?
I got wind of Obama hitting the all time low of having only 8% private sector experience for his cabinet picks. So I Googled and found this link above. I found nothing on a Fox News search, a reputable source for facts that the lapdogs keep quiet about. What say you?

If President Trump is reportedly incompetent ("Fear" by Woodward), why is the economy still strong without social implosion?

Trump has done very little to influence the economy. He entire effort has been focused on claiming the good fortune his successor (and better) left him.If you were given control of a company that was very profitably and growing it’s market share… would you change everything? Of course not.Since 2009, after Obama assumed his office, our economy went from a negative dive that was the Bush economy to a positive climb and it has continued growing. The same trend established over two terms solidified into to straightline growth and this trend continues even after he left the Whitehouse. The line is there… just look at it. Do some homework.What you will see, eventually, with trump’s decimation of NAFTA, our now combative relationship with China, Mexico and Canada as well as the whole of the EU, and the very clear message he does not understand the basics… even just the basics, of how trade works, will be a rapid shrinking of our economy once his policies fully take place.To borrow a phrase I read on CNN today, trump is all hat and no cattle.He is about to hurt our dining, very badly, and it will take a long time to recover from it.The first thing he will do, I will betyou, is blame Obama. Or the Dems. Somehow, the economy he claims he improved singlehandedly, will have been destroyed by others. One would think a man who is so talented and in control could have prevented it.

Can the President fire a member of Congress or reprimand them?

The President has no power over a member of Congress and cannot fire them. He is the Executive branch and they are the Legislative branch. It was done this way as a means of checks and balances to prevent a president from stacking the Congress in his favor. Said congressman can resign or be subject to a special election to be recalled or replaced by the members of the district represented.