Who Is Right About Physical Health

Define health?

Physical health is the overall condition of a living organism at a given time, the soundness of the body, freedom from disease or abnormality, and the condition of optimal well-being. People want to function as designed, but environmental forces can attack the body or the person may have genetic malfunctions. The main concern in health is preventing injury and healing damage caused by injuries and biological attacks.( )

Physical Health includes those aspects of health that are often the most salient in our immediate lives and related closely to the natural progression inherent in human development. The knowledge and skills presented are the foundation for individual control over many of the factors related to a healthy lifestyle. The areas covered share common goals in their emphasis and focus on building and maintaining healthy habits. ( )

What are the health risks of physical inactivity?

Obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, heart attack, stroke, different types of cancer. Death.

Eat right. Exercise.

I'm a big believer that death isn't the worst thing that can happen if we don't take care of ourselves. Imaging being overweight because of a poor diet and exercise, then having a heart attack that destroys a large portion of your heart muscle. At this point, someone who is heavily obese with a heart that doesn't work wouldn't be able to lose weight even if they wanted too--- because they get out of breath just sitting or standing up.

Or, imagine the same scenario, but you have a stroke instead of a heart attack. Imagine the stroke paralyzes one side of your body, arms, leg, face included. You can't walk, talk or even eat on your own, but may be perfectly awar of your surroundings.

Depressing huh? I know, these seem extreme, but it happens all the time in America at least. People are always shocked and saddened by tragic events like these when they happen to a loved one. They can't believe something like that could have happened and it's very hard to deal with. What is more tragic, is that in many cases it could have been prevented. Just by eating right and exercising.

How does spirituality affect our physical health?

It is likely that a majority of our illnesses are due to our being ‘sick’ spiritually and under the sway of our egos, which keep us in the Fear mode even when there is nothing to Fear, and/or our minds, which insist in doing the kind of ‘what ifs’ that are negative and about possibilities that are very unlikely to occur.As long as we live in self-chosen Fear, our immune systems will be on high alert and we will not deeply relax and let them heal minor issues before they become big ones and are entrenched; so ‘almost’ impossible to overcome (note the word ‘almost’, please). We do have limited amounts of both physical and spiritual ‘energy’ or ‘capacity’ and should not waste it on non-real imaginings! LoLWhen we learn to live in the Now (the only time there really is) and let go of the thoughts and Fears that are not presently important, our immune systems (which are very powerful and amazing in many ways) can go about cleaning house because we have not locked ourselves in stressful and energy-robbing Fear.That way, when something that could use a Fear-based reaction does happen, we can let it naturally happen from a body in great condition and not locked so tight by stress that it cannot react quickly enough. When the situation has been resolved, we can go back the living fully in The Now and let our bodies go about clearing up any messes that occurred during the Fear-driven episode. We can also build our ability to become ever-more-powerful spiritual beings, our true essence, and even more capable of dealing with real issues.Love and Above to those who would learn the Truth (and not try to be Right).

How does oral health affect your mental and physical health?

Poor oral care has been directly linked to heart disease and the build up of plaque in the arteries.

As for mental health, it can have adverse effects on one's self esteem, limit their ability to graduate upward in the work place, develop social skills and relationships.

True or false? Our emotions have no effect on our physical health?

depends on the emotion-your health can effect your emotions.- Homeostatic Emotion
Another neurological approach, described by Bud Craig in 2003, distinguishes between two classes of emotion. "Classical emotions" include lust, anger and fear, and they are feelings evoked by environmental stimuli, which motivate us (to, in these examples, respectively, copulate/fight/flee). "Homeostatic emotions" are feelings evoked by internal body states, which modulate our behavior. Thirst, hunger, feeling hot or cold (core temperature), feeling sleep deprived, salt hunger and air hunger are all examples of homeostatic emotion; each is a signal from a body system saying "Things aren't right down here. Drink/eat/move into the shade/put on something warm/sleep/lick salty rocks/breathe." We begin to feel a homeostatic emotion when one of these systems drifts out of balance, and the feeling prompts us to do what is necessary to restore that system to balance. Pain is a homeostatic emotion telling us "Things aren't right here. Withdraw and protect."..............ever feel so sad that you couldn't eat? don't eat long enough it will effect your health.....ever felt so scared that you couldn't sleep? go long enough without sleep, it will effect your health.