Who Sacrifices More For Christianity - Men Or Women

Christians, Did Moses sacrifice virgins for god?

I got this response to my question "Why did god change so much from the Old Testament to the New?"


I can see why you'd be so confused, but in truth, God didn't change at all. In the Old Testament, the people were still called to love one another but in the Old Testament, you see a lot of God's wrath. He is a just God who won't be taken lightly.


But, Most Christians I have met have tried their very hardest to distance themselves from the Old Testament. Whenever I quote some vicious, abbhorent, sadistic verse. They respond saying "That's Jewish" or "Why don't you ask Jews about that". Or anything to distance themselves from it.

Because I don't understand this, Because the same god Christians worship is the same god from the Old Testament.

So they're still worshipping the SAME god that incited Moses to tell his army in the Book of Numbers

"Kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."

Numbers 31 (Read it in context). - King James Version

And some Christian apologists have said "Oh it ment take them as their wives". But It's not like a child is going to want to marry the man that slaughted her entire family. It obviously ment to either rape them, or put them in slavery. Or both.

Why couldn't God take the more compassionate approach, I don't care about killing the men. Its the defenceless woman and children that struck me as abbhorent.

Also, If you read further on. It counts out in the bible their "booty" (Which is what the bible calls it in 31:32). First it goes on to say how many donkeys and virgins the children of Israel get.

Which was 32,000 virgin children. (31:35)

And then it goes on to say how much the lord gets in a tribute and it says

"31:40 And the persons were sixteen thousand; of which the LORD's tribute was thirty and two persons."

But were they virgins, or just regular human sacrifice?

Who sacrifice more in life, men or women?

Men To my mom 60 and alone, she wanted to marry a girl to her wish i did that (still date i am feeling for leaving the love of my life)To my sister i sacrificed our house for her husbands treatment.To my wife(introvert) i scarified my social-being.To my Dad i sacrificed the regret which i had on him for not taking care of me at my young age .Every day after marriage i sacrifice my happiness, my needs,my time,my friends just to keep my wife and child happy but guess what she is still not happy and don't want any relatives to come home she want to be alone celebrate festivals alone stay in the room alone WTH.  Don't tell giving birth to a child is great sacrifice if god would have made us that way i am sure men would have done that also .I am frustrated cant tell my wife to be social can't tell my parents not to come home can't call my widow sister to home for diwali celebration Guess what i have tried once to sacrifice my life that also didn't work my wayMen sacrifice a lot but are questioned 1000 times what did you sacrifice Funny World.By being Anonymous i am sacrificing my feels about any body will hurt them

Do women sacrifice for men more than men do?

Hello Kisrx.A woman doesn't make sacrifices for a man, she does it for love. Women are emotional being. Yes they do make sacrifices , they practically compromise their entire life for family and husband. But if she is rewarded back with proper love and respect, trust me no woman will ever utter a word about the efforts and pains she took for you.However, a woman becomes a GODLY BEING when she becomes a mother. And the sacrifices a mother makes cannot be matched.So , women make sacrifices for love and family, not for men.Thank you for the A2A. :)

Is it fair that women have to sacrifice their bodies and 7% to 9% of their lifetime income to be mothers?

Nope. It's not fair. And we are supposed to accept that our "choices" to have children or seek part-time work in order to balance work and home-life - is all our own individual fault, and has absolutely nothing to do with the systematic discrimination against women...

Who did "God" sacrifice Jesus Christ to?

Calling all Christians.
Jesus was said to be sacrificed FOR the sins of man by God. But who did God sacrifice Jesus TO?
All sacrifices are in honour of something or to something of a higher power so WHO WAS GOD APPEASING BY KILLING HIS SON (who was also god himself)

God was sacrificing himself to himself? How is this possible? Surely if He is all powerfull there was no need to sacrifice his son. Did he sacrifice his son to appease the Devil or a HIGHER POWER THAN GOD?
Please answer even if you are not a christian but make your answers cohernet. Thanks.

Why do Atheist men respect women more than Christian men?

Could this be any more of a weak straw man? Like, honestly. I'm sure you can do better than that.

Is Christianity a religion that celebrates human sacrifice (Christ on the cross, old testament stuff, etc.)?

Like others here have pointed out, it would seem that somewhere along the way the narrative of “the final human sacrifice” was highlighted out of the oral tradition to signify a shift from old ideologies to new ones.I would add that the term “celebrates” is not an apt descriptor. Early Christianity certainly fetishised human sacrifice, as evident through the martyr era. Then later it was tempered to being mostly venerated.It’s worth noting that sacrifice is part of the human condition and will thus be found in most religious doctrines. There is no love without sacrifice, so ultimate love requires ultimate sacrifice.Fortunately for most modern humans, the definition of “sacrifice” has shifted from giving up ones physical existence, to giving up ones personal comforts and desires.

Christians, why does your God LOVE blood sacrifices?

He loved them for 1000s of years, and then he decided the only way to fix everything was to have the biggest, most perfect, blood sacrifice of them all - HIMSELF!

Clearly an all powerful God could have come up with a different way to fix things, since an all powerful God makes whatever rules he wants. Therefore it is apparent that God chose blood sacrifice because he likes them for some reason. What's the reason? Is he part vampire or something?

So Christians, God sacrifice himself to save us from himself?

He saves us from the consequences of our sins. We cannot be one with God because of our sins. The payment for our sins were owed to God, but man is incapable of paying for those sins; so, God became man and as a man paid the penalty for our sins so that we can be one with God.