Who Spouts Off More Lies

How can you get your child to stop telling lies??

This is a tough one and hard to crack. But, if you shame him or react strongly it will only get worse. Create a safe environment where he will feel safe to tell the truth. Don't expect it to change over night. Also, don't overreact when he does something wrong and tells you the truth. Give him praise for being truthful. Work together to solve the problem. Don't force him to tell the truth or he will never back down. Instead, you can talk about the truth and go through the motions of correcting the problem. Be the adult and teach him what going through the problem looks like. It needs to be safe and a learning experience.

Your child is 8 so you need to get a hold of this now but do it gently. Your job as a parent is to guide this young person. Remember, this person is a little gift. It is your job to see how you can help him discover who he is. Don't take his lying personal. It is his challenge and for you to guide him with love through it.

You also might want to get a book called "parenting with love and logic." also, seek a counselor who specializes in human development and eary childhood education.

Decide how you will react to this little life you are given for a short while. Don't mistake his struggle with your failing. Don't let him get away with lying but at the same time don't back yourself into a corner where you lose your authority.

On another note, his lying could also be his gift. Sound wierd? If you steer this in the right direction you can help him discover his talents of telling stories, of being a writer, or something like that. This can turn into a positive thing if you channel it to something creative. Who knows, he can become the next best author.

Do you agree with George Conway that President Trump does little but “spout nonsense and lies”?

Don’t agree with, ‘does little’.Seems to me he works his ass off. And he does tell nonsense and lies.Butt how does one talk about the nonsense and lies of Trump without alluding to the nonsense and lies told by theBamster, Bush, Clinton, Bush,sr. and every other POTUS in our tainted history, including LBJ??Seems the real question should be: “What has Trump told the Truth about?”And then contrast that with what the other shmendricks have told the truth about if we are going to be fair and balanced in our righteous criticism of our governors.Everybody lies and tells nonsense, a hundred times a day, many to themselves.Colonel Nathan Jessup informed us of this many years ago.

Do Trump supporters today (6/17) still chose to ignore lies from the President as they did during the election?

This is a biased question but I will say this: Trump is not a trained politician. He’s not well rehearsed in the deceptive art of lying and chosing his words carefully as to be retracted later to mean something else. Those trained polished liars are the most damaging because they're good at telling people what they want to hear and excusing it so that you don't know it was a lie. Trump is a straight shooter. He tells it like it is and doesn't take time to think it through. He spouts off nonsense sometimes but his “lies” are a reflection of his ego. Specifically I'm thinking about him saying how big his crowds were. To him it was a big crowd, he doesn't know the size of other crowds or even cares. Its his ego being boastful. And those little lies can confuse people because when he talks about fake news (which it is) no one can tell if he just had his feelings hurt or if it’s true. He'll learn. But for the most part, he's telling the truth. All his seemingly random tweets have turned out to be true. I think he uses twitter as a negotiating tool just like he did with Comey and the Obama spying suggestion. He knows its true but I think he says things to catch ppl totally off guard and sits back to see who runs for cover. Its very clever of him imo. Its like turning on the lights to see how many cockroaches are out. Lol So far its been extremely effective. He caught Rice, Comey and some leakers. The man knows exactly what he's doing and needs to do to learn who to trust. He'll be figuring out who to trust for a while. He's learning the hard way that the swamp is thicker than he thought. So I'm ignoring the little egotistical things. As long as he's steadily keeping his promises that's all that matters. That's way more than a polished politician has ever done.

Why do Mormons lie about the Book of Abraham?

The papyrus that Joseph Smith (JS) claimed was the lost book of Abraham was found many years ago and translated from Egyptian into English by the best Egyptologists. The Egyptologists stated that not a single word in the JS translation was correct not only were the words incorrect but the whole story bore no relationship to what JS wrote, and there was no mention of Abraham. In fact it was a common burial scroll of an Egyptian Priest. This papyrus is in the possession of the Mormon Church.

How can the church knowing that their book of Abraham is a completely fraudulent document tell others that it is a canon of scripture. Do most members lie about this or do they just not know? I take it that most of them just don't know and don't want to find out. Members of the Mormon Church however should ask themselves why a church that claims to be of God, blatantly disobeys the teachings of God "Thou Shalt not bear false witness"

U.S. Soldiers = Rich People's puppets?

Seems like its true, they have soldiers that have nothing to do with the problem from each side of the war kill each other for no reason. and they make them believe they are fighting for the freedoms of Americans. Hahaha Politicians should send soldiers to fight at the white house, because that is where the real terrorist lies. They strip away our rights, lie to us about wars for the financial gains, he have our soldiers die over lies. Yea Our soldiers are puppets, and you would be a fool to join the military at this day and age, and it is cowardess of the American people to send someone of to save there own lives in the first place. Tell me if you agree or disagree and why.

Should I DUMP my LIBERAL Boyfriend?

Should I dump my LIBERAL boyfriend?
Usually the nonsense he spouts (DIEBOLD) is kind of cute, but in wartime his instinctive idiocy is life-threatening.

While the form of treachery varies slightly from case to case, he always manages to take the position that most undermines American security.

Whether he is defending the terrorists or bleating for Saddam Hussein, he is always rooting against America. He is either a traitors or an idiot, and on the matter of America's self-preservation, I think the difference is irrelevant.

On top of all this, he just quit his job at Qwicki Mart where he bagged groceries. I used to find him attractive. Now when I see him in his hat & his Down with America shirt I get sick to my stomach. What should I do?

Did you know GlobalWarming is natural, and Sceienctists are paid OFF by Al gore and the hippie commuists?

I think GW is sun made is natural cycle, The fact we use So many cars and lights dosen't affect anything, i think tha...Oh look a bird!

... where was i, oh yea, Mars is metleting and it has no cars don't you see.

The fact we exmext more carbone diocide thean ever before dosen't mattered. cuase greenhouse effect was made up by Al Gore aND Liberal media

I think we should call them LIE-berals HAHAHAHAHA LOL ROLF ROLFMAO ROLFMAOXAKJS...and so on.

The hippie communists want to use eviroment to fund dere evil plans to destrory demo-cracy cuase they be hatting freedom

the world is cooling because carbone diocide COOLS the earth. Why are you idoit liebrals

Smart people who think GW be NOT real!!! My real question is how we inform the peoplees and teach then about the truth about Al Bore and hippes, how we strop them!!!!111!1

Do you support Trump?

Absolutely not. He did have knowledgeable members of staff (excluding Ivana And Jared) who tried to guide him but they were either kicked out or left. Trump basically builds big monuments to himself that aren’t cost effective like the Taj Mahal casino that went bankrupt. The wall won’t stop drugs like he claims as all drugs come through seaports, airports and designated crossing points. The wall will have no impact. This wall is unnecessary as the net migration of Mexicans to the US has been zero for two years now. Besides you can always go under, over and around a wall. His foreign policies cozy up to Xi, Duarte, Mugabe, Putin and Kim Il Un, While disparaging our allies. His Mideast peace plan headed by Jared Kushner has gone nowhere and when you find out who the panel is you understand why. Not one member of the panel is a middle eastern expert. The panel has members like bankruptcy and divorce lawyer for God’s sake. WTF!!! His Tarrifs on China are starting to hurt the US. Apple is slowing and may have to lay off workers. Farmers that sold Agro products to China are seeing a drop in business because the Chinese put tarrifs on US products in reaction to Trump putting tarrifs on their products. His military strategy to pull out of Afghanistan is upsetting as the Resurgent Taliban are in a position to take back Afghanistan. There is much more. So, no, I don’t support Trumps policies has he has no effing idea what he’s doing and lies like a rug.