Who Was Born On December 24

Why do people think Jesus Christ was born on the 25th of December?

“The establishment of December 25 evolved not from biblical precedent,” indicates The Christmas Encyclopedia, “but from pagan Roman festivals held at year’s end,” about the occasion of the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Those celebrations consisted of the Saturnalia, in honour of Saturn, god of farming, “and the combined festivals of two sun gods, the Roman Sol and the Persian Mithra,” asserts the same encyclopedia. Both of those birthdays were famously celebrated on December 25, the wintertime solstice as per the Julian calendar.Those pagan festivals started to be embraced by apostates in the year 350, when Pope Julius I designated December 25 to be Christ’s birthday. “The Nativity gradually absorbed or supplanted all other solstice rites,” emphasizes the Encyclopedia of Religion. “Solar imagery came increasingly to be used to portray the risen Christ (who was also called Sol Invictus), and the old solar disk. . . became the halo of Christian saints.”The Scriptures do not furnish Jesus’ birth date. But nonetheless we can easily deduce that he was not given birth to on December 25. How so? The Holy Bible informs us that when Jesus came into this world, shepherds were “living out of doors” tending their flocks through the night near Bethlehem. (Luke 2:8) The wintry, rainy season typically commenced in October, and shepherds​—especially in the frigid highlands, like those around Bethlehem—​brought their sheep into shelters after dark. The coldest climatic conditions, from time to time accompanied by snowfall, took place in December.Appreciably, the first Christians, plenty of whom had followed Jesus in his ministry, never ever celebrated his birth on any date. Instead, in accord with his instruction, they commemorated only his death. (Luke 22:17-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26)In spite of everything, some might say, ‘Does the pagan link truly matter?’ John 8:44 informs us that "there is no truth in [Satan the Devil]. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies." Christ Jesus, on the other hand, "loved justice and hated evil." (Hebrews 1:9) So, yes, it does matter, a lot because “true worshipers will worship the Father with . . . truth.”​—John 4:23.

Characteristics of Capricorn ( December 24 ) ?

Weirdos. At least that's what people tell me. I was born on December 24. Not weird bad - just weird "whatever".

People born on this day are not blessed or cursed with general Capricorn traits. Some famous people born on this day include Ricky Martin, Ryan Seacrest, Howard Hughes, Nostradamus.

She'll be a valuable friend in that she will be trustworthy and would never harm you in any way even if you two have a fight. She'll drift off into her own thoughts unexpectedly and if she gets mad you will have no idea about it till three years later when she'll feel comfortable enough to tell you at which time she will expect the offending event to be in the forefront of your memory because it will have been in the forefront of hers the whole time. Oh, and if you two stop being friends for whatever reason she will call you in 10 years and talk as if the friendship is still ongoing. Nobody born on this day in the history of time has ever remotely been considered to be cool. It isn't the uncoolest day in the zodiac but probably in the top 5 uncoolest days to be born. If you want to be friends with her to increase your social status then forget about it. In fact it may be seen as a liability. See the weird yet? Not weird bad - just weird "whatever".

There are lots of positive attributes to people born on this day but I can't think of any right now because nobody ever tells me what they are.