Who Would Geopolitics Be Shaken Up If The Us Decided It Wanted To Join The British Commonwealth Of

Why does Quebec want to be independent from Canada?

Being a Canadian myself who has lived in Quebec for 2 years would be able to provide more insight into the Quebecois experience in Canada.Canada’s history can be divided into two parts, The French and The English experience, two vastly different experiences resulting in two vastly different cultures.Quebec has it’s own identity from their history, society, language, music, politics completely alien to the rest of Canada.Think about it like this, would Canada be willing to join the USA? They infact are the economic and cultural powerhouse. Even though English speaking Canada is culturally closer to the USA than Quebec most Canadians would give a resounding no. How would the people of Quebec feel if they’re part of a country that is completely alien to their culture?Unfortunately English speaking Canada no longer has a unique cultural identity that can distinguish themselves from the USA, Quebec on the other hand has able to resist foreign cultural influence and maintain it’s cultural identity unique to North America.A common misconception is that Quebecous are bigoted towards English Canadians as people, Most people from Quebec are not against Canadians but against the English bias. They would just like to take the administrative aspects of Quebec into their own hands and rightfully so, I don’t want my brother changing the interior designing of my house, I love my brother but he doesn’t bloody live here eh.Quebec certainly has it’s own problems, I’d assume they’d be more effective in fixing it if given the administrative rights to do so. I don’t want to get into the politics of the provinces that’s for another time.Canada and Quebec are two different people with different values and cultural backgrounds for better or for worse.I completely understand and support their need for independence. An independent Quebec would rebuild the Canada-Quebec relationship and benefit Canada.

I need world war 1 information by November 2 2007?

World War I, also known as the First World War, the Great War and the War To End All Wars, was a global military conflict which took place primarily in Europe from 1914 to 1918. Over 40 million casualties resulted, including approximately 20 million military and civilian deaths. The conflict had a decisive impact on the history of the 20th century.

The Entente Powers, led by France, Russia, the United Kingdom and its colonies and dominions, and later Italy (from 1915) and the United States (from 1917), defeated the Central Powers, led by the Austro-Hungarian, German, and Ottoman Empires. Russia withdrew from the war after the revolution in 1917.

The fighting that took place along the Western Front occurred along a system of trenches, breastworks, and fortifications separated by an area known as no man's land.[2] These fortifications stretched 475 miles (more than 600 kilometres)[2] and defined the war for many. On the Eastern Front, the vast eastern plains and limited rail network prevented a trench warfare stalemate, though the scale of the conflict was just as large as on the Western Front. The Middle Eastern Front and the Italian Front also saw heavy fighting, while hostilities also occurred at sea, and for the first time, in the air.

The war caused the disintegration of four empires: the Austro-Hungarian, German, Ottoman and Russian. Germany lost its colonial empire and states such as Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Yugoslavia gained independence. The cost of waging the war set the stage for the breakup of the British Empire as well and left France devastated for more than a generation.

World War I marked the end of the world order which had existed after the Napoleonic Wars, and was an important factor in the outbreak of World War II.

What exactly is Isolationism?

I have to write an essay for history on whether I would favor isolationism or favor Germany's and Italy's invasions in other countries. However, I'm not so sure what isolationism really is. I've read about it in my history book but I still dont understand. I need enough information that will help me write a full essay on it. I'm super frustrated. Can anyone help me?