Who Would Let There Ex Partner See There Child If They Had A Cold

Should you kiss your partner or kids when they are sick?

Both my husband and son has been suffering from a cold and cough. My son had a temp. that got up to 102 that was recorded at the doctors office, but has since broke. My husband has not been running a temp. but is coughing up yellow phelm.

I know the Golden Rule to always wash your hands a lot and not to touch your nose and mouth too much to avoid becoming sick, so I was wondering what advice or experience you had in this area?

P.S. My husband and I aren't doing any french kissing so we aren't coming in that close of contact while he is sick.

Parents: How sick do your kids have to be to let them stay home?

It depends. If they have a fever, they stay home. It's not even debatable. Same with vomit, fever or no fever.

If they are nauseated, I will try and find the cause - My son gets nausea if he doesn't sleep well, or is hungry. If feeding him toast doesn't help, and it seems he can't concentrate in school, he stays home. There is no point in sending him if he's going to be miserable and not pay attention.

Diarrhea depends. If it's not bad, then they go. Though, I sent my son the other day, and he was fine. But now my daughter has it - which means he was probably contagious and it wasn't just from something he ate (he eats WAY too many apples). So I kept her home, even though she's only feeling a little sick. I don't want her spreading an illness to other kids.

Colds/sinus problems - not usually. Unless they are REALLY suffering, they go to school with a dose of medicine for the symptoms. The symptoms can last ages, and if I let them stay home for the duration of an infection or cold, they would miss several days or even weeks of school.

Headaches, depends. Really bad ones, they stay home. Mild, they eat and stay awake a bit (headaches can happen if they are sleepy or hungry). If it doesn't get better, they get some painkiller and go to school. If they feel worse throughout the day, they can call and I will come get them.

Yes, I would let my child stay home if they were dizzy and nauseated. And if they continue to wake up dizzy and nauseated for two or more days, they will be seeing a doctor.

How would a narcissist control an ex girlfriend while in a new relationship?

They do what's called hoovering (named after the vacuum company). They are pretty much the same regardless of whether the NPD is single or not. I'll add [with GF] to signify that this could be done alone or with the new partner. Like Shane mentioned, these things are specific but some general ones include:No Contact and mild hoovering:Showing up to places or events they know you are going to be at [with GF].Befriending your new friends [with GF].Engaging more often with mutual friends they know you are engaging with [with GF].Telling mutual friends things about them [and about GF]  that they believe will get back to you so they can guarantee you are thinking about them.Social media stalkingMore explicit hoovering/contact hoovering:Talking loudly about their new romance within earshot of you.Quick engagements and disengagements: "I need to see you. I need to. I don't know what I'll do if I can't....OMG that was such a bad idea. we can't do this anymore it's too much. I'm such a mess." [I have a GF now!]Asking for advice about new romance. Complaining about new romance. Praising new romance.Apologies and gifts.3rd party contacting.More intense hoovering:Showing up to your place to say they will hurt themselves/kill themselves unless you talk to them.Threats of violence to others unless you talk to themBlackmail unless you talk to themUltimately the control is EMOTIONAL control. It's designed to confuse you and hijack your focus. An NPD is interested in being the center of your world. If he or she can't have it physically they will still want it emotionally. If an NPD had a camera in your house and saw you always worrying about them and crying about them, they'd likely never ever ever contact you again. But they don't have a camera, and so they will hoover you off and on so that they can be guaranteed that you are thinking about them. They likely don't even want you back, but they might pretend to want you back if the new GF isn't as good as a supply as you were. As advised. Just go no contact. There will be a short period of rage and anxiety as the NPD freaks out about losing your supply, before they go into mourning your supply, and finally replacing it. This process goes quicker with NO CONTACT.

My ex partner and father to my children wants to reconcile after being 5 yrs apart. This was the 2nd time he had left me. What are your feelings advising me?

I think he has a lot to prove to make sure he is not gonna bail out of your life a third time.It he was a random ex, I would suggest you to pass and keep looking forward. When a kid is involved, from a total external “cold” point of view, I would love to read you made things work again.But we have very little details on how your relationship was and if it can be saved.I would suggest to put him at test by offering him a true friendship but not a romantic relationship (aka no physical contact at all time). Let him try to seduce you again, to be there for you, listening to you, learn more about you and especially : observe how he acts with your child, if he is present for him/her, etc.It’s too easy for him to disappear and get you back on a plate every time he feels a little bit lonely. Friendship requires more work, more involvement actually with little return benefit (if sex or a comforting cocoon are his sole interest).That would minimalise risks on your side because you would not have to involve yourself emotionally straight away and becoming really vulnerable.All that being said, the fact he left already twice isn’t a good sign for a positive future but, hey, people change and can mature, who knows.Good luck anyways !

Can husband be in the operating room for C-section with a cold?

My husband started coming down with a cold about 2 days ago. He was coughing a lot last night and this morning. He does not have a fever.

I am scheduled to have a C-section tomorrow morning at 7:45am. Will they let him be in the operating room with me?

Do I have to consult my ex for an ear piercing on my daughter?

My ex and I have joint legal custody and I have sole physical custody of my 20 month old daughter. I recently pierced my daughters ears and my ex flipped saying he needs to consent. Do I need his permission to do so or is it my call because I have sole physical custody?

Why has my narcissistic ex become so cold towards me?

Because he started Devaluing you.Meaning after a period of time, the kid will start to get bored of his old toys, since the same toy does not provide him the same excitement, drama he used to get back in the days.The kid lacks Empathy he never loved the toy, he just loved the way the toy made him feel, it was all about him.After a period of time you start to get Devalued or Ghosted(You will received the so called Silent Treatment or the Cold Shoulder, less affection, less talking time, everything less, the things that they used to Love Bomb you with, because they are simply bored and you will crave for them).The Devaluation is inevitable no matter how good you are or what you did they will eventually get bored of you, because they never loved you, after it happens the relationship will officially end and the Narc will Groom other sources of supplies, they have groomed them long before you ever knew about them, meaning you will be replaced.You will never get a closure, answers or anything, the more you crave for them the less you are going to get them, because that would feed them attention knowing the fact that they live for the attention.Now it’s up to you if you will agree to play into their madness they won’t have a problem playing their game. If you decide to stay you will further feed them Fuel, if you leave you will save yourself. The game will end the moment that you decide to put an end to it, they will never give you a closure or answers, forget about it, they dun act like normal individuals who really feel, because they never feel anything knowing the fact that they lack emotional/affectionate empathy.They won’t beg you to leave neither stay, they are having a blast with this new source of supply that feeds them constantly fuel, if you decide to be the sidekick feeding them extra fuel they would gladly welcome it, knowing the fact that double fuel is better then single fuel.