Who Would You Say Has Been The Worse President Since You Been Around


Well, seeing that there's only been one president in the 21st Century (aside from the 19 days Clinton was in office pardoning all his contributors in 2001), I wonder what sort of agenda you have here.

Who was the worst president in history?

This question certainly has received its fair share of patronizing and condescending answers.Hillary Clinton was never president and whether she’ll run again in the future is, as far as I know, uncertain. Personally, I hope not.As for who has been the worst president in U.S. history, well, that’s difficult to ascertain because every person is going to have their own answer depending on their political ideology. It’s going to be difficult to find an objective answer to your question, but I’ll give it the old college try.Donald Trump, who is only 10 months into his presidency, has thus far, in my humble opinion, had a lackluster performance. If his performance doesn’t change, he could very well go down in history as the worst U.S. president. To say he is the worst right now is premature and foolish. And no, I am definitely not a Trump apologist or supporter.Other than Trump, my vote is for Reagan.Why, you may ask? Well, he was the one who made supply-side economic theory and, more specifically, trickle-down economics, a household name. In case you’re not familiar with this, it’s the idea tax breaks to the wealthy will “trickle-down” by providing more jobs and providing increase salaries and bonuses to employees, who in turn will spend the money and thereby boost the economy.My problem with this is that the figures don’t seem to support this idea. Between 1979 and 2005, the lower income earners saw a meager 6% increase in their after-tax income in contrast to a staggering 80% after-tax income in the upper income bracket. To me this suggests a failure of trickle-down theory.

Who is the worst president you've seen in your lifetime?

There has been 3 so far. The last 2 and the current one, so Trump, Obama and Bush Jr.None of them were great. I don’t remember when Bush was President because I was too young at the time, nor do I remember much of Obama’s first term but I do remember my mom hating Obama very much and she never really said anything about Bush’s Presidency.I think Bush was terrible for starting pointless wars in the Middle East which killed innocent civilians for no reason except for his personal gain, and he wrecked the economy, over oil that was in the middle east. He didn’t seem to be a terrible person and much of what happened in his Presidency was Cheney’s fault as well. I again, don’t remember much of his Presidency but he was not a good President based on that alone. He seemed to be a pretty decent person with values though, he never cheated on his wife, was married once, treated his wife decent, never made comments like the ones Trump made about his daughter Ivanka, and had experience before.Then, Obama, Obamacare, killing Osama bin Laden, he was not great and he should not have killed innocent people in Syria and should have been more lenient on abortion, but overall he was just okay. Not much different from Bush.And then you have Trump, the serial rapist, misogynist, nationalist… I will have to say Trump.However, if this can apply to President’s outside of the US, Bashar al Assad and Putin were pretty terrible Presidents as well, and were Presidents in my lifetime. The question does not specify US presidents, so Bashar al Assad overall with Putin second for worldwide Presidents and for The US Trump.

Who do you think is the worst president the US has ever had?

There is really no debate here. Obama is by far the worst presdient the US has ever had.

His domestic policy has resulted in millions of lost jobs, record poverty, record health care costs and a massive fall in purchasing power.

His foreign policy has been so bad our allies have literally suggested he may be insane.

We've never had a president before who has been such a dismal failure at everything.

Is Harry S. Truman the worst president ever?

Think about it. The Truman doctrine of 1948 says that we, as Americans, will do everything in our power to stop the spread of communism. Therefore we had the Korean and the Vietnam wars, which led us to the thinking that is was ok to start an Iraq war. I'm pretty sure we never won any of those wars. In fact, last I checked, the last war we won was WW2. The war that Truman rode FDR's coat tails on. Hmmmm?

Who do you think is the best and worst president?

The best President is probably Franklin Roosevelt.The only reason I cannot give it to Lincoln is pretty much due to the fact the only major issue he dealt with was the Civil War (which was the biggest of issues) and we didn’t get to see how he would be able to deal with economic crisis, etc.Roosevelt took over the US in the greatest Recession mankind has ever seen and dug them out with a silver spoon and a pen. His ultra-liberal policies, even by today’s standards, brought the United States back to the forefront of world economies.In his New Deal, he provided relief for the poor with soup kitchens and social security (two things still in place). He brought in recovery by opening governmental jobs for those without work. He also heavily regulated Wall Street to make sure another disaster will not occur.He ended the disastrous Prohibition and supplied the Allies with weapons and food in World War II, creating more American jobs. Roosevelt eventually entered the war himself and only died a few months before it ended in American victory.Forget his Japanese Internment Camps, other than that he was a 10/10 President and remains as the longest serving ever. All of this from a dude with no legs!!!As for worst, Donald Trump is getting to it. But it goes to George W. Bush.I have actually met Bush before and he is a cool guy, but he did not transfer that into his Presidency.The former Governor of Texas beat then-Vice Pres. Al Gore without the popular vote (how did Gore not become President anyway? Still shocked to this day). And it only went downhill from there.Despite overseeing and comforting the people after the 9/11 attacks (automatic high approval for anyone), he lost it by going on his War on Terror. This brought the US into a mess we are still suffering today, especially in Iraq where we invaded a country who didn’t attack the US and occupied it for years. Already as the greatest crime of the century so far, it cost the lives of civilians worth 3x the 9/11 attacks cost and destabilized the region bringing in ISIS etc.Guantanamo Bay ruined the respect the US had in the human rights committee and his handling of Hurricane Katrina was horrible. His economic policies in deregulating Wall Street and corporations helped bring the 2008 Recession into the greatest effect of a depression since 1929.Note: These are modern Presidents. For worst, I can go for Pierce and Buchanan etc, but lets keep it in the last 100yrs.

Was Jimmy Carter the worst President we ever had?

His leadership during the Iran Hostage Crisis was pathetic and he failed the nation. Iran should have been invaded 25 years ago and we possibly even could have stopped Islamic terrorism before it even got a foothold in the Middle East. Instead he sends an ill equipped, poorly trained team that failed the mission. And inflation rose like crazy during his administration.