Whose Ideas On Government Did Not Help Inspire The French People To Revolution In 1789

Whose ideas on government did not help inspire the French people to revolution in 1789?

D. Karl Marx

Karl Marx wrote Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto, creating Communism. Montesquieu and John Locke were Enlightenment thinkers, whose ideas gave power to the people, which DID lead to the revolution. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, which DID inspire the French revolution.

Who inspired the French Revolution?

A lot of his ideas certainly contributed to the philosophical ideas which lead up to the Revolution.

Rousseau's proposals of man returning to the simplicity of nature, to break from the constraints of societal borders and laws, were very popular in the decades leading up to the Revolution in 1789. Rousseau contended that man was neither inherently good nor bad when in the state of nature (the state of all other animals, and the condition humankind was in before the creation of civilization), but is corrupted by civilization and society.

Everything in England and France, from fashion, tastes, philosophy, and architecture were influenced by Rousseau's writings.

Rousseau's philosophy on the goodness of nature ultimately lead him to write "The Social Contract" in 1762, his greatest work. It outlines the basis for a legitimate political order and one of the most influential works of political philosophy in the Western tradition.

Rousseau claimed that the state of nature was a primitive condition without law or morality, which human beings left for the benefits and necessity of cooperation. As society developed, division of labour and private property required the human race to adopt institutions of law. In the degenerate phase of society, man is prone to be in frequent competition with his fellow men while at the same time becoming increasingly dependent on them. This double pressure threatens both his survival and his freedom. According to Rousseau, by joining together through the social contract and abandoning their claims of natural right, individuals can both preserve themselves and remain free. This is because submission to the authority of the general will of the people as a whole guarantees individuals against being subordinated to the wills of others and also ensures that they obey themselves because they are, collectively, the authors of the law.

Hope this helped,

What event started the french revolution?

Louie XIV spent too much. By 1789 the government was bankrupt.
The Parisians(word for French people) had had a bad Harvest. They were hungry and in their anger they started attacking the Bastille(prison for political prisoners).
1.Thus the fall of the Bastille Started the French Revolution
2. Sovereignty was transferred from the Monarch to the nation. The abolition of special privileges of the nobility through the legalization of equality, Aug 4 1789
The three estates of the Kingdom no longer existed.
Provinces were abolished, Parliaments suspended. They passed civil constitution of the clergy, which limited the power of the clergy.
The National Assembly drew up a constitution called the constitution of 1791
And finally they adopted a uniform system of weights and measures.
3. Louis was executed in 1793 Poor Louis was not too educated on affairs of government, he was adept at fixing and working with watches.

Now you will hear a lot of talk about Marie Antoinette saying, Let them eat cake. Apparently it was just a rumor.

What were some causes of the French Revolution? and why?

Causes of the French Revolution

Political and Social Inequalities

France still practised feudalism in the 18th century. The nobles and clergy enjoyed special privileges. They did not have to pay taxes. The common people did not have power and freedom in politics. They worked hard and had to pay heavy taxes. The nobles and clergy made up the First and Second Estates in the Estates General. The common people (i.e. the middle class (bourgeoisie), peasants and artisans) made up the Third Estate. The nobles and clergy could outvote the common people easily though the Estates General was always not called by the king, who ruled as an absolute monarch. The common people became discontented with the privileged classes.

Bankruptcy of the Government

Louis XIV had spent too much. His successors did not cut down expenses. Louis XVI also failed to improve the financial situation. He dismissed ministers who tried to introduce financial reforms. By 1789, the government was bankrupt.

Influence of the Enlightenment and the American Revolution

The ideas and writings of Enlightenment thinkers like Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau became widespread. The French people were inspired to go against their king.

The suucess of the Americans to overthrow British rule encouraged the French to fight for their freedom.

Outbreak of revolution 1789

When Louis XVI finally called the Estates General to solve financial difficulties, the Third Estate did not agree with the unfair system of the Estates General. They formed the National Assembly to make a constitution. People were afraid that the king would suppress the National Assembly. They were also discontented that the king dismissed Necker, the popular Finance Minister. The hungry Parisians, who suffered from bad harvest, burst out their anger by attacking the Bastille prison (for political prisoners). The Fall of Bastille started the French Revolution. It spread out to other parts of France.

Why did the french revolution begin?

Many things caused the French Revoloution.

These are the main reasons:

Political and Social Inequalities

France still practised feudalism in the 18th century. The nobles and clergy enjoyed special privileges. They did not have to pay taxes. The common people did not have power and freedom in politics. They worked hard and had to pay heavy taxes. The nobles and clergy made up the First and Second Estates in the Estates General. The common people (i.e. the middle class (bourgeoisie), peasants and artisans) made up the Third Estate. The nobles and clergy could outvote the common people easily though the Estates General was always not called by the king, who ruled as an absolute monarch. The common people became discontented with the privileged classes.

Bankruptcy of the Government

Louis XIV had spent too much. His successors did not cut down expenses. Louis XVI also failed to improve the financial situation. He dismissed ministers who tried to introduce financial reforms. By 1789, the government was bankrupt.

Influence of the Enlightenment and the American Revolution

The ideas and writings of Enlightenment thinkers like Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau became widespread. The French people were inspired to go against their king.

The suucess of the Americans to overthrow British rule encouraged the French to fight for their freedom.

Outbreak of revolution 1789

When Louis XVI finally called the Estates General to solve financial difficulties, the Third Estate did not agree with the unfair system of the Estates General. They formed the National Assembly to make a constitution. People were afraid that the king would suppress the National Assembly. They were also discontented that the king dismissed Necker, the popular Finance Minister. The hungry Parisians, who suffered from bad harvest, burst out their anger by attacking the Bastille prison (for political prisoners). The Fall of Bastille started the French Revolution. It spread out to other parts of France.

How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?

The Enlightenment influenced the French Revolution in some major areas. First, it transformed the monarchy. It ushered in the new concept of the Republic. ... TheEnlightenment philosophers began to contest the dogma of the Catholic Church, which considered earthly life to be a simple passage towards eternal life.In the Enlightenment, people had new ideas about government. This gave the French the perfect way to have their country work well.John Locke, an Enlightenment thinker, said that no king should have absolute power. He believed in a constitutional monarchy, which basically meant he thought that any ruler should have rules to follow too. He also believed in a social contract: people give a little of their freedom to their ruler, but he/she cannot take away their natural rights, the rights that they are born with, and they have the right to get rid of him/her if he/she is a bad ruler. The French liked these ideas.Baron de Montesquieu believed in a separation of powers into three branches (executive, legislative, and judicial). He said they should hold equal power so it did not become a despotism (tyranny). His ideas were influential in many countries, including America.Voltaire, an Enlightenment writer, thought that people should have the right to free speech and religious freedom, which they did not really have. This idea became an important part of all Enlightenment thinking and many governments.Cesare Beccaria thought people should be allowed a fair and speedy trial with no torture and no "cruel and unusual punishments," an idea prized in many countries that had poor legal systems. He also disagreed with capital punishment (execution).Mary Wollstonecraft and Olympe de Gouges believed in equal rights for everyone, including women. De Gouges, a French woman, was executed for her beliefs.The French believed in the ideas of these thinkers, as well as other popular Enlightenment ideas, so they tried to overthrow their government. The revolution was, unfortunately, very poorly planned and resulted in chaos, the opposite of what they aimed for. It turned into a bloodbath, many people were guillotined. A very harsh tyrant, Napolean Bonaparte was put in charge of the country.klscakds ยท 9 years ago

4 main causes of the french revolution?

Main causes of the French Revolution:

1) The social and psychological burdens of the many wars of the 18th century, which in the era before the dawn of nationalism were exclusively the province of the monarchy.

2) Aspirations for liberty and republicanism.

3) Widespread famine and malnutrition, which increased the likelihood of ailments and death, in the most destitute segments of the population during the months immediately before the Revolution.

4) High unemployment and high bread prices, causing more money to be spent on food and less in other areas of the economy.