Why Am I A Sick Sadistic ***

Am I a sick, sadistic freak?

Whenever someone around me is super happy it makes me angery. Like "why the heck are they so happy?" and it makes me wanna punch them in the mouth. And on the rare occasion that I am happy and start acting like those other people (stated above) I all of a sudden shut up and just dont talk anymore and get kinda depressed. Whats my problem?

Do you think sadists are sick?

I figure if their partner likes to have pain inflicted on them it's probably okay. I mean, there are limits... that guy in Germany who agreed to be killed and cannibalized was not, to my mind, sane enough to give meaningful consent. But for the normal fetishy type, heck, the world needs more love. And if your love has an inordinate amount of needles and cigarette stubs, so be it. Not my place to judge.

Most Sadistic Songs?

"dance with the devil" by Immortal Technique

Why are some people sadistic?

In short, sadists experience emotional elation or sexual gratification at other people’s suffering.Increased Frontotemporal Activation During Pain Observation in Sexual SadismThe theory seems to be that empathy is just a sense, like sight, or smell, and how the brain interprets that empathy is decoupled from the experience of empathizing itself. The empathetic part of the brain is intact in sadists, but the brain’s interpretive wiring seems to interpret pain as pleasure. This differs from psychopaths in that psychopaths have a deficient capacity for empathy, whereas, sadists have a normal or heightened capacity for empathy, but an altered experience of what empathy feels like.Psychiatrists and neurologists don’t seem to really know what causes it yet. Most seem to think that it probably happens in the womb due to a combination of prenatal conditions and genetic propensity. Early childhood probably contributes to how it exhibits later in life.Most studies are unclear on whether the type of sadism in BDSM is the same dynamic as sexual sadism disorder, and just a less malignant psychology, or if it’s an entirely different thing.

Which do you think was the most sick and sadistic Eminem's song?

I think the sickest one is "Kim". Isn't that song about him wanting to kill his ex-wife, and her new husband...

Am i sadistic? Is this normal?

Everyone is different. We all get turned on by different things. Sadism involves getting turned on by inflicting pain on others. So we can rule out sadism. Question is what causes you to be turned on by it? What is it about that scene that trips your trigger? Is it the sign of a weakened man? or, conversely, is it the sight of a strong man resisting pain and torture?

Normal is such a weird term. As long as you aren't kidnapping people and torturing them or harming anyone in any way, then you're completely normal. Fantasies are just that...fantasies.

What is the most sadistic thing you have done?

I have physically attacked mentally disabled teen.First off, before explaining myself, I just want to say that I know I shouldn’t have done this and that there were much better ways to deal with the situation.Two years ago, while I was still in elementary school. A mentally disabled kid came to our class. He was often bullied by other boys even before he came there, and I often stood up and protected him if I could, because he was basically going around and insulting people, it was like he was begging to be beaten up.So here’s what happened:We were having a biology class, waiting for the teacher to come, and I was sitting with my friend, we were talking and minding our own business. Then I felt sudden pain as somebody slapped me. I looked in front of me and he stood there, smiling.In the most polite way, I asked him to stop.No reaction, he just went for another hit.I stood up and asked him what was his problem, and he replied:“Jebem ti mater” (I fucked your mom.)And I fucking lost it, rushed at him, kicking and punching him, he wasn’t a match for me and he was struggling to back away, but I just kept punching.Eventually, we found ourselves at teachers desk, and I wasn’t stopping, and then I heard a voice.“Kenane, zašto ga napadaš” (Kenan, why are you attacking him?)It was the teacher. I was fucking angry because every teacher there is stood up in his defense, and I knew this time won’t be an exception, so I just replied, in a demonic voice:“OTKUD MU PRAVO DA MI KAŽE DA MI JEBE MATER???” (Where did he get the right to say “I fucked your mom”?)The teacher just stood there, dumbfounded, I let him go and returned to my seat.Also, i don’t regret this.P.S. If you liked this answer, please check out my Quora profile: Kenan Mustafić

Why are doctors sadists?

What the hell?

I have been sick for a YEAR AND A HALF with this spitting problem I have. It is so clear that it is a DISEASE I CAUGHT! Yet all these idiots (doctors) insist that is not the case. Then give me medicine that not only not cures me, but it makes me feel even worse!

If I had not taken ANY medication from these pieces of $#!T doctors, I would have been better off!

It has become VERY clear that doctors have become sadists. Makes sense, because they get to watch people suffer all day. And they enjoy it! How sick.

I truly believe that these doctors should be given the death penalty. Because they are try to kill us, of course, in the most painful way possible, so that they can enjoy it!

I remember A LONG TIME AGO when doctors did something; CARE! They actually HELPED you! ONE doctor's visit is all it took. They found out what was wrong with you, told you want to do, and bam you were well again.

Nowadays, forget that. It's all about random, careless, negligent drugging, and return visits! Run a FU(&ing test you brain damaged devils!

I had to literally BEG doctors to test me, so I can find out what the FU(& is wrong with me. Guess what, MY BODY IS TOTALLY HEALTY! Blood tests, urine tests, x-rays, and more.

YOU FU(&ING IDIOTS! I HAVE A DISEASE! I wish I could shout that at the doctors, but they would only enjoy it. *sigh*

WHY, WHY are doctors sadists!?

I clearly have a disease, SOMETHING is causing me to spit. Well, it's not my body because EVERYTHING is fine there!!!!!!! So therefore IT'S A DISEASE!!!!!!

DAMMMMMMMMMMM I am smarter than all the doctors in the world, how sad. How sad indeed, that we have reached this day.

My only explanation would be that they are sadists. But WHY?

I caught my BF With A porn entitled "Anal only" is he a sick sadistic or is this normal?

Normal. He'd probably appreciate it if you guys explored the possiblities. But very very normal. It's an opportunity to strenghten your relationship, and it doesn't have to be a bum bum fest. But if you judge him and think it's sadistic, you are a very very bad woman.