Why Am I Dreaming Of The Same Person Every Night

Every night , I dream about the same person with the same scenario?

does this mean anything? i am currently in a big depression from my ex boyfriend. I still love him to death & I dream about him every single night, the dreams are always talking & solving things. then next thing you know, we are holding hands , falling in love again. do these dreams mean anything? are they trying to tell me something? because the won't go away .

Why do I dream of this stranger every night?

This guy saves me every night from whatever is trying to hurt me, I have never seen his face, I do not know who it is, but he knows me, and loves me. He is my hero, why am I dreaming of him? What do these dreams mean?

Why do I keep dreaming about the same person as if we were in a relationship?

You don't give the complete dream, nor do you give genders. I'm assuming you are a woman, and the other in your dream is male.For every woman a man in her dream more often represents her masculine side. Your masculine side as the image of this outer male appears will have important opposite qualities and attitudes from you. If your dominant function is feeling, being more heartfelt the inner man will be more rational, logical, and much less heartfelt.  This could be the opposite to, you more rational, he more heartfel. Only you can know sure.Therefore we tend to be attracted to our opposite, for the purpose of creating better balance in our lives. The dream uses the image of this man for this purpose, to help you reach better  balance in life if you integrate more of his opposite qualities and attitudes into your life.To do so will bring you better balance in your life.In addition the man in a woman's dream can also be understood as her executive function. This executive function helps her assert herself more out into life, and puts her in the driver's seat of her life, but only if you integrate his opposite qualities and attitudes into your life. The inner image of a man in a woman's dream can change over time especially as she grows and mature.Best wishes.

Why am i dreaming about a different guy every night?

I am so happy and content in my relationship but for some reason for the last four nights i have been dreaming about a different guy that i seem to kiss every night and the thing is i dont even know the guys in real life so can someone please tell me why i am dreaming of other men when i am just so content in ym relationship and have never been happier?

I've been dreaming about the same person a lot?

I usually only remember about one dream every four months. But it's been really weird lately. I've liked this guy since September and I've gotten to be really really good friends with him. So I had the first dream about him and it went like this:
We were on a train or something... I'm not really sure, it was fuzzy, and he asked me if I had a boy friend, and I said no. Then he asked (kinda nervously/shyly) if I wanted to go out with him. I said yes, and held his hand. I remember smiling really big, being happy, and looking around a lot, at all my friends. Then somehow, me him and my best friend were in the middle of a feild, and we were walking holding hands, and talking. And then kissed my head, and we walked in a river, with little fish in it, swimming everywhere. That was my FIRST dream. It happened two nights ago. Then last night, this happened:
It was like it continued from the other night. We walked through a feild, and back to some persons house, and our friends had had drinks, and got kinda drunk. Me and him didn't, tho... Then we went upstairs, and I did something I would never EVER do, in real life. I'm thirteen, not a complete wh*re. Anyway, then we went back downstairs, and walked out the door, and we were somewhere completely different. I don't know what or where it was... All I remember was being with him. He gave me a flower that he picked, so I guess we were outside, somewhere. In one of the dreams, I remember kissing him in the back of a car, and all I could think about was him.
The part that stuck out the most, and was the clearest, was when he walked upstairs, and then I grabbed his hand, and I said "you're my boyfriend now, so ya better get used to it!" and then I sat down with him, and hugged him.
So can someone tell me why Ive been having so many consecutive dreams? And why I was so obsessive with him in my dreams? And why did I act like a hoe? Can someone interpret the dream, and tell me what they think about it? Anything else youre thinking?

Why do I keep dreaming about the same person and how do I stop it?

I subscribe to the thinking that dreams are our unconscious trying to make our conscious aware of something going on inside our psyche. Each character in our dream is actually a part of our being. For instance we have - our inner child, our inner male, our inner female, our inner parent, our inner adult. So, which part of you could the character that keeps reappearing be?. My inner male is wounded and my inner female is vibrant. In the past I have had many dreams of my wife cheating or flirting or ignoring me. What was going on was my inner female was telling my inner male to man up. The problem with most of us, though, when being confronted by our inner selves is we don’t have the knowledge or power to respond to what our unconscious is telling us. For example, where does a person who is insecure find the strength to be secure when they are being called out for being insecure? The truth is, bravery or courage or security COMES AFTER we display the act of bravery or courage. In sports, we have the misconception that star athletes have no fear or trepidation. The truth is, many, if not all are afraid or nauseous or terrified, but they will themselves past the emotion. And in the willing past the emotion, comes the courage, the bravery, the strength.

What does it mean when you dream about the same person every night?

Most dreams contain messages that serve to teach you something about yourself. However, soon after you wake up to go about your daily routine, you tend to quickly forget what you dream about. The message in recurring dreams may be so important and/or powerful that it refuses to go away. The frequent repetition of such dreams forces you to pay attention and confront the dream. It is desperately trying to tell you something. Such dreams are often nightmarish or frightening in their content, which also helps you to take notice and pay attention to them.

Recurring dreams are quite common and are often triggered by a certain life situation or a problem that keeps coming back again and again. These dreams may recur daily, once a week, or once a month. Whatever the frequency, there is little variation in the dream content itself. Such dreams may be highlighting a personal weakness, fear, or your inability to cope with something in your life - past or present.

The repetitive patterns in your dream reveal some of the most valuable information about yourself. It may point to a conflict, situation or matter in your waking life that remains unresolved or unsettled. Some urgent underlying message in your unconscious is demanding to be understood.