Why Am I Experiencing A New Kind Of Headache

Why do I get so many headaches?

I am writing this based on 30 years of my own experience of reducing migraine headaches sans medicines. So, this is a proven method, which can be used by all migraine-affected people, with zero side effects. It reduces the frequency of migraine attacks substantially, for sure. Here is my simple but very very effective remedy to prevent/reduce migraine headaches:always cover your eyes with a good-quality pair of sunglasses & also cover your head with a comfortable cap/hat, whenever you go out in the sun/in any kind of glare. Wear the sun-glasses & the cap/hat all the time when you are outdoors, or when you feel that the glare is too much to bear;Eat something at your daily-intake times, without exceptions. What you eat & how much you eat is secondary. What is vital is to feed your stomach at regular intervals, or at/around the time you normally consume food everyday. This eradicates the ill-effects of bile & prevents headaches;Do not keep awake late at night. Ideally, a 11 pm to 6 am sleep is desirable. Also, try to stick to your daily routine, to the extent feasible & avoid erratic daily routines as far as you can;Keep stress as low/less as feasible. Try your best & then, accept the results coolly. Worrying over what is beyond your control is a invitation to migraine headaches;Have more fruits, salads, nuts & other natural foods. Avoid processed/non-veg./fried foods, or consume as less of it as may be possible;For peace of mind, do meditation (focus on breathing) daily, morning & night. Vipassana meditation is very good;Keep this attitude as regards the results, after putting in your best efforts: 0% expectations & 100% acceptance. This will reduce stress & thus, reduce the frequency & intensity of headaches. Do your best & then, accept the outcome with grace & equanimity. This attitude will reduce headaches.

Why am I getting headaches everyday?

For about the past few weeks I have experienced mild headaches almost everyday. They are not always constant, more like a dull sharp pain in the back of my head and at the sides. These lasted about a minute but sometimes more. They were subsiding last week and were less frequent, and almost completely gone on Saturday. On Monday I felt slight nausea but that was only when I thought of sweets or saw them. On Tuesday I experienced some nausea in the evening(more like a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach) which lasted until I fell asleep, and returned in the morning and lasted until about noon. No headache yesterday. Today, I woke up with a different type of headache and I wasn't sleeping well last night. I'm thinking it may be a sinus headache. It is more of a pressure and is all over my head, especially in my ears. But nothing really on my face except for my jaw(which isn't always constant). I am 15 years old if that helps at all. I am planning to go to the walk in clinic at 5. I think these headaches may be caused by stress(due to family issues, school, getting ready for Christmas ect.) a head injury(I hit my head on a hard basement floor last month but didn't have any symptoms) or a virus. Please help me, these headaches are preventing me from enjoying Christmas. Thank you so much for reading this. If you think you know what may be causing these please let me know. Merry Christmas and happy holidays! :D oh, and I did get 4 immunizations on Tuesday- chicken pox booster, tetanus&whooping cough booster, flu, and HP A. I don't know if that's relevant at all but it might help?

How do you treat a marijuana induced headache?

As with any type of headache, you are almost definitely dehydrated so I would highly recommend that you drink at least half a litre (ideally more) of water within an hour. One of the other answers recommend orange juice but I personally find that any drink with sugar (natural or artificial) only intensifies the headache, my assumption is that the sugar leads your heart rate to increase meaning you use more energy so you use more of the limited water you have in your system but I'm no nutrition expert.Also, as with any headache I've experienced, the only real cure is a good night's sleep so that, along with plenty of water, will make you feel alot better.Some may suggest paracetamol or ibuprofen but that will only mask the headache which will come back as soon as the numbing effect of the pill wears off so I would avoid pills for any headache you may encounter.In terms of preventing the headache, I would take anothers answers' recommendation of picking out all the stem and even the leaves as that definitely can give you a headache (aswell affecting taste). If you're rolling a joint, limit the amount of tobacco you use, I try to not let the tobacco to weed ratio be higher than 60/40 ideally I go for a 40/60 (40% tobacco, 60% weed) which is best for your lungs as well as keeping a headache at bay.Lastly, know when you've reached your peak for the day, after a certain point you won't be able to get any higher whilst just putting your body through strain.Hope this helps!

The 5 Second Headache?

1. Tension headache: This is your garden-variety headache, with diffuse pain wrapping across the top of your head. These headaches often result from stress or lack of sleep. They're not usually disabling, typically fade overnight, and can be easily relieved with ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or aspirin.

2. Migraine headache: Migraines tend to hit one side of the head, and can last from several hours to several days. They’re usually marked by a sensitivity to sound and light. When a migraine strikes, you can manage it with Advil Migraine or Motrin Migraine Pain (both ibuprofen medications) or Excedrin Migraine (a combination of aspirin, acetaminophen, and caffeine).

3. Cluster headache: This one is an excruciating attack that explodes behind one eye, reaches a crescendo after about an hour, and then vanishes—only to return in a day or so. This goes on for a few weeks, and then stops for months. Numerous drugs target clusters, including some of the migraine meds.

The good news about these headaches, says Dr. Holt, is that they're all completely harmless. But not every aching head is a simple headache. Here are six that could be a sign of something serious—and potentially deadly. Watch out for . . .

The Thunderclap Headache
If head pain hits you like a bolt out of nowhere, intensifying in a few minutes into the worst headache you've ever had, call 911. The list of causes for this kind of headache isn't long (aneurysm, stroke, meningitis) but almost everything on it can be very quickly fatal, says Dr. Holt.

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