Why Am I Getting A Failed Message For Wifi On My Phone

Text message problem "delivery failed general problem"?

I'm trying to text someone but after i send, the "Sending" screen comes up and doesn't go away until a "Delivery Failed General Problem" error message comes up. I checked the message info and it said the cause code was None(Othr.Ntwk.) Does anyone know how to fix this? I have decent reception at my house.

I am not able to connect to my Apple ID from my phone. I'm getting an error and cannot connect to the iTunes Store. What should I do?

First off all try to hard reset your iPhone. Just Press and hold the Home and Power Button.Then after booted up try again.If this doesn't works you can real help desk to get assistanceHere is a perfect Guide on How to Fix cannot Connect to itunes Store. The sql method works for me but, I wouldn't recommend it until and unless you've some knowledge about how to modify files and other things in iPhone. In the mean time try to modify / check your date whether it is correct or not.Apple Inc. - Wikipedia.It can be due to multiple reasons. Let’s waterfall the problems to diagnose this issue for you.Sometimes it happens due to poor internet connection or faulty VPN route to iTunes Store. Make sure you don’t have any VPN activated in your device while connecting to iTunes Store, also try to check if your internet connection is working properly and not taking too much time to load common websites.If both things are good, we can move to next step.It can happen due to service down issue at Apple. You can check the iTune Store services in your country using Apple’s service status pages. It can also happen due to faulty DNS Cache request saved in your iPhone that is keep coming again and again without checking the server.If this is the case, the best you can do is to hard reset your device by pressing & holding home + power button for 10+ seconds.Also, you can try with going to Settings -> AppStore & iTunes to sign-in to your iTunes account.

If I turned my iMessage off, will people who are texting me know I’m not receiving the messages?

There will be 2 outcome.If you use only your email for the iMessage, then yes the sender will get message failure notification.If you use your phone number for iMessage, the message will be sent as text message, so there will be no message failure notification. The sender will get a sent text message instead.

On my Android phone, I am getting authentication problems when I connect to my network, even if the signal strength is excellent. What should I do?

Authentication problem occurs when the “handshake” between a router and a gadget fails for any number of reasons. The handshake first consists of the gadget sending a connection request along with the password in an encrypted form to the router. The router encrypts the copy of the password stored on it and compares the received data. If it matches, it sends an acknowledge signal and the devices are connected.Try these things out:1) Forget the network in your phone and enter the password again. It probably saved the wrong password.2) Reset the router. On all routers there will be a small reset button. Keep it pressed for about 5-10s till all the lights glow and release it. The router is now back to the initial setup when it was bought. The default ssid and password will be printed on the bottom of the router. Try connecting to the router using these. If it connects you can now try and change the ssid it back to the original one.3) If even this fails, then go to the router home page by opening a browser on a device which is able to connect to it (either through WiFi or LAN cable) and enter or and wen requested for a username and password, look for them under the router again. It is usually admin and admin/password. Explore around till you reach the wireless setup page with the option encryption scheme. It is wpa2-psk by default. Change it to wep. This is an older encryption scheme which is not as secure as wpa2-psk but it's enough for a home network. Enter an 8 character password and save these settings. Now give it a try. If this works then your mobile probably has some problem authenticating with a wpa2-psk based router.Good luck and Happy debugging!!!

I tried verifying my number on WhatsApp many times but it won't detect and then I get the message "voice verification failed too many times". What should I do?

Try this, worked for me. Clear data for Whatsapp, Put your phone in Airplane mode and turn on Wi-Fi. Open up Whatsapp and put your location manually and input your number as you regularly would, when it prompts you to confirm your number, turn off airplane mode and press OK. This should let it reset and you should receive another SMS which should verify. (This won't delete backed up messages).

Why did my text on an iPhone turn green with an undelivered fail to a particular person?

iPhone delivers text in two modes:Blue color means I-message via Apple delivery - happens when both the sender and receiver are iPhone users (i.e. the messaging app checks the Apple ID of the recipient and knows if it can course the text via I-message)Green color means text message via SMS protocol using typical messaging among cellular user equipment.The green in your text hat showed undelivered/fail (you saw a red exclamation point?) means something failed with SMS and could be any of the following. But you can eliminate the reasons depending if the failure to deliver is only for that particular telephone number or all kinds of text message is failing.If you cannot send text to any phone number from that same location : Your iPhone has no cellular and no WiFi signal in that location– no SMS text messages can be sent without a transport signal. Note that the SMS path is typically separate from the voice path so even when you cannot make a good audio call it is possible SMS path will work and vice-versa.AirPlane mode is ON, thereby disabling network transport and also lose your ability to send/receive text messages – toggling AirPlane mode OFF fixes this.If you cannot send text to any phone from anywhere : Your iPhone has no service – if the iPhone does not have a cellular service plan active, it will not be able to send text messagesIf you cannot send text just to that single number : The cell number you are reaching is disconnected – this is often the problem if the recipient has recently changed a phone number or he/she removed her SIM temporarily or maybe is having his phone serviced, etc. or you have multiple contact numbers for the same person, and you are accidentally choosing the non-mobile number e.g. trying to text a landline.Lastly, if your IOS is any one listed below, check this link FAQ. Part 4 is common: Fix iMessage/Message Not Working on iOS 11.2/11.1/11/10

What has happened, technically, when my iPhone says "Call Failed"?

You will get the solution of your problem from this thread :