Why Am I Getting Headaches So Easily And So Often

Why do I get headaches so easily after sparring?

May be  A bad question but are you wearing well fitting headgear? it is crucial! good protection will absorb hard flush shots and decrease the headaches. When I was first training, I had similar problems. The other answers on here hit the nail on the head Listen to your body!! if its absolutely unbearable DO NOT continue, but if it is something that gets better in time, and you have been cleared by a doctor just keep plugging away. the fact of the matter is your boxing...your facing a better opponent most often and they know how to hit hard, no matter how good you get if the sparring is good youll walk away hurting. I had jaw problems for like 6 weeks at one point, sore nose, headaches..its all part of it....I've never had a session I didn't hurt after...its just the name of the game man, this sport isnt for the faint hearted.hope this helps!

Why do i get headaches so easily?

i get headaches so often its rediculous. sometimes ill have one for a week straight and sometimes a light headache will come and go through out the day and sometimes ill have a headache that will last for maybe three days. i know two of the reasons why i get headaches like im dehydrated and i dont wear my glasses but ill also get headaches if i wake up too fast in the morning or even if i lay in bed for way too long after i wake up. and if im looking a certain way for a long time it will give me a headache. and if i hang my head over the tub to wash my hair i will get a headache. why does this happen? how can i reduce the other headaches besides wearing my glasses and drinking more water? do you think there could be somethin wrong with my brain? im tired of taking pain meds all the time.

Why do I get tension headaches so easily and often?

Are you a compulsive daydreamer; that can spend hours each day simply daydreaming (see Maladaptive daydreaming to understand more about this) ??If so, try stopping your compulsive daydreaming habit; and your chronic tension headache would most likely disappear ! !On the other hand, if you aren’t a compulsive daydreamer, there could be some other habit that you formed just prior to the onset of the condition. You may need to cast your mind back and find out what it is; and stop it (if you can).

Why do I get a headache when I'm tired?

Frequent headaches and feeling tired can be caused by a variety of common conditions. some of the common conditions that can cause frequent headaches and feeling tired include Dehydration, Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Cfids) If you experience two or more headaches a week, your headaches get worse or you're tired more than normal, contact your health-care provider. you can prefer online consultancy they may also provide better care for you condition.

How easily do you get headaches during boxing (20 mins sparring at end of session)?

I’m not training boxing anymore, but I never experienced that.When we were training guard, or even building punch resistance, in Muay Thai, I ended up with a headache… once. That didn’t last that long. In fact, one time I got hooked hard and went borderline knocked out (didn’t go to sleep, but felt weird for half an hour) and didn’t have such a bad headache.Since I don’t recall people complaining about it, I’d go ahead and say there is something wrong. I can’t say what is wrong, but I can give you two reasonable guesses.1 - You’re taking it too hard. Sparring shouldn’t be done as if it was a title defence. At least not all the time. Concussion is really bad for your health. Talk to your instructor/teacher/coach, and to your partners.2 - You might have some health problem that is affecting you - it may be nothing serious (I was thinking on sinusitis), but even a bad cold could give one headaches. Again, talk to them and go see a doctor.I love boxing/Muay Thai, and sometimes a good scrap is what saves the day and eases the stress, but you must take care of your health.

How can I easily get rid of headaches and stomach aches?

I am writing this based on 30 years of my own experience of reducing migraine headaches sans medicines. So, this is a proven method, which can be used by all migraine-affected people, with zero side effects. It reduces the frequency of migraine attacks substantially, for sure. Here is my simple but very very effective remedy to prevent/reduce migraine headaches:always cover your eyes with a good-quality pair of sunglasses & also cover your head with a comfortable cap/hat, whenever you go out in the sun/in any kind of glare. Wear the sun-glasses & the cap/hat all the time when you are outdoors, or when you feel that the glare is too much to bear;Eat something at your daily-intake times, without exceptions. What you eat & how much you eat is secondary. What is vital is to feed your stomach at regular intervals, or at/around the time you normally consume food everyday. This eradicates the ill-effects of bile & prevents headaches;Do not keep awake late at night. Ideally, a 11 pm to 6 am sleep is desirable. Also, try to stick to your daily routine, to the extent feasible & avoid erratic daily routines as far as you can;Keep stress as low/less as feasible. Try your best & then, accept the results coolly. Worrying over what is beyond your control is a invitation to migraine headaches;Have more fruits, salads, nuts & other natural foods. Avoid processed/non-veg./fried foods, or consume as less of it as may be possible;For peace of mind, do meditation (focus on breathing) daily, morning & night. Vipassana meditation is very good;Keep this attitude as regards the results, after putting in your best efforts: 0% expectations & 100% acceptance. This will reduce stress & thus, reduce the frequency & intensity of headaches. Do your best & then, accept the outcome with grace & equanimity. This attitude will reduce headaches.

Why do some people easily get dizzy or headaches with strong smells?

My mother was always like this. She had motion sickness and couldn’t wear or be around anyone wearing it without getting a debilitating migraine. She developed Menieres disease which is an extreme form of vertigo. Any movement, bright light, sound and she would have an attack where she was so dizzy she couldn’t stand, vomiting, headaches. She suffered with this for a very long time well over a year maybe even two. It was from Floyd build up in her ear that through off her equilibrium.A diet high in sodium can cause this due to water retention and inflammation. Since my mother has switched to a low sodium diet she has not had an attack tho she does have some perminant hearing loss in one ear from the pressure.Ive done further research as I suffer from water retention, inflammation, joint pain and full body swelling. I began having dizzy spells getting off elevators where I was nearly falling over and couldn’t see.Here some interesting things I found out:Menieres disease has a genetic factor.Meniers can be a precursor for Lupus.Replacing your drinking water with mineral water or water with Sea salt (google the measurements on this first) will flush water retention and reduce inflammation. This in turn reduces the risk of Menieres and Lupus attack and damage.Just like the wrong kind of fat will damage the body while healthy fats are necessary for body and mind function, the right kind and amount of salt is necessary for health of mind and body and the wrong kind will cause damage.Sensory sensitivity is also a factor of ASD and there are some correlating information between ASD, menieres Lupus and Lymes disease.

I suffer from anemia, I'm always tired and I often get headaches. I have one month until my final exams and I feel unable to study. Do you have any advice?

As your final exams are fast approaching it is always better to consult a doctor and take good medicine which will improve your blood counts. Eat fresh food. Consuming dates and raisins will improve blood within a short period. Milk fruits and vegetables also help in bringing back your lost energy. Drink plentyof water. This will help you to a large extent. Have complete faith in yourself. Prioritise your things. Plan your studies and follow it strictly. Have a good 6 hours of sleep. If possible do simple exercises for about 10 minutes which will help to rejuvenate your body and mind. Everything put together wonders do happen. All the best for your exams. You will definitely come out with flying colours.

Did your cartilage piercing give you any headaches?

I was thinking about getting a simple cartilage piercing in my left ear. I also get headaches very easily and range from hurting a lot to only a little. I'm not so much worried about the initial or healing pain, more worried about the pain causing me to get headaches. So I was wondering did your cartilage piercing give you headaches at any point? And what is a way I could possibly prevent this?
Any expericenes or advice would would help. Thanks in advance