Why Am I Getting These Symptoms Lately

I have been having weird symptoms lately...what do you think this could be? 16 years old?

im 16 years old...a girl..and ive been having these symptoms im kind of worrried..

-intense periods of abdominal pain (no period--got it 2 weeks ago)
-lower back pain when i press on it
-really bad headache all day
-really aggrivated mood
-nausea, felt like i was going to throw up at some points
-when i presss on my stomach or sides i feel like i will throw up
-one night the pain in my lower stomach was so bad i couldnt stand and i was up for hours crying

I have not felt "right" lately - what are the symptoms of lymphoma?

Often, the first sign of lymphoma is a painless swelling in the neck, under an arm, or in the groin.

Lymph nodes or tissues elsewhere in the body may also swell. The spleen, for example, often becomes enlarged in lymphoma.

The enlarged lymph node sometimes causes other symptoms by pressing against a vein or lymphatic vessel (swelling of an arm or leg), a nerve (pain, numbness, or tingling), or the stomach (early feeling of fullness).

Enlargement of the spleen may cause abdominal pain or discomfort.

Many people have no other symptoms.
Symptoms of lymphoma may include the following:


Unexplained weight loss

Night sweats

Lack of energy

These symptoms are nonspecific. This means that they could be caused by any number of conditions unrelated to cancer. For instance, they could be signs of the flu or other viral infection, but in those cases, they would not last very long. In lymphoma, the symptoms persist over time and cannot be explained by an infection or another disease.

Can panic attack symptoms last for days?

Hey everyone,
So, I've been having what I think may be panic attacks recently. I've had them in the past, but these symptoms I've been having lately, are very different. For a while, I was having chest pains and At night, sometimes I get these attacks and I have difficulty breathing and this sort of wave of panic comes over me. At first, I thought I was having a heart attack, so I freaked out and the next day went to the hospital, but after they did an ECG, tested my oxygen intake and did a chest x-ray, they said everything looked not just fine, but above average. Lately, though, I've been feeling really spaced out, faint and a little dizzy and this symptom isn't going away. Its been around for a couple of days now and there isn't much that makes this sensation stop. I feel disconnected, almost dream-like to what's around me, like I've just woken up. Is this a symptom of panic attacks and is it normal for this disconnectedness to go on for a few days?
Anyone who's experienced this or has some clues, your help is much appreciated.

Oh, also, I have been to the Hospital about 4 times regarding this because nothing's changed and I keep worrying that its something serious, but every time I go, different doctors do the same tests (ECG, oxygen intake) but all say basically the same thing: my heart's fine, my lungs are fine, and they say its in my head, but these physical symptoms don't go away...

Are these sympotoms of pregnency? or am i over reacting?

Yes, you could be pregnant. I know you said you had sex in May and then again last friday, did you have a period between then? You may get lightheaded because blood flow increases in your body by 50% when you become pregnant. Do you notice your getting headaches more often? Until you know wether you are or are not pregnant you should go ahead and start eating and taking care of yourself like you are. It will be easier to switch back to your old diet and habits if your not pregnant than to take the chance of your baby having a birth defect. You should go to the sotre and get a pregnancy test, don't take it until you've missed your period though.

and for people who say you wouldn't be able to tell this early, about a week after i became pregnant i started having symptoms.