Why Am I So Clingy- How Can I Overcome It

How do i overcome being shy about PDA?

okay so me and my boyfriend have been going out for about 1 1/2 months. we are not IN love, but we love eachother. when we are alone or at his house with his family, or with a few close friends we show affection towards eachother; we hold hands and kiss. but when we are in public we do not act the same way. people tell him it doesnt look like we are dating. [that bothers him] i think its because he is my first boyfriend.. and maybe i am not fully comfortable w/ PDA. how can i overcome being shy about PDA? what is appropriate to do in public?

***my most important question is:
how do i overcome being shy about PDA????

PDA = Public Displaying of Affection

and once i do start showing PDA more.. do you think that people would be like "oh shes just doing that because everyone said something" or something like that?

and also does it show you are clingy?

How do I become less clingy?

There are many reasons behind why a person is clingy-1) He/She is not confident enough and depends on others for almost everything!Ways to get over this:Be confident.Move around with your chin high up. :)Expand your network, you won't gain anything sitting at home with icecream and TV.Learn to be independent. You are a grown up now. No feeling is better than being self independent.Explore your interest areas and give time to yourself. Instead of running to others its time you pamper your own personality up.Work on your hobbies, join a club, get yourself busy. Try to be that happy cheerful person everyone loves to be around.2)They can't trust that other person and end up spying on them every other second.Ways to get over this- Let go the insecurities from your past experiences.Know that clinging on someone wont make them loyal to you. It will only shoo them away.Learn to build trust.3) They are afraid of being lonely.Again...SOCIALIZE! Get out of your room.No one asks you out? You ask them out! Find out people who are really worth your time. Make friends.Live an interesting life. Know about your talents, work on it.Spend time on yourself. Just be happy!

How can I overcome my fear of intimacy?

Issues with intimacy arise when the person has not had a healthy emotional relationship with his mother (or father, if the person in question is a girl/woman). If the parent of the opposite gender is too loving (smothering), the person will most likely grow up to be too clingy and dependent on others for fulfillment of basic emotional necessities. They will constantly seek attention and will expect appreciation for everything they do. They expect their actions and feelings to be approved by others.
On the other hand, if the parent was too uncaring or cold in the child's formative years, the child will most likely grow up to be cold and insensitive too. They will find loving and getting close to others very difficult. They probably will not make good team players and don't have many good friendships that last long. They find it hard to trust others and will develop a sense of apathy.
The only way to cure that is by letting people get close. It will be difficult and your heart will most likely be broken on more than one occasion, but when it works will worth all the trouble you underwent.

Good luck.

Is being clingy bad?

In my opinion, being clingy is fine! And I can say that not based on myself, cause I’m not that clingy, but my boyfriend is.To me, someone being clingy to me tells me:The person loves me a lotThey really are worried about losing me.Everything I say or do will affect the person in some way or the other as they are very attached to me.I mean a heck a lot more to them than anybody else.They’re gonna be very sensitive to my need and wants.And a few more points can be added to that.I haven’t understood why some guys dump their girlfriends cause they were a bit too clingy. Isn't that more reason to love them and have them around forever. Maybe them being clingy didn’t let these guys be the cool dudes to hang out with other girls and have fun. You guys don’t deserve that kind of attention then!And of course, there is “too clingy.” So clingy that the guy or girl cant spend an hour outside the house without being called a 100 times for constant updates. That kind of clingy is actually injurious to a relationship and has to be worked on.You can work on getting to just clingy from too clingy cause there is a need for healthy attachment and obsession and being toooooo crazy about somebody can hurt you (cause you mostly wont get the kind of attention you’re pampering the other person with) and the other person (cause they feel suffocated and smothered)

Why do needy, clingy, insecure people forever tell their partner they love them and then get annoyed when the partner does not say the same to them?

Figure I'll mention it up here, there a tl;dr at the bottom, because this is long and kinda personal.As someone who is all the things above, its because I get lonely very quickly and I almost constantly need validation. I asked my current boyfriend “Do you think I constantly need validation?” And he simply said “Yea, some days” I know I'm clingy, and I always warn people who get into more than a friendship with me, wether it be purly romantic, or a platonic cuddle buddy, or a partner that I am extremely clingy, because I went through some bad things when I was younger, I didn’t feel enough love back then, and so I seek a lot more nowThis is a conversation between me and my boyfriend. —Yes, we have a strange, cringy way of talking sometimes, its a long distance thing.— When I was in my particularly bad relationship, I took on a role of “Don’t speak until spoken to” because the man I was with would always react badly when I was clingy toward him when he wasnt able to talk, so he would say, or more correctly, text, “Shut up” and I would, until he messaged me again with something along the lines of “Alright, hi, you can talk again” and, seeing as I've been dating the guy that I'm dating now for around a year and a quarter, he knows this about me, hence his mildly bad reaction when I brought up the don't speak until spoken to thing. Now with the background of the background explained, the true background is that I felt I was being needy and clingy and he was talking to friends and playing video games, so I sent him a picture, showing that I was comfortable (I had been really cold) and then said “Take a thing (being the picture) and now I shall leave you alone until you want me” because thats what I got used to, if I sent more than 2 messages and didnt get a response, I was to shut up and find something to do until I recieved a response.So tl;dr is, clingy people will do anything to get love, they will do anything to hear their partner say that they are loved or even just get some sort of recognition of their existance, and people will react differently, I react by feeling like I'm being annoying, some react angrily, and some don't even really react at all.

How can I stop being needy, clingy and obsessive?

Being needy is never an attribute women want for themselves. Often times this trait can be a turn off for men, and ultimately cause people to pull away emotionally.Since this is true, why do so many women struggle with being needy? Often times neediness occurs when we want our relationship to match an expectation, so we do what we can to increase the attention and time together.But sometimes your goals of doing this do not match the person you are dating. And then you are suddenly on completely different pages, not vibing.I'm here to tell you that this trait is something you do have control over and can manage appropriately.Here are some tips on how to decrease neediness:1. Step back and give space2. Be mature3. Have your own life4. Analyze the relationship5. Identify and work on your own anxietyPractice these tips regularly and keep them in the front of your awareness. This will help make the relationship and yourself much healthier and give you two a better chance to actually be successful.I made a video that goes more in depth on how you can stop being needy. Feel free to take a look when you get a chance. :)

When depressed, why do I get so needy and clingy to my therapist?

Because you’re depressed, they’re a ‘safe’ support network, you may be treating them as a surrogate caregiver…all of this is normal. You wouldn’t need to be there if you didn’t have stuff like this cropping up.If your therapist is worth their salt, they’ll be well aware of the dynamic that has arisen. They will approach it with compassion, but they won’t enable your dependency. Instead they’ll gently probe how you feel right now and what you could do to tend to those feelings, or accept them in a constructive and mindful (rather than destructive and reactive) manner.Jake’s advice is good.

How to break up with a overly sensitive, clingy boyfriend.?

I'm dating a guy from South Carolina, and I'm in New York.
So obviously, I can't do it in person. No I don't have a webcam.
I've tried to break up with him, but it's always crying and bringing
up promises and stuff. But I'm not happy, wouldn't he want what's
best for me? Plus, if you love something or someone in this case
let it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours forever. But I tried a
couple nights ago, and I'm NOT going to have someone do it for me,
nor am I going to text him. The best way I can do it is phone. He saved
my life, and I feel I owe him my life. But should I really go through my
life being unhappy? I'm fourteen years old, I'm too young to be in this
kind of relationship. He talks about marriage and kids, and future.
It's almost like he is trapping me in this relationship, I feel terrible.
I don't want to be in a relationship like this, but I hate to hear him cry.
I have broken up with him, but we never stopped talking because he
told me he would never find someone else or date anyone else but me.
I'm not ready for this, and I don't know what to do. I feel horrid, I can't
make myself love him. It feels wrong and I'm putting down other guys.
I also think I'm too young to be in a serious relationship. Please help me,
I really need it. :'(