Why Am I So Frustrated Depressed And Angry For No Apparent Reason

I feel angry and depressed for no reason.?

Totally normal to feel depressed and angry with clinical depression. Doesn't need a reason, your body just doesn't produce enough of certain chemicals. Not your fault. Do you exercise? Also might try Meds. Super helpful.

Why am I so frustrated and angry lately?

Hey hun, I know exactly what you mean and I suffer from the same thing. I'm 17 almost 18. I hate when people move around or touch me or breathe loudly like you said and it makes me feel like going crazy and yes, punching a wall sounds good at those points. Is there something that's bothering you? Maybe you are just a little irritable, I guess some people have a low tolerance for things that are annoying to them. Do you think you could be depressed? It depends if you are having any other symptoms or if you just feel very moody, this can be normal but it can also be abnormal. How long have you been feeling like this? Do you have a school counselor or a teacher or adult you could talk to and just let out your feelings?
If you want to talk with me, feel free to send me an email. Good luck hun.

Pisces how do you act when your happy, mad, frustrated, or depressed?

If you want you can add other feelings in there to. How about sexually happy & sexually frusterated

When im happy 75% of the time im quiet & just chill!Most people think something wrong when im quiet but actually with me im extremely happy

When im mad i can also be quiet but im not going to be smiling. I am going to look angry. Some times i may chat with someone to get my anger out but usually i dont. I let it bottle up inside me & then explode when the wrong person pushes my buttons.

When im frusterated thats the time i like to smoke pot to calm down & be come unfrusterated.

When im depressed i usually chill on the pc, eat, read, talk to friends on the phone, talk in general to try to get out of my depression state & go swimming. Most times when im depressed im in a dazed out world. I dont want to let know one in cause i dont want to get hurt no more then i am or more depressed then i actually am.

I would rather be sexually satisfied then sexually frusterated. I am content when sexually satisified & when im sexually frusterated its not a good thing. For us pisces sex & bonding is very important!

Also if i get arguementative thats when i like to talk allot to to state my point out.

Why do I suddenly get angry/irritated/annoyed for no reason?

wow! I was just googling about what was wrong with me and thats y i clicked on your question. i have been having the same problem. ever since i started junior high 4 years ago, my positive attitude on life has begun to fade away. seeing as how im 16 with a weight of 205 lbs., I never really cared about my appearence until people started to treat me differently. like I wasn't even human. I began to become emetionally depressed. I even stooped so low as to start calling myself fat, so i wouldn't feel hurt when others said it. that was 6 months ago. these past couple of days, i've felt like taking my belt and hanging myself. but the three things that kept me going, even in my darkest hours, was this: 1. Things can always be worse. If life's treating you rough, just thing about all the joys in life. What good stuff do YOU have that nobody else does? 2. What would my family do without me? If I'm thinking suicidal thoughts, I just imagine how dramatic it would be for my mom waking up in the morning to find her only son, dead, hanging from the cieling. 3. Life has more to offer. Just think of all the fun and exciting things that the future holds. Seeing awesome movies, growing up, driving, being married! Life is full of adventures, why end it short?