Why Am I So Sad/depressed

Why am i so depressed for no reason?

You don't need a reason to be depressed. It could be caused by a physical problem or a chemical inbalance in the brain.

First talk to your parents, school counselor or trusted adult about this.
I know doing anything now is very hard, but make the effort to get other people to help you. Then fight with them to get yourself better.

Next you need to get a physical exam with good blood work. My sister experienced what you described when her Thyroid decided to stop working.

Then, you need to be tested for depression. This is usually a series of questions that your doctor asks (which you can also find online). Your doctor will probably want to wait for the physical exam results first.

No. 2
If you are depressed and/or stressed. The doctor may refer you to someone who can teach you 'stress reduction' methods. He may also improve your diet and exercise. He may prescibe pills only if your depression is strong enough to warrent it.

There is mild, medium and major depression. There is situational (temporary) and chronic depression. For most people the depression is mild/medium and situational/temporary. Mild or medium would fit what you describe. With major you are pretty much incapacitated.

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I started out with major depression. I got 'stress reduction' methods, talking with psychiatrist and pills. Once that stuff had improved me enough, we worked on improving my diet and getting me to exercise; and fineally getting off the pills (hooray).

Now, if I eat reasonably well and keep up with my exercise I function normally (and happily) without pills, etc. However, major stressors, like a death, will put be back to where I need pills again. Warning: Work with the doctors to go on and to go off the pills. (I stopped the pills once by myself and acquired an imaginary cat. Easy to take care of cat, but unhealthy me).

Depression is in many members of my family, so we are probably prone to the chemical imbalance thing.

Good luck.

Why do i feel so depressed after drinking?

This is your mind going "DRINKING IS NOT FOR YOU", but you are ignoring it. And so is everyone you know and likely everyone you will ever meet as well, and I certainly didn't. Listen to your mind. We think we are all that and we are always showing off to each other on the eternal competition that will never end how much fun and how brilliant we can be, but almost nobody ever listens to their minds. Your mind is not a party pooper by the way, your mind is your friend, but you are ignoring it. It says "drinking is not good for us". And it is saying that for a very good reason - you have other things in your subconscious that you want to do that you are more interested in than drinking. You ignore what your subconscious wants, you ignore your mind, an ignored mind = a tired/emotionally wrecked mind. The peer pressure of drinking, the fear is you quit drinking/you lose your friends, and that may very well happen, but the ones you lose, you'll be happy to lose. Your mind doesn't want to do this anymore - it wants to get started on other things IT REALLY WANTS because those things are what YOU REALLY WANT. The more you ignore, the harder it is to remember, the harder it is to see clearly. But you are never out of time, the longer you ignore the harder it is but it is never ever impossible. Get whatever help you need if you think you need help but you can do all this by yourself, you didn't always drink, you just got older in a society where drinking = acceptance, but it is not what you want. I like drinking too, but I like not drinking more. I'm actually getting started on things I want to do in my life and getting there. I am no one special, I just realized one day that I was doing all the things my mind was saying "you don't want to do that Dave". So I stopped, and as Scott says - it does get easier. This is just the psychology of why. Your brain is a part of you, in charge of every mental function you have, and it wants to be listened to.

I'm so hot n sexy, so why am i so depressed?

When people look at me they see a sexy face and a hot body and think that i have it all. It seems that i have no reason to be depressed since i'm so hot n sexy but i am and i don't know why. Could my sexy brain be chemically imbalanced? What should i do?

Why am I so depressed after graduating College?

I can relate to this feeling myself, so i do understand what you are feeling. It took me 6 years to get the qualifications and degree that i wanted, then as soon as i had completed it all, instead of feeling relief and joy, i felt quite sad that the journey of doing it had finally come to an end. Maybe its because all the while we are studying, we are aiming for our goal etc., then once it has finished, that journey has come to an end. Have time out to adjust before you feel like you MUST be doing something straight away, then once you have adjusted to the change, then think about what you want to do next,, have a break and try and enjoy the rest for a short while, good luck for the future..

In Winnie the Pooh, why is Eeyore so depressed?

Well. I believe I can help you. I am a Contemporary Literature major with an emphasis on Poohism and Winnienology (study of The Winnie the Pooh Children's book series). You see, when eeyore was a very young donkey he was teased and treated badly by all of his friends and family, and they cut off his tale and ate it. In order to fix his tail loss, he pinned a piece of fabric on his buttocks and tied a pink ribbon on the end to remind him self that things would get better. He became more and more depressed and soon someone unknown sent a fire on his nice 1 story brick house. He did not have sufficient funds to rebuild so he had to build his house out of sticks. All of his friends left him because he smelled bad. All of these things and more led to his serious depression.

Hope I helped. Its my job.