Why Am I So Selfish And Narcissistic

Why are narcissists violent and selfish?

Why are Narcissists violent and selfish?Let’s start over. You are working from a faulty premise. Narcissists are very self involved and can be devaluing and unpleasant, but very few are violent.When I first started my practice, I did not realize how vulnerable my Narcissistic clients could be and how sensitive they were to what others might consider minor slights. As a result, I managed to annoy quite a few of them who ran from my office cursing me. One even stopped their check. But none of them ever physically threatened me.This does not mean that there are no violent people with Narcissistic disorders, just that violence is not as common a Narcissistic trait as you seem to believe.Selfish, yes! Violent, not usually.Back to your question: The selfishness of people with NPD is probably related to their famously low ability to empathize with other people. This, coupled with their continual striving to prove that they are special and better than other people—their emphasis on winning in order to prove their superiority—probably accounts for most of their self-centered behaviors.Narcissists can also be generous when it suits them. Think of all the money that wealthy Narcissists donate to hospitals in order to get a wing named after them.Punchline: Almost all Narcissists devalue other people, but relatively few hit them.A2AElinor Greenberg, PhD, CGPIn private practice in NYC and the author of the book: Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations: The Pursuit of Love, Admiration, and

I'm a selfish ,mean,lazy,narcissistic person?

there are so many wonderful and good things you can do for the world. your so young as a teenager. you can change your life for the better most likely. you have good grades so that means you can eventually get a job. but life is more then just self sufficiency. just surround yourself around love and positivity. be around people who will make you a better person. go to church and/or watch the tv preachers so be a christian is something you could do and/or you could try going to a therapist to talk these issues out. so ask your parents for a mental health appointment to get it on a once a week basis for how ever long that you need to continue on with it. you don't have to do that. there are self help books to read in the library or you can buy at a book store. you can help those that have worse life then you. when you get enough money like a job you can give 10% to charity tithing to the church like the bible says. you can take care of yourself and live a good life to be an EXAMPLE for others. right now you might not feel like it but you can become something better. i don't know you but so far from what you say you didn't say anything that was an impossible situation. you can learn to and be nice. you can be whatever you want. so if you want good then that is what you will be. i think your mentally ill and might be depressed and need medicine for that. i am not sure so those are other options to try is see a psychiatrist as well i am not sure if you need it though. the therapy might be a safer option to try first and then go on to medicine if it is not strong enough help yet. your relationship with your family might be able to be repaired. you didn't state the extent of the damages so far. you only stated your feelings. so even if your family doesn't like you or refuses to talk to you i don't know the situation but assuming the worst you can still find new people in life to be with. there is always yourself temporarily. just keep busy with healthy activities so learn new things about how to do right in life or more examples of stories of such like reading or do some diary writing maybe. now the thing with diary is if someone reads it like if your room has no lock or you have no key to your diary if you feel that your privacy will be invaded it is not the best option. i think you understand yourself or most people so maybe the diary idea is not the best. if you don't want to you don't have to.

Are you tired of fickle, narcissistic and selfish people?

I feel the same way - these people are very draining and give back very little. What can I say? Try to minimize the effects people like these have in your life. If these are your friends, I won't say get rid of them, but have less to do with them and try making new friends.

You wrote "If I knew then what I know now I would not have put as much faith into people." I gather from this that friends have betrayed you - this also has happened to me and it does hurt a great deal and feels like the trust you had between each other is gone (at least on your/my side). Well, all I can say is that you have to accept friends/people the way they are because you cannot change them. The only thing you can do is change how you interact with them or even if you will interact with them at all.

Perhaps take a break from these people - a temporary rather than a permanent break and just this rest may make you feel better. Also, do make an effort to find new and better friends.

Good luck!

What can I say to my unreliable,selfish, narcissistic father?

am 18 and my sister is 13. Our father left us and our mother as she was dealing with cancer 5 years ago.
We see him once every two months (his choice) and all he does is complain about his job, finances and pretends he lives with our grandmother.
He promised to take us on a 2 day trip this week then abruptly cancelled. His excuse via text read " I need a mental break from my job, need time alone so I am going camping . Love, Dad".
The truth is he took his mistress on vacation for her birthday. SO he dumped us for her.
I wrote him and explained how we missed him reminding him how unfair he was. Also explained how we knew he was really with his gf. He later wrote, "I am sorry you feel that way, get over it!"
I need a ride to college, 8 hours away, he said he has a gig with his new band. What kind of a man emotionally leaves his children? We are both smart girls, respectful and very responsible.
I do not want to break ties with him but he makes me so upset, I feel like I cannot ever count on him.

Are libra women generally narcissistic and secretly very selfish.?

I know for a fact they are not all that way. My mother has 5 personal planets in Libra and she's the gross opposite of a narcissist...she is the world's biggest doormat. Yes, she is very selfish in many ways, but it's for the "us" factor of a relationship, not for the "me alone" factor. I think people with heavy Libra placements really have to struggle with finding that balance between independent and co-dependent, and they do tend to swing strongly one way or the other at any given time. I imagine that this person you are describing in in the throes of having her scales rebalanced because of a relationship failure, and is swinging strongly toward the "independent" side right now. It may make her seem narcissistic and selfish, but it's really a survival instinct. If you give her time, she may very well find her balance again.