Why Am I So Thersty Lately

Why am I so thirsty lately?

It can be a indication of diabetes, but there are also other symptoms to that and if you don't have the other symptoms or have a family history of diabetes it's unlikely it's that.

I am having the same problem BUT we are having a heat wave, and that explains it.

Is there any change in your weather?

Are you taking any new pills? because it could be a side effect.

They're many things that can rule this out - but only a doctor could give you a true diagnoses and treatment.

Best of luck!

I'm so thirsty lately. Why?

I am 13 years old and I have been so thirsty lately I am drinking a 16.9 fl oz bottle of water every 2 hours, when i usually drink 2 a day. I'll wake up in the middle of the night with severe cotton mouth, and have to chug down a bottle of water before i can go back to sleep, and when I wake up I have to do the same. The other night I woke up and I had wet the bed, and I haven't done that since I was 4ish. I don't know whats wrong with me. Can someone help me figure out the cause? I'm just so thirsty all the time. My appetite has been very small too, last night we went to sonic and I usually get a sonic burger combo with a cherry limeade, and all I could eat was half the burger and 8 fries, but due to my thirst I finished off my cherry limeade before I could start eating. I really want to know why this is happening so if you could help me, that'd be great. :)

Oh, and my pee is a normal color. Not showing any signs of dehydration.

Why am i so thirsty for water at night?

Lately at night i have been really thirsty, i always get water (because anything else looks/taste really bad at night) , but i can drink like 3 bottels of water in one night, this has been going on for about 2 weeks, i don't know why i drink so much water at night, but in the day time i usually drink ice tea, and never water. Why am i so thirsty for water(at night)? I know water is good for you, but it makes me have to get up to go pee every night, and is getting on my nerves

Why am I never thirsty?

Have you changed your diet recently?If it was a drastic change then that might have been the reason.My mom changed her diet from eating whatever she wanted to an ultra strict diet. (lost like 18kg in 2 months)After her diet she kinda lost her sensation of thirst.During her ultra diet she did drink an awful lot of fluids (her diet was basically that, survive on fuilds full month. Yeah, I know it's fucked up and bad and you shudnt do that…).That might have been the reason.But if you haven't done any of that, then just try and drink juice or go and buy yourself icepops or stuff like that so you'll get enuf fluids.

Why am I always so thirsty?

The sugar in cordial (or any sugary drink) will just make your thirstier. Try drinking plain water! Blacking out is not normal and can be a sign of swings in blood sugar. You really need to get checked out at the doctors if this continues, because you are showing signs of diabetes. You're young enough that it could still be type 1. Type 2 is really uncommon at your age, especially if you're not overweight.

Why does one feel more thirsty after eating oily food?

There are way too many different kinds of oils in food and not all oily foods make us thirsty after their consumption; example fish and some nuts are high in fatty acids/oils but they dont make us thirsty.. but its the salt or seasoning in them that does the job. As far as your question is, i believe it pertains to foods like french fries, biryani, fried chicken, chinese food esp noodles , meat etc etc and in that case the answer is:oily foods are hard to be digested as they require more activity by the digestive system to break all the oily complex/heavy oil molecules into simpler ones for absorption by the intestines. This is in addition to the digestion job it has to do for the real food (which was fried) . So the body adapts and derives more bile and other chemicals from liver, acids in stomach, more insulin and other hormones etc. causing pH imbalances in the digestive system which, triggers a need for dilution and pH balancing, which is helped by water… so the body instinctively triggers thirst. The pH imbalances would then be conferred onto blood eventually and since maintaining blood pH levels is an extremely important life process, the body demands more water to ease the filteration process done by the kidney. So more water needed, more thirst!Id also like to conclude by saying that fried food consumption is often driven by the craving for taste and hence most fried food have extra salt and seasonings in them to bump up the taste quotient. Frying helps the flavors to blend in well and bind to the food being fried. These additions wreck further havoc causing immedite and amplified thirst.

I've been really thirsty lately, reasons for that?

okay, well maybe a month ago i was extremely tired, so thirsty, moody, peeing alot, many of those are signs of diabetes but i never really looked into it until i fainted. the day i fainted (i hadn't been out in the sun and i ate and drank alot that day) i went to the hospital and got bloodwork done, doc said everything was fine. but ever since i've been so thirsty, like i can't quench my thirst. any ideas why this is?
i'm very fit, and not out of shape if that makes a different.

Why am I always thirsty?

Lately I've always been really thirsty. I can barely get through an hour of class without getting a drink. I know that thirst is a sign of dehydration, but all of my pee is clear, so I know I'm not dehydrated. I'm not on any medicine, and I haven't really been eating salty foods lately. I've been researching this, and found out that extreme thirst is a sign of diabetes. I do have a history of diabetes in my family, but I don't really feel like that is what I have. Are there any more things that my thirst could be a symptom of? Or am I just blowing this out of proportion?

Why am I so thirsty when I wake up? Even after a quick nap?

It is because you are become dehydrated when you sleep. It is natural.Do not assume your diabetic or you have high blood pressure or what ever. If you believe that this is not normal, go see a doctor. It is your best bet.Don’t go on webMD or any other website for information on this.Trust me.I’ve talked to friends who are doctors or are in school or residency or what ever and their opinions on webMD and they just said that although it may be relevant information since you don’t understand when each symptom or whatever is with each condition, let alone the conditions themselves you don’t even know you might have. Do yourself a favor and go to a doctor, they are doctors for a reason.ANYWAYS here is why you become dehydrated when you sleep.Any time you sleep, your body is still working. Each time you sleep, your body is still burning energy and the by product of that process of burning energy is a toxin which needs to be flushed out of your body. Water helps your body able to flush these toxins out. Your body will use up the surplus of water in your system so that your body doesn’t have these toxins in your body! That is why you become dehydrated when you wake up from a good night sleep.Here are some suggestions to fixing this issue:Drink a glass of water right before you sleep. It will help you feel less dehydrated.Make sure you drink at least 3.7 liters each day according to NAM.Try avoiding eating food with high sodium. Its like when people are drinking sea water because they are dehydrated, they become more dehydrated because of the sodium in the water. Sodium dehydrates you so in the case that you do have sodium intake, make sure to drink more water.I hope you found this answer helpful!

Why does my tongue feel dry and thirsty even after I drink a lot of water?

You might have too much sodium in your body. I've also seen that high blood sugar levels will attribute to dry mouth. Consider setting a water goal for yourself, but also creating a meal plan for atleast one meal a day. This can gradually help if you have possible high sodium and high blood sugar levels. Make sure to have a serving or two of dark greens a day. These are full of beneficial minerals that extend to all parts of the body. Coconut oil, coldpressed/non-GMO, would also help with insulin/ energy levels. Hope this helps!